• Record Label: Downtown
  • Release Date: Oct 16, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Dec 16, 2015
    On a surface level, I Thought The Future Would Be Cooler--the group's first album to be released by Downtown Records--has some exceptionally catchy moments.... Still, I Thought The Future Would Be Cooler leaves the listener wishing for a little less preaching and a little more grooving.
  2. Uncut
    Dec 11, 2015
    Their defining touchstones remain intact. [Jan 2016, p.81]
  3. Dec 2, 2015
    It's a slower burn to catch YACHT's fire. I Thought the Future Would Be Cooler often demands a more careful listen to perceive riches inside those aforementioned innocuous interfaces.
  4. Oct 21, 2015
    Preventing such weighty topics from becoming too exhausting are the upbeat instrumentals with which they've been paired.
  5. Oct 16, 2015
    Future finds YACHT alive in a whole new way, with the group crafting not only some of the best pop of their careers, but of 2015 as a whole.
  6. Oct 16, 2015
    People looking for a bit more substance from a band that once made concept albums and instituted its own Belief System might wonder what the heck is going on, but anyone who loves pop music that moves feet, brings smiles, and snaps like bubblegum, and who is also deathly tired of the mainstream, will think I Thought the Future Would Be Cooler is just about the coolest thing around.
  7. Oct 16, 2015
    YACHT balances its snark with just enough warmth to keep its dystopian dreams engaging.

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