• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Oct 20, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Oct 20, 2017
    Its lack of artistic ambition or character of its own is easy to mock, but Horan may well have the last laugh.
  2. 60
    Lyrically, Horan pushes no envelopes, sticking to earnest love plaints and poignant reminiscences for the most part, and even offering to listen to his girl’s problems in “Fire Away”.
  3. Oct 20, 2017
    It is hard to get overheated about something so determinedly tepid. And yet, dropped amid the frenzy of pop radio, Horan’s songs are immediately distinctive.
  4. 60
    At its best, his songwriting is appealingly simple and straightforward: the title track offers an evocative portrait of a relationship that’s breaking down. But at times, Horan’s lyrics let him down a little.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 422 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 58 out of 422
  1. Oct 21, 2017
    I was pleasantly surprised by this hidden gem of an album. Niall was the 1D guy who flew under the radar, but now he soars on his ownI was pleasantly surprised by this hidden gem of an album. Niall was the 1D guy who flew under the radar, but now he soars on his own beautifully crafted melodies and thoughtful, unique lyrics that are rich with imagery and mature beyond his years. A handful of these tunes pay admirable homage to classics of 70s and 80s rock, especially the darker, more mysterious "On the Loose," the infectious and Fleetwood Mac-esque "Since We're Alone," and the absolutely showstopping "Mirrors." These rockier tunes are complimented by a selection of easy-listening, soothing yet full and charismatic melodies. Highlights are the heartbreakingly relatable "Too Much to Ask," the sweet "Fire Away" which gives off an undeniable Cat Stevens vibe, and of course the title track "Flicker," a strings-laden story of holding onto a love that's slowly burning out right before your eyes.

    For reasons unknown, there's a regular version of the album that omits three of the absolute best songs, which are only featured on the Deluxe version. To enjoy this album to its fullest, consider "Flicker (Deluxe)" the only option for you. In addition to the aforementioned "Mirrors," the celebratory Irish-drinking tune "On My Own" is this album's 11 o'clock number and showcases Niall's truly fantastic vocal ability, and "The Tide" is another folk-rocky track that you'll want to blast over and over again, belting out every word.

    Not a One Direction fan? Well, here's a news flash: Niall Horan ain't One Direction. He's an artist all his own with a one-of-a-kind voice and stories to tell through his music that are undoubtedly going to span generations of dedicated listeners. 10/10 for "Flicker (Deluxe)." Go get it, slide into the CD player in your car, roll down the windows, crank the volume, and rock out to a heck of a debut.
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  2. Oct 20, 2017
    This is an album that is tight and cohesive, and one that you can actually listen to as a complete entity. It's something that you can loseThis is an album that is tight and cohesive, and one that you can actually listen to as a complete entity. It's something that you can lose yourself in, as it flows with smooth instrumentation and vocals. It's also the kind of album that you like well enough on the first listen, and then it grows on you more and more with each go round.

    I think that it's a solid debut album. I think that he's really just getting started, but he has a sound that is really well defined already. And I genuinely *like* this album. It's relaxing and chilled out, and the type of music you put on when you want to get away from it all. So good on him. It would be even better if it was a live album, funnily enough. Maybe that's next.
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  3. Oct 20, 2017
    The most consistent post One Direction album released to date, showing Niall's potential as a solo artist. Slow Hands is a certified bop, andThe most consistent post One Direction album released to date, showing Niall's potential as a solo artist. Slow Hands is a certified bop, and there are at least three or four more songs on the album which could easily be big radio singles, including Seeing Blind - a country crossover duet with Maren Morris. There are also some beautifully delicate, personal songs, which feel refreshingly honest in their emotional depth. Stellar production backs up a great voice very well suited to this style of pop rock/folk music. An album with very broad appeal. Full Review »