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  1. Oct 31, 2020
    Truly unbelievable and peculiar album with an incredible love story running through it. Thank you, Mr. Styles.
  2. Oct 30, 2020
    lyrically is great and has interesting elements that makes the album really special
  3. Oct 30, 2020
    Se puede ver claramente como Styles maduro en su segundo album mejorando sus letras y sonidos para crear un album realmente admirable
  4. Oct 30, 2020
    Wonderful album with fantastic songs such as She and Sunflower Vol. 6. Tells a great story of a failed relationship and has no weak links (with the exception of Canyon Moon).
  5. Oct 30, 2020
    Totally did not get the hype this album is recieving. Only liked half of the song on the album. Maybe he should've spent more time on this album cause it's not clear to me what he wanted to even convey.
  6. Oct 30, 2020
    I hate that the top track is TPWK because that's honestly the only one song that i didn't like, i truly tried to make it grow on me but it didn't but honestly i feel like this one the only bad bone in this album, the rest of it was pretty great and it's totally a grower. He truly deserves the recognition he's getting.
  7. Oct 18, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Fine line é uma obra de arte e um dos melhores álbuns que já ouvi, eu o amo em cada detalhe Expand
  8. Oct 14, 2020
    I can't overstate how much I love this album!

    It's original, yet is somehow nostalgic to 80s music. Lyrically it's honest and heartbreaking. The entire album tells a cohesive story and the songs fit together, yet they're not repetitive. There's pop, rock, folk, a show tune AND a piano ballad. The production is makes me want to dance every time and the vocals are just perfection. On first
    I can't overstate how much I love this album!

    It's original, yet is somehow nostalgic to 80s music. Lyrically it's honest and heartbreaking. The entire album tells a cohesive story and the songs fit together, yet they're not repetitive. There's pop, rock, folk, a show tune AND a piano ballad. The production is makes me want to dance every time and the vocals are just perfection. On first listen I only liked 4-5 tracks but as I went back, I kept finding new favourites- and I think that's what makes a great album. You keep discovering new things on each listen hence you aren't bored. Honestly I think people will be listening to this one for years. I can't even pick a favourite song- I like Adore You, Lights Up, Cherry, Falling, Sunflower Vol 6 and Fine Line equally!
  9. Oct 10, 2020
    this album is a work of art. i love it so much! my favourite album at the moment.
  10. Oct 5, 2020
    a full length album full of emotions, one of the best albums of the year, the delicacy to create songs like Fine Line, Falling or Lights Up is incredible, Harry is one of the greatest male exponents today.
    final grade: 9.2
  11. Oct 3, 2020
    Harry's vocals are truly outstanding and emotional, a strong point for this album. There seemed to be a clear concept as well. However, like many albums this year, many of the songs sounded incredibly similar to each other, the lyrics were also extremely similar from song to song, and the subject matter was really lacking. The production on some tracks was unique and they tried new thingsHarry's vocals are truly outstanding and emotional, a strong point for this album. There seemed to be a clear concept as well. However, like many albums this year, many of the songs sounded incredibly similar to each other, the lyrics were also extremely similar from song to song, and the subject matter was really lacking. The production on some tracks was unique and they tried new things but ultimately it was pretty messy. But production on other tracks like Cherry was smooth and pretty. This is another album that fell in the retro-alt category, but it failed to really stand out in any way. Expand
  12. Sep 30, 2020
    Un album con total calidad y perfección!!! Lo amé y espero otros ya!! Congratulaciones a Harry
  13. Sep 30, 2020
    Found myself singing along to Harry Styles’ “Watermelon Sugar” on the radio so I decided to check it out! It was a surprise! Loved the album and I really hope he gets some Grammy nominations next year!
  14. Sep 27, 2020
    I was definitely not expecting to like this album so much, one of my favorite of this year. Harry Styles really rebranded and found himself as an incredible and original artist.
  15. Sep 25, 2020
    This album is indeed something special, you may like it, you may not, you may love it, you may hate it.
    But as far as I'm concerned, this is one of the best albums I've ever listened to.
