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  1. Oct 27, 2019
    Wonderful album.
    This album touch my soul. .
  2. Oct 27, 2019
    This album is Kanye's best, by far....the reason being that it's not about him at all. It's about love, it's about harmony, it's about changing perceptions. I'm not religious in the slightest, as a matter of fact, I have a big aversion to it. Yet in still, I absolutely love this album. The opener is glorious & specifically targets Black audiences with it's choir use, feels like being inThis album is Kanye's best, by far....the reason being that it's not about him at all. It's about love, it's about harmony, it's about changing perceptions. I'm not religious in the slightest, as a matter of fact, I have a big aversion to it. Yet in still, I absolutely love this album. The opener is glorious & specifically targets Black audiences with it's choir use, feels like being in church on Sunday morning. I think that most other nationalities will have trouble getting into it because of their lack of experience in Black church houses. The second track sets the tone, which is, to me, a line in the sand....either you accept the new Kanye or you don't, & to me it seems as if he doesn't care either way, which makes me happy. This album creates a certain ambience & it works. The third track is for us day one fans, complete fan service from the beat to the cadence to that primal scream at tracks end. I wasn't feeling the fourth track at first, but upon further listening, it's my favorite song on the album. Eerie, but beautiful & very smart. There is no bombast or wasted opportunity on this record. I love it. Excellent use of sample on the fifth track. I wish he would have kept the choir on the sixth track, although I'm a fan of Ty Dolla $ign. The excellence continues on the seventh track, a beautiful testament to unity & healing. I'm really feeling how much Kanye has grown listening to the lyrics chosen. Track number seven begins with a beautiful, well known sample, leading to 'ye making the song cry, so to speak. The great Fred Hammond appears on track number eight, 'nuff said. Track number nine is excellent for a couple reasons, namely the re emergence of long silent ex member of the Clipse, No Malice, who doesn't waste a bar. The final track reminds me of how DMX used to end his albums, with a prayer. I can't believe how much I love this album. It's uplifting, spiritual, & all about love. Yeezy season approaches... Expand
  3. Oct 27, 2019
    Beautiful. In the context of this genre, it's a teaching class. About production this album is the perfect mix of all the musical resources that Kanye from the 00's hadn't available. This is an exquisite performance with expressive lyrics, instrumental majesty and a time-proof personal style.
  4. Oct 27, 2019
    Simply amazing, the wait was really worth it, just no words to how amazing this album is. The production is classic Kanye, simply amazing. Kanye has been reborn.
    (Ignore the bad reviews, they are just haters.)
  5. Oct 27, 2019
    You don't have to be religious to enjoy what was a solid effort by West to express the new feelings of profound spirituality the man is now feeling. This feels completely different than what we've heard from him before because this is a new Kanye. This is him putting his faith into creating music that touches the soul, and there definitely are tracks that do so.
  6. Oct 27, 2019
    First and foremost a gospel album. Don’t expect a lot of bars, punchlines and intricate lyricism. Kanye really express his devotion to God and Jesus Christ troughout the project; going through how even ‘He’ saved a wretch like him – in Selah – and how hard it is to follow the model of Christ since he’s so perfect – in Follow God –. The production is impeccable, breathtaking – specially inFirst and foremost a gospel album. Don’t expect a lot of bars, punchlines and intricate lyricism. Kanye really express his devotion to God and Jesus Christ troughout the project; going through how even ‘He’ saved a wretch like him – in Selah – and how hard it is to follow the model of Christ since he’s so perfect – in Follow God –. The production is impeccable, breathtaking – specially in tracks like Selah, God Is and Water – showcasing how Kanye hasn’t lost his touch as a producer. The collaborations are on point as well: Ant Clemons, Ty Dolla $ign, Clipse (reunited) and Kenny G. The track On God feats great producing by the super talented Pierre Bourne and a controversial “13th amendment gotta end” line which may be a problem for those that are not aware/educated on the subject. Nothing new in a Kanye project, who is marked with controversial statements and lines throughout his discography. The only let down is the abrupt ending in Jesus is Lord, but it’s no big deal reallty Expand
  7. Oct 27, 2019
    This is Kanye album. It’s an experience that ruffles feathers and shifts the paradigm. That’s why we all come to experience Kanye art. The people rating it down are Supreme dorks who’ve never appreciated the nuisances Kanye puts in his projects, but just that it sounds cool. I stand by this album fully.
