• Record Label: Vagrant
  • Release Date: Feb 28, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 29
  2. Negative: 1 out of 29
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  1. Apr 16, 2012
    Fun, if a little two-dimensional.
  2. Apr 4, 2012
    Most of the songs are littered with cosmic debris, but fortunately it's all relegated to the background so as not to interfere with the percolating pace.
  3. Mojo
    Mar 22, 2012
    Ultimately, it's the combined sound of - there's no getting away from the word - ethereal vocals and cavernous, sometimes even martial dance rock that appeals rather than the detail. [Apr 2012, p.86]
  4. Under The Radar
    Mar 21, 2012
    A very pretty album [but] it's difficult not to see it as a mere specter of School of Seven Bells' potential. [Mar 2012, p.86]
  5. Mar 9, 2012
    Ghostory is well on par with the strident ephemera to which followers of this project have become accustomed.
  6. 40
    What used to feel like surfing amid the cumulonimbus suddenly feels like snorkling in soup.
  7. Feb 28, 2012
    Trimming back their signature embellishments leaves an album that strangely is more focused sonically, but somehow aimless in intention.
  8. At its best on the quasi-techno anthem "Low Times", it's claustrophobically compelling, if too formulaic to be truly super-natural.
  9. Feb 27, 2012
    Without the harmonies and counterpoint of sister Claudia to lend interest and texture, Alajandra is left to rely on the instrumental background for support, and frankly there just isn't much going on to help her out.
  10. Uncut
    Feb 22, 2012
    Ghostory is supposedly a concept-album song-portrait, but [the album] feels as evanescent as expensive perfume. [Mar 2012, p.98]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Aug 1, 2012
    New York band School Of Seven Bells (or SVIIB as they are sometimes abbreviated) have always been one of those bands on the outer edges of theNew York band School Of Seven Bells (or SVIIB as they are sometimes abbreviated) have always been one of those bands on the outer edges of the blogosphere, bubbling under, patiently waiting for their moment... READ MORE: http://wearethefilter.blogspot.com.au Full Review »
  2. Apr 26, 2012
    School Of Seven Bells and their latest album "Ghostory" in the category of shoegaze do not leave for competition room to maneuver. Album is aSchool Of Seven Bells and their latest album "Ghostory" in the category of shoegaze do not leave for competition room to maneuver. Album is a combination of indie rock arrangements with electronic inserts and muffled vocals of Alejandra Dehez - which finally gave such great compositions as "The Night", minimalist "Low Times" or "Scavenger" - where the synth parts leads. The rest of the material does fall behind: energetic "White Wind" or stirring "Reappear" are also notable pieces. Full Review »