  16. Sep 24, 2020
    Não existe a possibilidade de não encontrar pelo menos 1 música que se goste. Qualidade vocal e sonora impecáveis. Letras divertidas e estimulantes, um álbum gostoso de apreciar. Harry apresentou muitos de seus talentos nas variações sonoras deste álbum. Desde "Falling" à "Watermelon Sugar", completamente perfeito.
  17. Sep 21, 2020
    Harry Styles is definitely growing as a musician in an absolute great way. He is defining his own identity and a generation of teens and young adults through his lyrics and music. An amazing album with perfect melodies almost as pretty as Joni Mitchell's in Blue. Congratulations Mr. Styles.
  18. Sep 20, 2020
    Fine Line By Harry Styles is one of the best albums that have been released recently and it only gets better with each listen. It tells a story of love, rejection, and self-discovery. Never thought I would enjoy so much, but here we are.
  19. Sep 11, 2020
    If Styles’ debut album wasn’t enough to bring him out from the enormous shadow of One Direction this album certainly did. His music is refined, and shows who he is an artist. Leaving the biggest boyband i’m the world and making a name for yourself as a solo artist can’t be easy. But with a dedicated fan base, Mr. Harry Styles did just that. I love this album and I love this man.
  20. Sep 8, 2020
    this man is EXTREMELY overrated. he is the definition of white mediocrity. all of the songs on this album sound like something i’ve already heard before. the majority of the people that listen to his music are his fans who mostly listen to mainstream pop so for them, this album seems revolutionary. but for me, who listens to music from almost every genre, this album is nothing special.
  21. Sep 6, 2020
    eu sou completamente apaixonada por esse álbum. lembro que quanto terminei de escutar pela primeira vez,eu quis chorar porque é surrealmente bom. harry é a prova viva de que música mainstream não precisa ter composição fraca e produção genérica. merece demais AOTY por tudo que esse álbum representa,pelo tanto que ele trabalhou. serviu demais lenda te amo
  22. Sep 3, 2020
    It's a good album, but only good! It has great music, Harry delivered a cohesive album, but it's more of the same.
  23. Sep 2, 2020
    U menine mandou bem aqui... comparando com o debut eu consegui me amarrar muito mais com as musicas. Mesmo tendo tracks completamente desconexas (na minha cabeça são) eu consigo reconhecer as tracks bem escolhidas (e feitas). Fine Line, a música, segue com o titulo de maior da carreira
  24. Aug 31, 2020
    I love this album more than my live. She is a best song EVER!! Harry is perfect to everything he do. Everybody need to listen this album.
    Golden is like a heaven. Sounds be like angel in the heaven and Fine Line makes me cry in the cool way.
  25. Aug 29, 2020
    Literally album of the year ♡ i'm so in love with this masterpiece, mi fav tracks are golden, she and fine line
  26. Aug 29, 2020
    The lyrics are so deep and beautiful, it makes you feel the song in your heart as if you were living it.
  27. Aug 29, 2020
    As a Zayn fan I’m coming here to give this 10 despite harries giving zayns albums 0 spite of hate without knowing how this can affect them. Well done harry i love the album and golden better be made a single
  28. Aug 29, 2020
    This is what happens when Harries give low rating to smile album this is what u get
  29. Aug 28, 2020
    Es un buen álbum, pero siento que no innova mucho en las canciones, letra y melodías. Como fan de él desde One Direction me hubiera gustado ver una evolución mas profunda sobre todo en el ritmo de las canciones ya que a mi parecer muchas tienen un sonido muy básico.
  30. Aug 28, 2020
    This is the álbum that I'm listening everyday and I loved it so much. Fine Line is perfection.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 17, 2019
    Free of the shackles that hobbled his debut, Styles manages to show more of his personality here, especially on the Vampire Weekend-style Sunflower, Vol. 6. It's just a shame he can't quite keep up with his ambition. [Feb 2020, p.110]
  2. Dec 17, 2019
    Fine Line is entirely inoffensive, but it’s also open-ended, and maybe those questions are the reward. Maybe Harry Styles just wants to keep us guessing.
  3. Dec 17, 2019
    Fine Line proves that the musician has absorbed the best lesson passed down by California’s great musicians: Don’t be afraid to take chances within a folk- or pop-rock framework, as that’s how you create iconoclastic music that endures.