  8. Oct 27, 2019
    It shouldn't work - this gospel-rap combo - but somehow it does, and the result is pretty compelling. (I say this as an atheist, by the way, who, generally speaking, is allergic to religious art.)
  9. Oct 27, 2019
    Certified Album of the year!

    Kanye did it again he made a Masterpiece and the people disliking it are snakes.

    The songs all sound like they are made in heaven. When I listen to the songs it feels like I'm floating in the air and being blissful on a magical soundscape.
  10. Oct 27, 2019
    His album, his rules. It is musically well composed and it clearly exposes how HE feels about God. He’s showing his vulnerability to the world and you’re all making fun of him? That’s just shameful, regardless of what you believe. Hence, do not rate this album negatively purely based on how you feel about Christianity as a whole because that is just discriminating the freedom ofHis album, his rules. It is musically well composed and it clearly exposes how HE feels about God. He’s showing his vulnerability to the world and you’re all making fun of him? That’s just shameful, regardless of what you believe. Hence, do not rate this album negatively purely based on how you feel about Christianity as a whole because that is just discriminating the freedom of expression; isn’t that what music should be about? Try to understand where he comes from and why Jesus is so meaningful to him as throughout the album he’s expressing love, compassion, admiration, hope, forgivenesses, to say the less. I’d 100% rather listen to rap music talking about something positive than listening to lyrics encouraging taking drugs, killing people and sexualising women. Expand
  11. Oct 27, 2019
    Radiating with classic Ye style, Jesus Is King brings creativity and new found faith that we have never seen from him before. The first A-List Christian rap album. The production is classic Kanye, the flow and album pacing is on spot and the features fit perfectly. This is simply a good album—coming from an atheist. Ye has apparently seen the light, which means we have now heard it. NoRadiating with classic Ye style, Jesus Is King brings creativity and new found faith that we have never seen from him before. The first A-List Christian rap album. The production is classic Kanye, the flow and album pacing is on spot and the features fit perfectly. This is simply a good album—coming from an atheist. Ye has apparently seen the light, which means we have now heard it. No complaints. Expand
  12. Oct 27, 2019
    This ALBUM DESERVES MULTIPLE LISTENS BEFORE YOU RATE IT! it WILL grow on you! All I have to say is Wow! This album will be a classic. Some standout songs are follow god, and selah in my opinion. Taylor fans need to stop hating leave this man alone. I don't see Kanye's fans hating on Taylor's album giving unfair ratings.
  13. Oct 27, 2019
    Give this some time. This 5.5 rating will change. Something new, something as fresh as this takes time simmer. Fire album front go back imo. Felt sincere. Felt very Kanye. The triumphs and failures on his journey to god addressed in true Kanye fashion w/ the odd line that leaves you thinking “wtf did I just hear”. Some of the sounds are unlike anything I’ve heard in a rap / hiphop orGive this some time. This 5.5 rating will change. Something new, something as fresh as this takes time simmer. Fire album front go back imo. Felt sincere. Felt very Kanye. The triumphs and failures on his journey to god addressed in true Kanye fashion w/ the odd line that leaves you thinking “wtf did I just hear”. Some of the sounds are unlike anything I’ve heard in a rap / hiphop or gospel song. Favourite track is ‘god is’. This is sound of the Christian church a 100 years from now. What Kanye accomplished for hiphop / pop music on 808s he does for gospel music w/ this song right here. In fact he achieves this w/ this entire album. I can see the live tour being lit af! Imagine the choir on Selah live! Kanye is a genius at setting the stage for a live performance such as this. Overall a project delivered in true Kanye fashion. This will be on rotation. I might even go to church more often. Who knows.. Expand
  14. Oct 27, 2019
    Album of the Year. This album is better than what any other artist can put out. People still hate on him as a person and claim that his quality of music is declining, but he’s actually experimenting with new themes and sounds, so all of his albums are unique. He is the greatest artist of all time. “God Is” is a classic track already. That’s Kanye West for you.
