
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. The Wire
    The comforting familiarity of the Boards' muted beats, synth washes and glowing keyboards is just as potent and valium soaked as it was on their brilliant 1998 debut. [1/2001, p.71]
  2. Here there's a slightly warmer feeling. More central, tweaked vocals add a new dimension to the "hard beats + bittersweet melodies" pattern of the past; songs like the gorgeous, ice-melting "Zoetrope" glide along on simple celestial glimmers without a single bass-line in sight.
  3. In some ways, the 4 song EP is actually some of the most stripped-down work by the group, but it's also quite essential.
  4. In a Beautiful Place Out in the Country runs like updated material from their majestic 1998 offering, Music has the Right to Children. And like that album's namesake, these five elegantly mournful melodies creep and explore like adored but unruly children, full of wide-eyed astonishment and naïveté.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 35
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 35
  3. Negative: 2 out of 35
  1. Oct 16, 2015
    This short EP is definitely one of those unknown pieces of music that's so beautiful it may actually make you feel like your in 'A beautifulThis short EP is definitely one of those unknown pieces of music that's so beautiful it may actually make you feel like your in 'A beautiful Place Out In The Country". There is nothing to really say about this album except that its nothing short of original and superb.
    10/10 Masterpiece
    Full Review »
  2. DanielM
    Oct 24, 2005
    iTunes keeps track of how many times you play a song. Right now, the title track is my most played. By a huge margin. The rest of the EP is iTunes keeps track of how many times you play a song. Right now, the title track is my most played. By a huge margin. The rest of the EP is superb. A good starting point for anyone who's interested in this band. Full Review »
  3. KasperG
    Jun 13, 2005
    For an EP, it is unusual to contain such concentrated bliss... 'Kid For Today' opens with a dia projector-driven beat to evoke For an EP, it is unusual to contain such concentrated bliss... 'Kid For Today' opens with a dia projector-driven beat to evoke frame per frame the childhood memories. 'Amo Bishop Roden' is a lush, eerie piece that evolves organically and sucks the listener in. The wonderful title track is less abstract and sounds more like their other work. 'Zoetrope', the closer, doesn't really fit in the mood set by the other three tracks and seems a bit out of place. On its own, though, it's a stellar trip to anything you can imagine. 'In A Beautiful Place In The Country' is a great starting point to grasp the sound of these fantastic artists. Highly recommended to anyone. Full Review »