
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jan 13, 2011
    The execution isn't as good the second time around, but Banks has reestablished his sound, and made clear that he is still a major force to be reckoned with in the Rap game.
  2. Jan 13, 2011
    This is one of those albums to throw on and leave on while you accomplish something: it won't demand too much of your attention, but none of it will bore you.
  3. Jan 3, 2011
    At 13 tracks the album feels right-sized, not overstuffed, and Banks himself is in fine form throughout, delivering stone cold and slow punch lines that are as lethal as ever. When it comes to evolution, there's really none, but even though he's been here before, veteran fans will appreciate his return.
  4. Jan 3, 2011
    His third solo album is uneven and overlong, but, thanks in part to a rappers'-rappers guest list (Pusha T, Raekwon, Eminem, Fabolous) and several dank, hard-hitting beats, it has moments of rhyme-geek bliss.
  5. Jan 3, 2011
    On his third solo effort, the G-Unit rapper is a connoisseur of cars, women, and guns, spinning tight spider webs of syllables that are often so patterned that they obscure individual strands.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Jan 15, 2011
    This album is pretty sick, haven't stopped playing it since i got it. Way better then his last album and the OK 65 metacritic gave it. All theThis album is pretty sick, haven't stopped playing it since i got it. Way better then his last album and the OK 65 metacritic gave it. All the songs on the album are listenable straight through. The 2 FYE bonus tracks are pretty good too but wish the 2 ITunes ones were on the CD but what can you do. Father Time and Sooner or Later are probably the best tracks. Even Tony Yayo stepped up his game on Take'em to War. None of the Guest really out Shine Banks so he managed to have the best verses on all of songs. I Recommend this to anyone who likes Non-Commercial Hip hop artist who don't sell out of the mainstream Full Review »
  2. Dec 1, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. I was so heartbroken when I noticed I wasn't able to move my assets from the company, I was thinking of how to survive the aftermath but luckily it took the intervention of to get me a refund. Full Review »