• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2022
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  1. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. My favourite album ever! Oh my God! This album is so good that I could listen to it until the last day of my life. ♡ Expand
  2. Apr 17, 2023
    I was absolutely blown away by JitB when it was released and it’s an album I can’t stop going back to, end to end! It was such a powerful punch of pure rapline genius, it’s an incredible follow up to Hope World and shows so many different aspects of Hoseok. The documentary that followed showed us what most ARMY already knew, that Hobi wanted to craft it with his own two hands and that heI was absolutely blown away by JitB when it was released and it’s an album I can’t stop going back to, end to end! It was such a powerful punch of pure rapline genius, it’s an incredible follow up to Hope World and shows so many different aspects of Hoseok. The documentary that followed showed us what most ARMY already knew, that Hobi wanted to craft it with his own two hands and that he had direct decision making in every aspect of the album being written, produced, and launched. He was our first runner for solo efforts that weren’t collabs and wow did he make an impression. The songs are powerful and the lyrics are amazing, there are so many layers, moods and emotions. Hearing Hoseok channel his drive and pride, his desire to succeed and his need to keep improving, and the meaning of HOPE in a world full of chaos and frustration. Hoseok is such a self-made and inspiring person, and it’s lowkey heartbreaking to hear how he’s struggled. I am so proud of him and will always have this album in my rotation. Expand
  3. Apr 16, 2023
    One of the few best albums I've heard for a while! I honestly do not listen to this kind of genre before but when this came out, I instantly loved it! I can't wait for his other works!
  4. Apr 16, 2023
    They are easily the best 21 minutes spent, I have been following this artist for a long time and I could affirm without a doubt that this is one of his best works, so raw and real, so him but at the same time so new, it is enjoyable from start to finish.
  5. Apr 16, 2023
    When you listen in order, you will understand more about the story behind it. Is so awesome how j-hope can portrait his own name (meaning) to his album. The songs are such bops. Every single one has their own type of music and gender, really cool!! I really like “Arson” great song!!!
  6. Apr 16, 2023
    This song is very very very very nice
    Equal Sign is the best on
    Really love this album
  7. Apr 16, 2023
    Me pareció muy bueno el álbum, no lo dejo de escuchar, los mensajes que deja en sus canciones son hermosas equal sing, es una maravilla
  8. Apr 16, 2023
    Jhope did amazing with this album! Yeah it's not like Hope World but it shows that he is adverse and can do anything!!! He is human so he is going to not be the same all the time. I thankful he did this album he showed his fans another side of him.and opened up to us. We love you Jhope!!!
  9. Apr 16, 2023
    I love this album. Hobi really got out of the box. It really shows the different side of him aside from being the sunshine that he is.
  10. Apr 17, 2023
    I love JACK IN THE BOX album. I love each and every song from that album. J-Hope is my favourite artist and I LOVE HIM AND HIS MUSIC, HIS DANCE AND HIS EVERYTHING. HE IS ONE OF A KIND. NOBODY CAN COME CLOSER. JACK IN THE BOX is a SUPERHIT ALBUM.
  11. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I like J-hope , he is really cute and amazing.
    I like every song for the album Jack in the box .So amazing and that makes me feel wonderful and comfortable.
    Love you hobi
  12. Apr 16, 2023
    Estamos ante una cara un tanto desconocida de J-hope pero vaya que es increíble, de verdad que ninguna canción decepciona, magnífico trabajo.
  13. Apr 16, 2023
    A world class album! perfect masterpiece piece from the ever perfectionist j-hope. Arson especially is a fire track. i advice everyone to give the album a listen preferably from top to bottom as it tells the story of hope. please try to read the lyrics since j-hope is an incredible lyricist as well! loved the album, 10 stars from me.
