• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: May 3, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 18
  2. Negative: 3 out of 18
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  1. 30
    It's an album full of the sort of drippy ballads and droopy soft rock that should induce an involuntary gag reflex in anyone under the age of 45.
  2. May 10, 2011
    For all the juvenilia of the songwriting, the production on In Your Dreams is an oldster's abomination, lacquering dated MOR bombast over intermittently inspired melodies that wilt on impact.
  3. May 2, 2011
    In Your Dreams indulges in some of Nicks's worst tendencies as a songwriter and is slathered in chintzy, dated production values.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. May 9, 2011
    This is what it's all about people! Real music, something that's very rare now. "In Your Dreams" is one album that's in a class by itself.This is what it's all about people! Real music, something that's very rare now. "In Your Dreams" is one album that's in a class by itself. Thank you Stevie, simply a masterpiece! Full Review »
  2. May 7, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Score (10.0) Asi její nejlepší album. Poslouchal jsem ho pÅ Full Review »
  3. May 6, 2011
    It's amazing that 4 decades into an incredible career Stevie Nicks has released her best solo album ever. There are so many amazing songs onIt's amazing that 4 decades into an incredible career Stevie Nicks has released her best solo album ever. There are so many amazing songs on this record that it's difficult to pick a favorite, and there isn't one bad song in the bunch. "Moonlight", "Annabel Lee" and "New Orleans" approach Fleetwood Mac levels of greatness. "Secret Love" is a well-written song from the Rumours days. "For What It's Worth" sounds like a modern "Landslide". "In Your Dreams" and "Everybody Loves You" are very catchy and sound like potential singles, and "Wide Sargasso Sea" and "Ghosts Are Gone" crank up the electric guitars. Nicks hasn't sang so well on an album since 1982's The Wild Heart. This album is a classic. Full Review »