
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Apr 19, 2019
    Despite its overall dreamy, soft-spoken approach, Invitation is often weighty, full of thought and longing as well as moments of wonder. It's an affecting mix, one that lingers and withstands repeat listens.
  2. May 6, 2019
    Invitation can be a tough record to puncture. The shadowy soundscapes--thick layers of keys and strings with, oftentimes, thunderous percussion additions-- sometimes overpower Broderick's soft vocals.
  3. Mojo
    Apr 19, 2019
    Songs are wispy but melodies strong. [May 2019, p.96]
  4. Apr 24, 2019
    Broderick ensures that her voice articulates clearly in the production, more so than on her previous solo album Glider (2015). This choice does justice to the observant poetry that shimmers through her finest lyrics.
  5. Apr 19, 2019
    Despite Invitation’s cinematic and often successful composition, Broderick succumbs to the passivity she’s supposedly working to renounce. The songs are ambient rather than immediate, more decorative than they are distinct.
  6. Apr 24, 2019
    The quiet build on 'Where I Lay' gives way to a gorgeous explosion of pianos and drums with haunting harmonies that, more than anything, signals just how much Broderick has grown as a composer and vocalist in the space between albums.
  7. 70
    Invitation is a classic grower in the sense that, while it does have its weaknesses, repeated listens drawing out these details do overpower them over time.

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