  14. Apr 16, 2023
    Es uno de los mejores álbumes que eh escuchado, sin duda j hope es muy talentoso
  15. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love this album so much, i very love equal sign, the song so helped, thank you jhope for making good music Expand
  16. Apr 16, 2023
    El mejor álbum que e escuchado las canciones son las más hermosas la voz de jhope es unica es muy entregado en todo lo que hace se merece todo lo mejor del mundo 100% recomendado apoyemos mucho a jhope en sus futuros trabajos
  17. Apr 16, 2023
    Este es un álbum muy innovador y apasionado, se puede sentir en la música y sus letras, el esfuerzo que hay detrás de ello. Estoy gratamente impresionado con la faceta que nos mostró J-hope, se nota que es un artista increíble.
  18. Apr 16, 2023
    Jack In The Box is an amazing album, we can see how Jhope brought out a better version of himself showing us a side of him out of the everyday, out of what we have normally seen in him.... I really loved it, Hobi once again showed us that his music can be in different ways... that's why I love his diversity within his music. By the way, Safety Zone saved my life. Thanks Hobi, and not toJack In The Box is an amazing album, we can see how Jhope brought out a better version of himself showing us a side of him out of the everyday, out of what we have normally seen in him.... I really loved it, Hobi once again showed us that his music can be in different ways... that's why I love his diversity within his music. By the way, Safety Zone saved my life. Thanks Hobi, and not to mention Equal Sign. All the songs are awesome I LOVE YOU JHOPEEE♡♡♡♡ Expand
  19. Apr 16, 2023
    Honestly, the combination of sounds with the incredible voice of Jhope I love this album, it's unique, I highly recommend it.
  20. Apr 16, 2023
    Excelente álbum, gran calidad en arreglos musicales y buenas letras en cada canción. Un trabajo hecho con todo el profesionalismo que caracteriza a los miembros de la banda
  21. Apr 16, 2023
  22. Apr 17, 2023
    My favourite song in this album is equal sign. All the songs in the album are amazing you have to listen the album from top to bottom in sequence it has that flow. Thank you for making this amazing album J-Hope of BTS.
  23. Apr 16, 2023
    Such a great album. He’s an amazing artist and person. Deserves all the good always.
  24. Apr 17, 2023
    JHOPE takes us to a slightly darker side of his musical world through this album! It's reflects his honest hard work laced with a beautiful story telling! It's an absolute banger! Not at all surprised to get this art from him as he is truly talented!
  25. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best of best album ...with best lyrics best choreography Jung hoseok is on another level ... pulling the biggest crowd of all time i love him and his album thanku hoba Expand
  26. Apr 16, 2023
    This album is truly a masterpiece. J-Hope opens up another side of himself to us. Darker with meaningful songs, where he portrays his feelings through his music so accurately. He’s not only a rapper but also a wonderful singer with gifted vocals, a producer and song writer. Each one of his tracks has history, from Equal Sign to More or Arson, among the most popular ones. It’s pure rawThis album is truly a masterpiece. J-Hope opens up another side of himself to us. Darker with meaningful songs, where he portrays his feelings through his music so accurately. He’s not only a rapper but also a wonderful singer with gifted vocals, a producer and song writer. Each one of his tracks has history, from Equal Sign to More or Arson, among the most popular ones. It’s pure raw talent. Hobi poured his soul into Jack in the Box, and we can feel his sincerity and authenticity while listening to it. J-Hope is an genuine artist, and needs to be acknowledged MORE. Expand
  27. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amo todas las canciones, simplemente son perfectas, me encanta!!
    El esfuerzo que Hobi puso en la creación de este álbum se me hace admirable
  28. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is amazing, the album is the best and beautiful!!!!! The best album in the world! Expand
  29. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum que nos regaló Hobi simplemente me dejó sin palabras, es algo nuevo que jamás habíamos escuchado, me gusta que esté experimentando cosas nuevas, todas sus canciones son unas joyas, cuando las escuchas el álbum no hay un punto de comparación entre decir cuál es tu canción favorita porque todas te atrapan, amo mucho este álbum, es muy especial para mí. Expand
  30. Apr 16, 2023
    Una obra de arte. "No existen personas superiores ni inferiores. Más allá de la edad, del género, el odio paraliza la mente. Nada te cuesta ser amable. No hay mucha diferencia entre tú y yo"
  31. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. DIOS MIO HOSEOK, NO T CANSAS TE HACER ARTE?
