
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Apr 14, 2016
    This collection is as heavy, thoughtful and laborious as anything Mike Eagle has released to date, but luckily he’s reached a place where he can withstand indie Hip Hop’s glass ceiling.
  2. Mar 29, 2016
    Hella is an easy LP to get drawn into and (just like all of his other releases) it's also a joyous adventure to get lost in.
  3. Mar 25, 2016
    Sprawling and searching for truth, Hella Personal Film Festival is another excellent Open Mike Eagle album, and if it doesn't entice those with short attention spans, that's their loss.
  4. Mar 25, 2016
    Props go to Open Mike Eagle for finding the right delivery and attitude suitable for each new endeavor. But stronger accolades go to White for crafting such a challenging and engrossing set of beats in the first place.
  5. Mar 21, 2016
    Open Mike Eagle’s momentum has raised anticipation for his fifth collaborative full-length (and ninth album altogether), Hella Personal Film Festival, this time made with British producer and vocalist Paul White. But he doesn’t quite scale up his political and personal concerns. Instead, he gives us more modest delights.
  6. Mar 21, 2016
    What will keep you coming back to Film Festival is a profound desire to dissect further, to unpack the lyrical and instrumental proficiency to such a degree you feel so in on the joke that Mike and Paul aren’t just collaborators and flawless music makers to you, they’re friends.
  7. Mar 21, 2016
    Even when he covers familiar territory, Eagle rarely repeats himself. He’s constantly finding new ways to say something better, and it’s part of what makes Hella Personal Film Festival feel so necessary.
  8. Mar 21, 2016
    Festival is refreshingly cohesive, exploring varied themes without drifting off-course.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Apr 20, 2016
    Going into this project, I was really excited for what Open Mike would be giving us. I was a big fan of his "A Special Episode of..." EP, andGoing into this project, I was really excited for what Open Mike would be giving us. I was a big fan of his "A Special Episode of..." EP, and I was very interested to see what his next plan was to fit into his discography. Paul White is a frequent collaborator with Danny Brown, and I was also interested to see what he would be giving Mike to spit over. What we got in the end is a very enjoyable project that I think will age very nicely. The whole album has a very consistent style and taste of production that I really loved. The subjects that Mike touches on are very compelling and completely sucks me in as a whole. My favorite songs are A Short About a Guy That Dies Every Night, Insecurity, and Leave People Alone. I thought those stretch of songs was the highlight of the album, and I could loop those three all day long. The three weaker songs in the track listing for me were Dang Is Invincible, Insecurity Part 2, and The Curse of Hypervigilance. I thought this album had the potential to be something great before listening, and after listening to it, I believe it has the potential to be in my year-end list. Full Review »