
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. 60
    Jenny 'Rilo Kiley' Lewis, and Jonathan 'Just Recorded Under His Own Name' Rice's brand of folk-indie-pop--jangly guitars, sweetly shared harmonies, echoes of the Deep South--isn't groundbreaking, but probably wasn't supposed to be.
  2. Dec 22, 2010
    With the duo sharing vocals and occasionally bickering like Jack and Vera Duckworth, the pair's sound is comfortable – somewhere between 1980s indie jangle pop, 1960s Byrds-type guitar chiming and modern MOR. But the easy-listening melodies hide lyrical bite and references to everything from mental illness to sex with strangers.
  3. Q Magazine
    Dec 20, 2010
    Barbed but Gregarious. [Dec 2020, p.110]
  4. The mood may be dark, but the record is a model of musical egalitarianism.
  5. As a whole, it's not consistently buoyant enough to be a good pop record, and the politics that weigh down its middle section aren't sharp enough to make it into anything more than a middle section weighed down by some obvious politics.
  6. Its casualness sometimes surfaces in its tossed-off jokes or sing-song melodies, but that only underscores that Jenny & Johnny are having a good time -- and it's a good time that's easy to share even if one of the hosts doesn't quite hold up his own end of the bargain.
  7. Unfortunately, without the kinetic energy that spurns the creative process when dealing with such an implicitly sultry concept, it's like Lewis and Rice are merely coasting on their own strengths, leaving the record to fall short on meeting its full potential. [Summer 2010, p.78]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Oct 25, 2010
    This album is pretty great. Jenny Lewis' and Johnathan's Rice's voices seem to perfectly match each other. This is some of the catchiest newThis album is pretty great. Jenny Lewis' and Johnathan's Rice's voices seem to perfectly match each other. This is some of the catchiest new music out there, and is a wonderful mix of indie-surfer-pop, with a clear, consistent sound and great tunes. Jenny and Johnny make the kind of music that is impossible to get out of your head. Full Review »
  2. Aug 31, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Yo soy amigo personal de la Jenny, y debo reconocer que el disco no me parece bueno. Sin duda la falta de su compañero Tubegán. El sonido de la loba se echa de menos.

    Para mi en vez de un 75, le doy un 0 patatero.
    Full Review »