  32. Apr 16, 2023
    I loved it so much, the messages, the melodies, they are just WOW, this new side of J-hope shows us something really incredible!!
  33. Apr 16, 2023
    Un album muy bueno con sentimiento que solo Jhope puede interpretar. Simplemente excelente
  34. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I really adore the album and the story it revolves around. Despite not understanding Korean, I easily lose myself in the music and the soothing yet powerful notes and feel his message reverberating in my soul. In each listen to the album, I discover something new, a detail I've missed that brings me back for MORE.
    I also love the artistry and the thought behind the album cover, something that is so uniquely J-Hope!
  35. Apr 16, 2023
    Este álbum fue mi puerta de entrada al Hip Hop, finalmente la calidad musical y lírica libre de misoginia y el discurso típico de violencia y drogas. Sigue existencia denuncia social y las vivencias que representan a más de una generación.
  36. Apr 17, 2023
    Jhope ate with this album
  37. Apr 16, 2023
    The songs in this album were birthed from the innermost parts of j-hope's heart. Reading the lyrics, you would be able to understand more about him. There are so much layers of him than how he's always perceived by the general masses. Music-wise, he has impeccable taste, and I find it refreshing with how he experiments with music. His lyricism is actually genius. My personal favourite isThe songs in this album were birthed from the innermost parts of j-hope's heart. Reading the lyrics, you would be able to understand more about him. There are so much layers of him than how he's always perceived by the general masses. Music-wise, he has impeccable taste, and I find it refreshing with how he experiments with music. His lyricism is actually genius. My personal favourite is Arson. Equal Sign and Stop brings about some really good messages, and I have a soft stop for Music Box. Expand
  38. Apr 17, 2023
    I am so proud to see and listen this beautiful project made with love and dedication
  39. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An excellent album, all the songs are great and it shows the great versatility of the artist. J-hope is a super complete artist. Expand
  40. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um dos melhores álbuns já lançados. O j-hope mais um vez mostrou ser artista de verdade. Expand
  41. Apr 16, 2023
    I adore this album. What a concept from start to finish. The songs follow a sequence, so don’t put in shuffle if you wanna get the full experience. It’s difficult to pick a favourite, but if I had to, MORE is pretty damn awesome, and definitely made me WANT SOMEMORE.
  42. Apr 16, 2023
    I really love this j-hope album a lot as it shows a great version of society, this is one that caught me from the first time I heard it, I really appreciate your work, j-hope.
  43. Apr 16, 2023
    Jack in the box, it's an amazing album...the lyrics of the songs are so good, my favorite is Equal Sign =
  44. Apr 16, 2023
    If you're an old-school hip-hop fan you'll LOVE this album. It's a truly enjoyable 20-minute ride, the tracks flow seamlessly into one another, J-hope managed to reinvent himself and did so flawlessly through this record. His lyrical prowess is evident as he explores self-discovery, passion, and identity themes. highly recommend.
  45. Apr 16, 2023
    It really is a great album, my expectations are exceeded. The songs have a great rhythm and good lyrics. The artist J-hope deserves too much applause. I really loved this album so much, it's amazing, I can't stop listening to it, thanks to J-hope for making this album so great.
  46. Apr 16, 2023
    Changed my entire life. Getting to hear him speak about his journey and struggles and experiment with so much passion and honesty was the best experience of a lifetime, thank you for creating this masterpiece!
  47. Apr 17, 2023
    Jack in the box is such a banger. Hobi as an artist proved himself. Such a versatile artist. Literally can pull off anything he wants to. The new dark and raw side of his was soo cool and mind blowing. As a person who love rap songs, Jhope is surely one of the best rappers on this planet.