  15. Oct 27, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kanye doesn’t disappoint with this one and has made another great album! Wished it was longer! Expand
  16. Oct 27, 2019
    Delivers a cohesive, sonically pleasing and lyrically strong gospel album without having it be all “praise Jesus” like some often do. Very strong production and lyricism
  17. Oct 27, 2019
    CD Incrível, mostra uma nova fase do Kanye bem diferente do que estamos acostumados e com um ego bem menor.
  18. Oct 27, 2019
    Use this gospel for protection
    It's a hard road to heaven
    We call on your blessings
  19. Oct 28, 2019
    Only Ye can make music like this. Even when it seems like he hasn't put his all into the project, it sounds infectious, inspiring, and more artistic than most music today. While the project could've been more fleshed out, longer, etc., the fact is that despite all the pressure...a diamond was still made. And that deserves apprevtoation.
  20. Oct 28, 2019
    MBDTF level. Such depth and the biblical references are so inspiring. The grandioseness is breathtaking
  21. Oct 28, 2019
    o album é foda graças ao senhor Jesus! amem! Kanye West Gospel= perfeição
    ateus q chorem.
  22. Oct 28, 2019
    Great Album! Obviously Kanye brings all the haters out making these reviews all but pointless
  23. Oct 28, 2019
    Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Oct 28, 2019
    Well produced with a great message! Follow God, Use this Gospel, and God is are excellent songs to start with.
  25. Oct 28, 2019
    perfect, I really loved it, kanye changed the game, he's one of the best things to ever exist in gospel
  26. Oct 28, 2019
    This album shows Kanye’s versatility and adds well to his unique discography
  27. Oct 28, 2019
    An amazing album. Kanye does it again. 2 improvements for me would be to fix use this gospel as the leaked versions were much better, and make Jesus is Lord much much longer as the sound is heavenly!
  28. Oct 28, 2019
    This album is an incredible departure from Ye's previous work, it is like 808s in the sense that the recognition will be more widespread once people have had time to understand it.
  29. Oct 28, 2019
    Great album. Pushing boundaries as always.

    Selah and God Is are some of his best songs ever.

  30. Oct 28, 2019
    very good, I felt blessed and enlightened by all the sounds ye's been able to put out on this album;
    my christianity indicators rose from 25 all the way up to 100+
  31. Oct 28, 2019
    It's 2019 and being a hater is the trendy thing to do. Instead of hating I chose to listen to the album and it's a certified 10/10. Jesus is King!
  32. Oct 28, 2019
    While the lyricism of Jesus Is King might be Kanye's worst to date, the production & concepts are definite hits. Refreshing album after Kanye's tumultuous 2018.

    Best Tracks: On God & God Is
    Worst Tracks: Water & Everything We Need
  33. Oct 28, 2019
    can’t believe Yeezy took me to Church
  34. Oct 28, 2019
    album simplesmente perfeito, com significado para os fãs e afro americanos, a melodia é incrivel
  35. Oct 28, 2019
    I agree a lot with the criticism about the intro and outro being odd pacing and timing, the overall structure of it being a awkwardly short project, but Kanye has always had corny lyrics and those on “Closed on Sunday” aren’t THAT bad.
  36. Oct 28, 2019
    What an amazing album. From beginning to end it was a spiritual journey. I felt the emotional and tiredness that went into creating each and every song from the 11 track album.
  37. Oct 28, 2019
    Great album with a great message! Selah and Follow God are the best from this album!
  38. Oct 28, 2019
    Great overall album with elements of gospel. Kanye once again changes up his style and tries something different. One of the best albums of the year.
  39. Oct 29, 2019
    Another great album by Mr West. The gospel element is something new to hip-hop and once again Kanye has changed the game. This is an album similar to 808s that will give birth to new artists.
  40. Oct 29, 2019
    My whole family listens to this album and loves it! I'm a huge huge music fan so i listen to a lot of music but this is the first album maybe ever that me, my wife and two kids all love. That makes me happy! You're a free man Kanye!
