
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. While his best songs may yet be scattered about the internet or buried in his friends DJ sets, Guilt Trips works better as a cohesive whole than anything which has come before, yet leaves you clamoring for more.
  2. Oct 23, 2013
    Guilt Trips is a soft, serene, and inspired debut.
  3. Oct 23, 2013
    On Guilt Trips, his debut album, Hemsworth collects textures that come off as trendy and limited on their own but, together, sound bright and even.
  4. Oct 23, 2013
    Guilt Trips is as unclassifiable as it is dazzling, a fine debut from an artist who continues to progress.
  5. Oct 25, 2013
    The journey bounds from emotional high to low and back again: ecstasy and agony can both cause tearful eyes and heart palpitations.
  6. Dec 2, 2013
    This is music from a mind with a digitized imagination.
  7. 80
    Hip-hop may rule the locker room, but it’s the sensitive beats that make the girls swoon.
  8. Oct 24, 2013
    The tracks here suggest that along with trap rap, Chicago house, electropop, and the dozen or so styles that get vigorously nodded at over the span of 10 songs, he’s also starting to get a grip on the rules of composing the kind of stuff the Hot 100’s made from.
  9. 75
    Guilt Trips is legit--an EDM record that’s smart, tasteful and fun. Maybe nothing new, but pretty damn good.
  10. Nov 15, 2013
    It's quintessentially him, stuck in the little world he's created. And there are worse places to be than his realm of video games, rap music and pop so sweet it tickles the back of your throat.

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