  48. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I like it. There's something about his music. I like it so bad. His music, his voice, his dance, i like that Expand
  49. Apr 16, 2023
    Sin duda es uno de los mejores álbumes que e escuchado, no es un clásico de Kpop y sin duda logró cautivarme, se nota el esfuerzo y la dedicacion que pusieron en este álbum. El artista sin duda atrevido que se animo a salirse de lo clásico, en fin es un grande y tiene un potencial enorme.
  50. Apr 16, 2023
    It is the best album I have heard because it is very good since it includes songs with very good rhythms.
  51. Apr 16, 2023

    Jhope es un excelente artista sin duda,las canciones son realmente buenas.
  52. Apr 16, 2023
    WoW.. Jack in the box leaves me speechless I admire the great effort and performance with this album. I can listen to it a thousand times and I will never get tired, it is the best
  53. Apr 17, 2023
    JITB is fun and upbeat but also melancholic in its essence It talks about Jhope's struggle with fame as well as his desire to succumb to it. We witness a different side of Jhope through this musical masterpiece which is a breath of fresh air.
  54. Apr 16, 2023
    J-Hope es un artista completo, pocas son las personas que pueden lograr tanta versatilidad, aún más en un solo proyecto musical (en un mismo álbum). El álbum es un viaje total, dónde te permite conocer una nueva cara (faceta) y te brinda la oportunidad de disfrutar del viaje musical. Cómo el artista, este álbum es completo y dentro de su complejidad te muestra claridad y sentimientosJ-Hope es un artista completo, pocas son las personas que pueden lograr tanta versatilidad, aún más en un solo proyecto musical (en un mismo álbum). El álbum es un viaje total, dónde te permite conocer una nueva cara (faceta) y te brinda la oportunidad de disfrutar del viaje musical. Cómo el artista, este álbum es completo y dentro de su complejidad te muestra claridad y sentimientos crudos, que compaginan unos con otros para lograr un balance, dónde solo queda la satisfacción de haber decido experimenta junto con J-Hope un poco de lo que es su esencia dentro de la industria. Expand
  55. Apr 16, 2023
    Amo este álbum, J hope entrego todo para crearlo y lo logró nunca decepciona, todas las canciones tiene mensajes perfectos para el dia a dia.
  56. Apr 16, 2023
    Este es uno de los mejores álbumes que he oído, cada canción es única en estilo y ritmo ademas de que la persona detrás de esta joya es Jhope, contándonos su historia, sus aspiraciones, miedos y anhelos. Me siento muy orgullosa de ser fiel seguidora, army, de esta maravillosa persona.
  57. Apr 16, 2023
    This album is very nice, J Hope is a very talented artist
    Y’all need to listen to this
  58. Apr 16, 2023
    just wonderful, every song on this album is art, a masterpiece, definitely one of the best albums i heard in my life
  59. Apr 16, 2023
    I definitely loved Jhope showed us another part of himself. Every song on this album is really amazing and you enjoy listening to it jhope never disappoints and always gives us the best of himself this album became my favorite jack in the box is a masterpiece
  60. Apr 17, 2023
    Listening to the album from beginning to end will give a different and extraordinary impression. What j-hope wants to say through the lyrics here, you'll understand it. This is incredible. Get on my non-skip album playlist.
  61. Apr 16, 2023
    A uniquely crafted album. Worth a listen as this album is arranged differently. Specially Love the song =Equal Sign, the lyrics was indeed so beautiful & meaningful. His voice caried it so well.
  62. Apr 16, 2023
    Es un mezcla de sonidos perfecto para subir el ánimo y sentir el poder que tiene adentro perfecto para escuchar a todo volumen tu solo o con amigos
  63. Apr 17, 2023
    beautiful album from start to finish. j-hope did such an amazing job from everything from production, lyricism, etc. can't wait to see his future projects.
