
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. A lot of these songs will have people bouncing off club walls with the rhythmic shifts and frenzied beats that merge electro with crunk and house. But this adds up to nothing more than party music with a bit of attitude and sex-obsessed defiance.
  2. Overlong and oversexed, Futuristically Speaking... stumbles where you will it to stride; something surprisingly staid and mediocre from extraordinary circumstances.
  3. This final tension--between the desire to exceed perceived aesthetic limits and the reality of the artists’ own limitations--is one that is present throughout Futuristically Speaking. Jwl B and Shunda K are, as of now, stronger conceptually than they are in execution.
  4. Q Magazine
    Arctic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand's label is an unlikely home for these militant lesbian rappers who screech sex-filled rhymes over tough, minimal beats, although thheir punky energy should appeal to Messrs Turner and Kapranos. [Oct 2008, p.152]
  5. The music supplied by producers Hardfeelings UK, Basement Jaxx, and others is serviceable at worst and at times pretty great, but much of the subject matter that gets lost among flailing arms and flapping breasts during live shows is exposed as boring, cliché, and/or lame over the course of the album's 55 minutes.
  6. They are, on this startling debut, X-rated, terrifying and funny, not least on brutal opener 'Fucked Up,' which has the girls slashing tyres and asking to be hit in the face--all in the name of a skewed love affair.
  7. You can add this record to the pile of fun, entertaining albums that is sure to get people moving at any party, although it offers little else.
  8. Uncut
    So while it's hard to quote a single memorable line, Yo Majesty's attitude is infectious. [Oct 2008, p.94]
  9. Under The Radar
    Clever lyrical barbs aside, far too much of the album is the kind of sexed up party fare that grows tiresome on repeated listens. [Fall 2008, p.88]
  10. 60
    Despite the fact that the album is largely a deconstruction of masculinity vs. feminity, Yo Majesty isn’t afraid to tone the sex down to hop on the progressive tip. 'Never Be Afraid' displays the cosmic gospel of Jwl B. However, this retreat into tamer territory isn’t indicative of weakness; chalk it up to what is actually a significantly well-rounded and versitile rap duo.

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