  41. Oct 29, 2019
    This concludes an album that I find fascinating from start to finish. Perhaps we have to thank Kanye's wavering mental health for this unexpected musical exodus, as he does himself. There is something disturbing about realizing that the overwhelming majority of the best known artists suffer from mental disorders. In the manner of a Joker posing in the cinema, the question of our moralThis concludes an album that I find fascinating from start to finish. Perhaps we have to thank Kanye's wavering mental health for this unexpected musical exodus, as he does himself. There is something disturbing about realizing that the overwhelming majority of the best known artists suffer from mental disorders. In the manner of a Joker posing in the cinema, the question of our moral sense from a punitive and emotional point of view, Jesus Is King puts it from the angle of perverse musical entertainment ... Because if we always hope that our favorite artists feel better in their heads, it's impossible to deny that you have to be special to have a crazy career like Kanye West. Thank you! Expand
  42. Nov 5, 2019
    Classic Kanye with infinitely more depth. Most of these comments are shallow and inaccurate from those who didn't approach this work with an open mind to begin with... or clearly had a political axe to grind. You have to listen through it a couple of times to get the message and understand the flow. As you do, it gets better and better until you realize it is a complete masterpiece. MyClassic Kanye with infinitely more depth. Most of these comments are shallow and inaccurate from those who didn't approach this work with an open mind to begin with... or clearly had a political axe to grind. You have to listen through it a couple of times to get the message and understand the flow. As you do, it gets better and better until you realize it is a complete masterpiece. My only complaint is the last track wasn't long enough. You tee'd it up and left it Ye! finish it on next. The thing is most christian music is lazy and uninspired when it should be anything but. This is easily the best gospel album I have heard where essentially every verse was honest and has weight. You can feel toll of fame, pain, addition, lament and contrast his sorrow with redemption and concern for his family. Its even more powerful if you listen to his earlier work, in succession, up to this point. Proud of Kanye for doing this. Blessed by his early living out of a true saving faith. Encouraged by the importance he placed on theological accuracy (the best he knew at this point) and, praying for his continued sanctification and for his wife, kids and family to follow close behind through seeing the change in his life that only Christ can bring Expand
  43. Nov 4, 2019
    The album aims to renew Kanye West's career with a new musicality and lyricism, believing that even the “infidels” will be jaw-dropping with the music production of the work. Is this another work of art by the artist? Jesus is King is a significant milestone in West's career and anticipates what we can expect in the future.
  44. Oct 30, 2019
    This album is a work of art and grows on me every listen. Production is amazing and the songs offer a new take on Hip Hop records and an infusion with gospel music. When taking it in without prejudice and with the recommend purpose it clearly reaches its goals and provides a musical and spiritual experience to behold.
  45. Oct 31, 2019
    Every Kanye album is a 10/10 in my opinion. His albums are truly works of art because have you ever heard someone say the new Kanye album was just alright? No, you haven’t. You only hear people say it’s bad, or amazing. Never a middle ground answer, always the two extremes. This is the sign of true art. Kanye isn’t really doing anything drastically different than what he’s always done.Every Kanye album is a 10/10 in my opinion. His albums are truly works of art because have you ever heard someone say the new Kanye album was just alright? No, you haven’t. You only hear people say it’s bad, or amazing. Never a middle ground answer, always the two extremes. This is the sign of true art. Kanye isn’t really doing anything drastically different than what he’s always done. Soul samples? ✓ Religious lyrics? ✓ ✓ ✓ Kinda corny lines like “you’re my chick-fil-a”? ✓ Kanye has always had some corny lines in his songs like in 808s & Heartbreak when he refers to his love as a RoboCop. Or when he says in Yeezus “Eating Asian **** all I need is sweet and sour sauce.”

    Another thing with Kanye music is it has a tendency to have mixed reviews upon release both critically and commercially. But also has a tendency to be considered a classic album a few years later. This has happened with 808s & Heartbreak, Yeezus, The Life of Pablo, and it’s starting to happen with his 2018 album Ye. Overall, I think this is a good album that will be considered a classic in a few years. Religious lyrics often age very well. It’s cool to see Kanye still doing what he does at age 42.
  46. Nov 1, 2019

    It’s a spiritual war, even on Metacritic. Kanye keep doing God’s work, you’re doing so much good with your music. We needed this album
  47. Nov 1, 2019
    This album is amazing when taking in it's context and purpose as a gospel album. Kanye brilliantly combines rap with Gospel and provides some very well composed tracks to create for a seamless and enjoyable listen. One to be revered!