  64. Apr 16, 2023
    Este proyecto demuestra el otro "yo" de J hope. Es como si en la vida real fuera algo así como; frente a todos me tengo que comportar como a todos les agrade pero que hay de mi?. Tal ves ese no sea el mensaje pero lo sentí de esa manera y por eso ame este proyecto. Me pude identificar
  65. Apr 16, 2023
    No puedo explicar lo mucho que me gusta este album, amo todo de el, desde la producción hasta el mensaje que quiere dar a entender y la increible historia que cuenta definitivamente es un gran trabajo , de muchisima calidad y dedicación
  66. Apr 16, 2023
    Muy buen album, no te aburre ninguna cancion, es bueno desde sus legras hasta sus ritmos, J- Hope es un gran artista y como se esperaba hizo una gran obra maestra
  67. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Realmente esun álbum increíble, se nota el arduo trabajo que tiene. Me encanta ver la otra cara de J-Hope, sin duda voy a seguir consumiendo su música, porque realmente vale la pena. Expand
  68. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album, jhope is an artist in every way Arson and equal sign are my favorites song Expand
  69. Apr 16, 2023
    Love it! So good. j-hope really put his heart and soul in this album. You won't regret it!
  70. Apr 16, 2023
    Hobi!!!1, ser radiante, este album es tan detallista y expresa sensaciones unicas. Nos muestra la otra faceta de Hobi, con un fuerte rugido y paso estallado y vibrante que motiva tu dia a dia, Espectacular, gran trabajo Hobi. I purple you.
  71. Apr 16, 2023
    Jhope sorprendió con en prelanzamiento y title track que salen fuera de su zona de confort.
  72. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El concepto que utilizó da sentido a las letras de las canciones en el álbum, muy buen trabajo Expand
  73. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amee. De verdad que es un álbum increíble, J-HOPE se esforzó demasiado para darnos está joyita. Expand
  74. Apr 16, 2023
    Es un álbum dónde Jhope y realmente se arriesga en explorar nuevos sonidos pero al mismo tiempo es muy acorde a quien es el y a sus trabajos anteriores
  75. Apr 16, 2023
    Amo este album es arte desde el inicio hasta el final lo recomiendo muchisimo
  76. Apr 16, 2023
    So far, the best album in bts chapter 2 according to me. Jhope took one of the biggest risks and told his story like never before combined with infectious hip hop and old school rhyme. Truly expands our knowledge and perception of jhope as an artist and that's what every artist should do. His performance at Lollapalooza blew everyone away and showcased his already skilled performance auraSo far, the best album in bts chapter 2 according to me. Jhope took one of the biggest risks and told his story like never before combined with infectious hip hop and old school rhyme. Truly expands our knowledge and perception of jhope as an artist and that's what every artist should do. His performance at Lollapalooza blew everyone away and showcased his already skilled performance aura into a magnificent new one, showing the world that he truly can do it all. I think he really stepped up his game as a solo artist and is here to make unique and genuine music, all of course with a dash of hope. Expand
  77. Apr 16, 2023
    Tienes tantas canciones con diferentes mensajes y un buen ritmo, que te quedas maravillado
  78. Apr 16, 2023
    This album is a masterpiece. Jhope shows a side of his personality that his fans didn’t know existed. He shows a lot more vulnerablity in this album than his other mixtapes by diving into diverse genres. He opens up about his passion for his art in this album along with the outcomes that his fame has brought to him.
