
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Apr 4, 2016
    Keith Troup, who was slain in 2015 and gets a moving tribute in the mixtape's highlight "King TROUP." The rest of the best comes from the empowering music that reflects the mixtape's title.
  2. The Wire
    Mar 22, 2016
    The fact that Thug's voice can express plaintive, mournful sorrow is perhaps the most surprising aspect of this tape, even among all the astonishing vocal pirouettes and cries. [Apr 2016, p.64]
  3. Feb 18, 2016
    They’re all super accessible and as a whole consistently solid. No track stands out as being considerably worse than another. Alternatively, there aren’t a lot of highs, but that can easily be overlooked due to the strength of the holistic work.
  4. 80
    I'm Up represents Thug's most accessible and immediate work to date.
  5. Feb 12, 2016
    Seasoned fans will be hard-pressed to dismiss I’m Up as a release chock-full of throwaways, but it’s truly a testament to Young Thug’s radical talents as a rapper for keeping an audience thoroughly engaged, even when the studio experiments aren’t always entirely convincing.
  6. Feb 9, 2016
    Although it is still to be determined if Thugger can step it up a couple of notches for an album that will be touted as an official release, I’m Up doesn’t offer up any reason to doubt him.
  7. Feb 9, 2016
    I’m Up is not a major work in Thug’s catalog. It’s brief and feels disconnected at the beginning and end, and for the most part doesn’t exercise his considerable chorus-crafting muscles. But it’s a fascinating creative time capsule, and feels like a welcome detour during a hugely prolific four-year period.
  8. Feb 9, 2016
    The chief complaint with I’m Up is its narrowness. At just nine tracks and 38 minutes (a lot of which is handed over to guests), there’s just not enough of Thug rapping for this to match up to last year’s releases.
  9. Feb 9, 2016
    I’m Up doesn’t muster up the highs of the Slime Season series—the infectiousness of “Best Friend,” the sublime structuring of “Draw Down,” or the woozy euphoria of “Raw”--but Thug manages to compile many of his best attributes into a tightly-wound 38 minutes.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 37
  2. Negative: 3 out of 37
  1. Aug 27, 2019
    While nowhere the same quality as some of Thug's better works, I'm Up is still a solid tape.

    FAVOURITE TRACKS: F Cancer, For My People,
    While nowhere the same quality as some of Thug's better works, I'm Up is still a solid tape.

    FAVOURITE TRACKS: F Cancer, For My People, King TROUP, Hercules, Special

    WORST TRACKS: My Boys, Family

    Full Review »
  2. Feb 14, 2016
    I honestly lil durk being involved in Young thug's music was good and bad at the same time. 100% honest, my least favorite song on this tapeI honestly lil durk being involved in Young thug's music was good and bad at the same time. 100% honest, my least favorite song on this tape was Ridin ft. Lil Durk, the other song with Durk was alright. Thats why i said it was good and bad he was in this tape. Now, Durk is known for his catchy, grimy voice, i forsure like the guy, but Ridin was not at his greatest, really dry lyrics etc.. Although this whole tape was great, production never upsets, different features, and good flows. Full Review »