• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Aug 7, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 18, 2012
    Like her fellow countrywomen, Is Your Love Big Enough? has a core of strong songwriting that helps La Havas elbow her way into a field packed with talented women drawing from the deep well of American soul.
  2. Aug 29, 2012
    It isn't often that audiences are given so much all at once from such a young artist, and listeners will find Is Your Love Big Enough? worthy of many repeat listens.
  3. Aug 14, 2012
    The lyrics dwell on troubled romance, but the cool, pretty, expertly arranged music washes over you like a healing wave.
  4. Aug 9, 2012
    The pleasures of Is Your Love Big Enough? are unquestionably immediate, but the real excitement is in wondering where her curiosity takes her next.
  5. 88
    Repeated listenings only prove how strong and artful this collection is.
  6. Aug 7, 2012
    There are some great tracks--a standout being gorgeous opener "Don't Wake Me Up"--but, at times, it veers a bit too far into the saccharine, with the playing, unlike the singing, lacking a bit of soul.
  7. Aug 6, 2012
    Some of the songs are restrained and bare to the point of being plain and easy to disregard, but they succeed in accentuating La Havas' thoughtful and often sharp words.
  8. Aug 6, 2012
    Perhaps at times the material is a bit too perfectly, and a few raw edges might not go amiss. But that's little by way of criticism.
  9. 80
    It's rhythm as resilience and life force, an innate sense of confidence that makes even her bitter songs somehow reassuring.
  10. Q Magazine
    Jul 25, 2012
    There's a lot going in here, but it's delivered with an effortless charm that trusts listeners to pay due attention in their own sweet time. So far, so swimmingly. [Aug 2012, p.94]
  11. Not a perfect debut, but one that leaves you with the feeling that we're dealing with a living, thinking artist here, not just another Brit School waxwork.
  12. Jul 9, 2012
    By releasing a debut with such honesty at its core Lianne will find a nation falling in love with her.
  13. Jul 9, 2012
    The album is solid from start to finish
  14. Jul 9, 2012
    Despite these weaker moments of Is Your Love Big Enough?, it's La Havas' gorgeous voice and gifted string fingers that'll make the biggest impressions. This might not be a home run straight out of the gate, but it's an extremely promising first swing of the bat.
  15. 80
    Sonically adventurous and genre hopping.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 33 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Dec 1, 2013
    Man! This is fantastic! La Havas is definitely the most interesting artist I've found in months. The album is brilliant in every way possible.Man! This is fantastic! La Havas is definitely the most interesting artist I've found in months. The album is brilliant in every way possible. Sonically, lyrically, musically, even emotionally. This is definitely amongst five or ten of the best releases this year. From "Don't Wake Me Up" to "Forget" to "They Could Be Wrong", the feeling and concept deliver brilliantly in a very climactic sensation. Kudos! Full Review »
  2. Mar 21, 2013
    This album is fantastic. I stumbled onto her music randomly and immediately recognized the talent. She is one of the rare artist that can doThis album is fantastic. I stumbled onto her music randomly and immediately recognized the talent. She is one of the rare artist that can do it better live than recorded. This is rare. She had the same effect on me that The Beggars Who Give did when I first heard them. Go Lianne! Full Review »
  3. Jan 24, 2013
    Here comes 'Is Your Love Big enough?' An amazing sweet debut by British singer, Lianne La Havas. As soon as I heard this album, I fell in loveHere comes 'Is Your Love Big enough?' An amazing sweet debut by British singer, Lianne La Havas. As soon as I heard this album, I fell in love with it instantly. The album is just Lianne with her guitar and heart-felt lyrics. In my eyes this album was a best of 2012 Full Review »