  79. Apr 16, 2023
    Buen álbum de principio a fin me recuerda al viejo hiphop, no conocía a este chico y lo conocí por el lollapalooza y quede encantada este álbum fue el que me hizo querer saber mad de el
  80. Apr 16, 2023
    Me encanta el álbum "Jack In The Box de J-Hope" es un álbum precioso donde J-Hope nos conto un poco de sus pensamientos, de su forma de ver el mundo y de como se siente, el realmente se esforzo mucho en su álbum y esta muy precioso, realmente amo este álbum, lo escucho todos los días me encanta
  81. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Only one artist makes me feel the music in my heart, the lyrics, the sound, the image are great! It only came to me and I fell in love, the sentiments were conveyed correctly to the public, thank u Hoseok Expand
  82. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great Album , written by J-hope of BTS, on His 1st solo Album. He goes through emotions pulling his audience with him shining a light on world issues and follows through with having a hope for humanity. Very Good Album , would recommend to hip-hop and Rock lovers. Expand
  83. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I just love the vibe that gives jack in the box! New style of Jung hoseok is unique and I love it. Equal sign , what if , Pandora's box , safety zone , future , arson , more... Just so slay Expand
  84. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jack In the Box really reflects j-hope's thoughts as a musician. The music seems loud but with very deep lyrics, like in the songs More, Arson and What If. There are quieter songs like Equal Sign and Future. The point is all the songs on this album are completely outside the BTS zone and definitely not kpop songs like in general. Listen and you will fall in love with Jack In the Box. Sorry for my bad english. Expand
  85. Apr 16, 2023
    Algo un poco diferente en el repertorio musical de J hope, pero es excelente.
  86. Apr 16, 2023
    El mejor álbum que he escuchado, el álbum es tan increíble para todos... Una de las canciones del álbum habla sobre la igualdad y es una de mis favoritas la escucho todo el tiempo al igual que todo el álbum completo y les juró que no me cansó de escuchar cada canción... Además que el artistas es increíble, vi su presentación en lollapalooza y fue la mejor presentación que he visto suEl mejor álbum que he escuchado, el álbum es tan increíble para todos... Una de las canciones del álbum habla sobre la igualdad y es una de mis favoritas la escucho todo el tiempo al igual que todo el álbum completo y les juró que no me cansó de escuchar cada canción... Además que el artistas es increíble, vi su presentación en lollapalooza y fue la mejor presentación que he visto su presencia escénica fue la mejor y sus fans 10/10 al igual que este álbum... Las letras son increíbles que escuchándolos te hace reflexionar y pensar en lo que has estado haciendo.. Les recomiendo este álbum que es uno de los mejores que he escuchado Expand
  87. Apr 16, 2023
    This is a breakthrough album. From cheerful enthusiasm to crazy unstrained, J-Hope has always been a hopeful existence.
  88. Apr 16, 2023
    Sin duda el mejor album del año, j-hope se supero con esta entrega. Las vocales, el rap, las letras, la melodia y los pequeños detalles, simplemente fue una joya.
  89. Apr 16, 2023
    Siempre sorprendiendo con tremendas canciones cada una con un gran significado, gracias por hacer este álbum hobi nos diste arte!!
  90. Apr 16, 2023
    I love this album, I have been listening to it the whole day. It's great to see this different side of him
  91. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Todas las canciones son muy buenas, las letras, melodías van muy bien con el concepto de el álbum, a mí pareser es un buen álbum. Expand
  92. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album talks about how artist J-Hope sees his life with music and his inner thoughts as a human being. J-Hope is an amazing artist from the boy band group BTS. From 2013 when he debuted as a team named BTS he has come a long way creating music. When he was choosing his stage name Pandora's box and Hope came into consideration. J-hope was selected as his stage name and like his name he has been flame of hope for his entire career. He has been spreading nothing but positivity of hope in his music till now, only to express his deeper dark thoughts of being an artist in the Album Jack in the Box. J-Hope participated in writing every track of this album. Intro: The Album starts with an intro where the concept of Pandora's box and Hope was beautifully narrated as a storytelling way. Pandora's Box: This music track starts with "They call me hope|Do you know why I am hope?" In this track J-Hope explains how the myth Hope becomes his reality as a team member of BTS.
