• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 2999 Ratings

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  1. Apr 17, 2023
    Very thoughtful deep and introspective album full of different genres. He started his solo debut with single MORE which goes "my work makes me breath so I want MORE" and considering how raw unique and refreshing Jack In The Box was his solo career is definitely something to look for.
  2. Apr 17, 2023
    Such an amazing album, from beginning to end. J-hope put so much hard work into it.
  3. Apr 17, 2023
    THIS ALBUM IS SO GOOd oh my god!!!!ive never seen such masterpiece jhope is so talented all his albums are amazing . So proud
  4. Apr 17, 2023
    jack in the box is an intricately made and well thought album, that talks about j-hope's identity and self doubts. it's music that i thoroughly enjoyed hearing, it feels fresh and new. i'm already excited for what j-hope has to show us next
  5. Apr 17, 2023
    I love this album. Hoseok is amazing. It's impossible to say that he's untalent, this is a masterpiece
  6. Apr 17, 2023
    The best album I’ve ever heard, it’s amazing how the songs complete each other and form a story
  7. Apr 17, 2023
    Cada vez que quiero un subidón de emociones pongo las canciones de J Hope. Un gran artista, un gran bailarín.
  8. Apr 17, 2023
    El álbum de gran Artista Jhope es un hermoso y dinámico álbum hace que tus emociones cambien y llenándote de la energía de artista siempre lleno de risas y Alegría
  9. Apr 17, 2023
    A true masterpiece!!! I listen daily and it has helped me through the day when working on projects and work. Thank you Hobi!!!
  10. Apr 17, 2023
    Jack in the box is amazing, J-Hope always showing a lot of creativity and talent
  11. Apr 17, 2023
    Todas las canciones son increíbles, te vas a enamorar de cada uno el le da un toque especial a cada canción como EGO escuchenla no se arrepentiran
  12. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The whole album is a masterpiece ! From the first song, to the last, you're immersed and enjoying, dancing to upbeat beats, deep and reflective lyrics, with amazing raps. Hoseok is a complete artist and this album shows the darker, mature side of our Hope with magnificent songs and MVS with wonderful production. Expand
  13. Apr 17, 2023
    El artista realiza una mezcla novedosa y diversa qué te mantiene todo el tiempo positivo y motivado, more es una de mis favoritas
  14. Apr 17, 2023
    Amo todo lo que hizo Hoseok con JITB, es simplemente un álbum grandioso de escuchar, te eleva el ánimo cuando más mal estás y aunque hay canciones "tranquilas" se puede reflejar en ellas cada una de la esencia de Hoseok
  15. Apr 17, 2023
    this album is magnificent, J-HOPE managed to bring everything perfect to this masterpiece. the idea of the songs fitting together, the melodies, the lyrics, amazing. J-HOPE is the man! Jack In The Box is arguably the best album ever released by an artist.
  16. Apr 17, 2023
    this album shows another facet of J-Hope, something different from him but without a doubt something incredible to listen to.
  17. Apr 17, 2023
    J'ai beaucoup entendu dire par mes amis que ce n'était pas de la K-pop, alors j'ai décidé d'écouter cet album une fois, ça fait 3 mois, et je ne me lasse toujours pas de l'écouter. Cet album est un vrai chef d'oeuvre.
  18. Apr 17, 2023
    Un album refrescante, con mensajes súper bonitos sobre la pasión, el amor al trabajo, la igualdad, es cuestión de darle una oportunidad y no habrá arrepentimiento, 10/10, jhope sorprendió gratamente
  19. Apr 18, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jack in the box sendo um álbum inovador com o conceito diferente, é extremamente maravilhoso como as letras, mv o conceito do MV tudo tudo vale muito a pena apreciar esse incrível album Expand
  20. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a great album to listen to, with quality songs and well done by an exemplary artist Expand
  21. Apr 17, 2023
    O álbum mais perfeito!! Uma obra prima!! Jung hoseok você sempre será artista
  22. Apr 17, 2023
    Cómo empezar?. Basicamente Jhope se arriesgó con este álbum al mostrarnos otro tipo de musica al que usualmente estamos acostumbrados a escuchar. Pero el impulso y motivacion de mostrarnos esa otra parte de él que no conocemos, esa parte de Jung Hoseok como persona y no como artista, eso es lo que presenciamos en este álbum. Es notorio a primera vista si se compara con sus otros trabajosCómo empezar?. Basicamente Jhope se arriesgó con este álbum al mostrarnos otro tipo de musica al que usualmente estamos acostumbrados a escuchar. Pero el impulso y motivacion de mostrarnos esa otra parte de él que no conocemos, esa parte de Jung Hoseok como persona y no como artista, eso es lo que presenciamos en este álbum. Es notorio a primera vista si se compara con sus otros trabajos individuales que tiene otras influencias en cuanto a su música, pero sigue siendo parte de Jhope.
    Ni hablar de las canciones que contiene este álbum, llenas de letras con significados que de tejan pensando. Encuentras tanto los sentimientos de Jhope, como criticas que el hace a la sociedad en la que vivimos.
  23. Apr 17, 2023
    es súper bueno y pegajoso, las letras son espectaculares y el desarrollo igual, los conceptos, los videos musicales y demás, realmente recomiendo escucharlo ya que brinda muchas emociones y hay una canción para cada situación
  24. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is actually a MASTERPIECE
    I did some digging the artist sang the song on Lollapalloza July 2022 and it was such an unforgettable performance than locals started calling “Hobipalloza” due to the artist nickname “Hobi”
  25. Apr 17, 2023
    the album is masterpiece i can talk about it for days.. but I'm just gonna say Jhope is a great artist a real one, so versatile, brave, bold, and never afraid to experiment with his music and he does it SO WELL

