• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Mar 23, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Head First, enjoyable though much of it is, is disappointingly determined to return the favour.
  2. There are instances when the songwriting isn't that exciting, when the choruses don't ascend quite as stratospherically as they're supposed to, and you're left listening to what is, in essence, an MOR pop album.
  3. This may be the most lovingly detailed synth-pop album since the golden days of Yaz and Kim Carnes. Yet expert execution doesn't always signal a good idea.
  4. Uncut
    From a band as previously as stylishly provocative and adventurous as Goldfrapp, these knowing cliches and lush pastiches suggest a band playing it distinctly safe. [Apr 2010, p.88]
  5. Under The Radar
    The duo takes on Italo disco, going by the numbers to create uncharcateristically mixed results. [Winter 2010, p.63]
  6. Q Magazine
    While Head First more than delivers on its title's promise of instant sensation, like an uncorked bottle of champagne, it inevitably loses its fizz. [Apr 2010, p.110]
  7. It is difficult, even after repeated listenings to find something that breaks out of the formula. The only truly embarrassing moment on the album is the title track.
  8. Goldfrapp make another proficient genre hop, it simply feels like they’re failing to consolidate their last bout of proficiency. They've moved on, changed their sound, and it's just okay... again.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 45
  2. Negative: 2 out of 45
  1. Nov 3, 2010
    An amazing album, I love and have played some of the songs in this album way too much. I usually don't like pop sounding albums but GoldfrappAn amazing album, I love and have played some of the songs in this album way too much. I usually don't like pop sounding albums but Goldfrapp manages to make their sounds so original and well crafted I just can't help but to love them. Full Review »
  2. Tris
    Mar 23, 2010
    This is the first Goldfrapp album I haven't enjoyed at all. Making a tribute to corny 80's pop music results only in more corny This is the first Goldfrapp album I haven't enjoyed at all. Making a tribute to corny 80's pop music results only in more corny 80's music. Full Review »
  3. Dec 18, 2016
    Goldfrapp didn't make a synthpop album because everybody else was doing so, they did it to show them how it's done.
    It may lack the power of
    Goldfrapp didn't make a synthpop album because everybody else was doing so, they did it to show them how it's done.
    It may lack the power of 'Supernature' and the beauty of 'Seventh Tree', but it doesn't lack in fun. It's a slickly produced retro-feeling record. It'll impress the older generation for it's nostalgia, and captivate the younger.
    A fine effort indeed.
    Full Review »