    More: This title track explains how as an artist J-Hope came a long way and still wants to find the Passion for making music. As he says " My work makes me breathe, so I want more", he expresses his inner thoughts of being artists for the long run. Stop: Artist J-Hope made this song expressing his thoughts on how people are being called "bad" without considering the reasoning behind it. This song's Korean title goes by " There are no bad people in the world". He wants people to stop and calm down because everything is a matter of mind to find positivity. Equal Sign : Delivering the message of love and peace J-Hope sang about how Hate only consumes our mind and he wishes for the world to become a place for kindness and trust. This song's theme is highlighted in this verse "Hate'll paralyze your mind| Gotta see the other side| It costs ya nothin' to be kind." Music Box Reflection : This is a transitional music track for this Album without lyrics. Safety Zone : In this track, artist J-Hope sings about how he has been running for a long time to find his safe zone as an artist. He expresses how even a game has a safety zone but as an artist he doesn’t. Future : Artist J-Hope expresses how he thinks of his future as an artist and how he wants go ahead with Hope. He sings about how he was just a dancer but his future changed and how he came to be artist J-Hope through his music. Arson : The last title track of this Album talks about how artist J-Hope achieved Fame, Money and popularity with his burning passion for music. He talks about how he feels like an arsonist with his fans, label and his members. Despite having everything a arson occurs in his heart with the dilemma of whether to keep burning or put out the fire.
    Many famous BTS songs has been J-Hope's artistic playground of writing, composing and producing but he shined as an artist in his Solo Album Jack in the Box as well.
  93. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Arson is best song that I heard and this song motivate the new start of life( actually the second life) This song shows that the singer’s inner deep aspiration and passions Expand
  94. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jack in the box es un album que el artista llamado hoseok nombre artistico es j-hope de nuestra su lado que nunca mostro que demuestra que es capaz de crecer como persona y como artista inspira a los demás jack In the box es un álbum muy hermoso para escuchar en todo momento toda la canción que contiene Expand
  95. Apr 16, 2023
    Una joyita pura, es tan refrescante escucharlo de principio a fin, él es un artista en todos los sentidos de la palabra. ❤️‍
  96. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jack un the box es tremendo álbum, las canciones son realmente increíbles. El instrumental y la gran voz de Hoseok es lo máximo. Sin duda alguna uno de mis álbumes favoritos. Expand
  97. Apr 16, 2023
    Éste álbum merece tener una muy buena puntuación dado a la historia que cuenta, la calidad de canciones que se muestran, envuelve la palabra FASCINANTE. Contando como ha sido su experiencia al "salir de la caja".
    La manera en que el artista "J-hope" nos compartió todo el proceso de este proyecto, me deja sin palabras, el hecho de que sea un artista tan completo y con tantas habilidades,
    Éste álbum merece tener una muy buena puntuación dado a la historia que cuenta, la calidad de canciones que se muestran, envuelve la palabra FASCINANTE. Contando como ha sido su experiencia al "salir de la caja".
    La manera en que el artista "J-hope" nos compartió todo el proceso de este proyecto, me deja sin palabras, el hecho de que sea un artista tan completo y con tantas habilidades, logra superar tus propias expectativas de su trabajo.
  98. Apr 16, 2023
    Buenísimo! Estoy enamorada de TODAS las canciones de este álbum, no puedo dejar de escucharlas. Hizo una obra de arte 10000/10
  99. Apr 16, 2023
    Es un sorpresivo y maravilloso trabajo por parte de j-hope, después de años manejando un estilo es refrescante ver el cambio y la evolución que ha tenido como artista.
  100. Apr 16, 2023
    Un álbum genial, entrego mucho más de lo que esperaba, tiene todo lo que debería tener un buen álbum musical, gran artista.

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. 80
    Whether the music on Jack in the Box suits your taste or not, it’s hard to dismiss this album as an artistic statement rather than just chapter 1/7 of BTS proving they can also make money in ways beyond official group releases.
  2. Jul 22, 2022
    The artist born Jung Ho-seok delivers emotional depth and irresistible energy. Backed by rowdy production, his aggression, raspy delivery, and tongue-twisting bars take center stage, showcasing the rap-focused perspective that he brings to the BTS formula.
  3. Jul 15, 2022
    There’s an excellent three track run from “What if…,” an energetic song that samples Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s “Shimmy Shimmy Ya,” into mid-tempo standout “Safety Zone” before a touch of Hope World familiarity returns in the optimistic “Future.”