    My favorite song on the album is definitely Equal Sign, lately I was listening to MOT7 and I love Jamais Vu and I was reading the lyrics on Doolset and in Hobi's part he says, "
    the album is masterpiece i can talk about it for days.. but I'm just gonna say Jhope is a great artist a real one, so versatile, brave, bold, and never afraid to experiment with his music and he does it SO WELL

    My favorite song on the album is definitely Equal Sign, lately I was listening to MOT7 and I love Jamais Vu and I was reading the lyrics on Doolset and in Hobi's part he says, " Even if my shadow grows larger, my life and you are equal sign". And I re-read the lyrics for =(Equal Sign) I can see that Hobi has been thinking about these concepts he outlines in JITB for a long time. What a true artist he is!
  26. Apr 18, 2023
    Simplesmente perfeito! Hoseok, você é um artista completo e maravilhoso.
    Cada segundo de seu álbum é possível sentir sua alma e coração, o tempo dedicado...
    Gostaria que as pessoas fossem mais gentis ao avaliar essa obra, comentários construtivos são diferentes de comentários de ódio.
    Obrigada por nos deixar esse álbum incrível antes de ir para o exército.
    Nos vemos em 2026
  27. Apr 18, 2023
    I will never feel bad about streaming 7 members’ releases plus bts whole discography now and then. I still have jitb and indigo in my daily rotation bc, guess what? I love those albums. Same with other releases and collaborations we got recently. I enjoy that music so I listen to it. Their music is my SAFE ZONE.
  28. Apr 18, 2023
    The best album of all time.
    Thank you jhope for creating such a masterpiece
  29. Apr 18, 2023
    Amazing songs, amazing storytelling~ Listened from start to finish for weeks without being able to stop~
  30. Apr 18, 2023
    This album is the best and will always be
    I love the songs most especially equality and arson I love them

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. 80
    Whether the music on Jack in the Box suits your taste or not, it’s hard to dismiss this album as an artistic statement rather than just chapter 1/7 of BTS proving they can also make money in ways beyond official group releases.
  2. Jul 22, 2022
    The artist born Jung Ho-seok delivers emotional depth and irresistible energy. Backed by rowdy production, his aggression, raspy delivery, and tongue-twisting bars take center stage, showcasing the rap-focused perspective that he brings to the BTS formula.
  3. Jul 15, 2022
    There’s an excellent three track run from “What if…,” an energetic song that samples Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s “Shimmy Shimmy Ya,” into mid-tempo standout “Safety Zone” before a touch of Hope World familiarity returns in the optimistic “Future.”