  48. Nov 1, 2019
    This is another masterpiece of Kanye West. He never produced the "same" album twice. He always reinventions himself and doesn't care what other people think about it, he does what he wants to. never made mainstream music. He truly is the greatest artist of all time.
  49. Nov 6, 2019
    Obviously a Christian themed Album/Movie may not sit well with DEMOCRATS/JEWS/NON-CHRISTIANS/LGBTQ etc...However these groups comprise the VAST majority of Music & Film Critics. And I think they are being VERY dishonest in their biased reviews of these Exceptional works of Art by Kanye. Jesus is King is an AMAZING Album, 10 Stars
  50. Nov 7, 2019
    This is a very honest and deep album were Kanye is expressing his feelings and getting over mistakes from the past and giving glory to God. I love it !
  51. Nov 8, 2019
    This is by far the most uplifting album of 2019 I've heard, filling the cultural gap that exists in today's society and music industry where every record almost sounds the same as the other one in advancement of evil. Well done Kanye, you getting a Grammy plus a BET for this one.
  52. Nov 11, 2019
    Despite the fact that it’s only a 27-minute-album, For a album «as a christian», songs are pretty good and lyrics a lil bit deep
  53. Nov 11, 2019
    Não é um dos seus melhores álbuns, mas está longe de ser o pior. ye, lançado no ano passado, é o verdadeiro e único ponto baixo da sua discografia. Jesus Is King representa o renascimento de um dos maiores artistas do século 21 depois de retomar contato com Deus e merece atenção e elogios por sua criatividade e estética sonora. Embora as letras não estejam no mesmo nível, abordam temasNão é um dos seus melhores álbuns, mas está longe de ser o pior. ye, lançado no ano passado, é o verdadeiro e único ponto baixo da sua discografia. Jesus Is King representa o renascimento de um dos maiores artistas do século 21 depois de retomar contato com Deus e merece atenção e elogios por sua criatividade e estética sonora. Embora as letras não estejam no mesmo nível, abordam temas necessários que a sociedade costuma ignorar. Mal posso esperar pelo capítulo seguinte. Expand
  54. Nov 25, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lyrically the album is phenomenal, my only negative thought on the album is that I wish the album was longer. I've never heard an entire album where all tracks were great, in jesus is king all tracks are great. I never expected this from a gospel album but regardless of the genre this is the best I've ever heard Expand
  55. Jan 10, 2020
    Kanye has always been a trendsetter and will always be. The mix of his voice and gospel really works. Bravo Kanye!
  56. Feb 4, 2020
    Production and structure are the strengths. A deeper understanding of Kanye is recommended to appreciate it as a whole.
  57. Feb 21, 2020
    cheio de espírito e inspiração, kanye colocou sua alma nesse álbum, com tanto trabalho chegou a obra de arte espiritual perfeita
  58. May 1, 2020
    Criativo e inovador como sempre, superando as barreiras do que é tratado como hip hop e criando um álbum gospel excepcional, cheio de faixas extremamente incríveis e que não prezam por apelo religioso pra ganhar visibilidade, mas sim apenas fala de Deus da sua maneira.
  59. Jul 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Excellent Album, the most spiritual that Kanye has ever released, I saw God in the lyrics and I believe that the angels in the sky sing like this Expand
  60. Sep 11, 2020
    this is a masterpiece godly production looking forward new kanye's music :D
  61. Dec 15, 2020
    is a beautiful album , this album changes my life , i love it , thank you Kanye
  62. Apr 6, 2021
    This album is amazing. Whoever is rating this low, clearly doesn’t know what good music is.
  63. Jun 19, 2021
  64. Aug 30, 2021
    This album is beautiful if you actually listen to the meaning behind every song. Even closed on Sunday
  65. Aug 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This álbum change my life, Jesus is the king, Just praise the lord and nothing more Expand
  66. Oct 25, 2019
    As 2019 ends and a tumultuous 2020 begins, Kanye captures a flawed humanity asking for a final plea from God. A mix of warm beats and uplifting lyrics, West gives in to his spiritual shortcomings and embraces the eternal power of Jesus.
  67. Oct 28, 2019
    This album is great, it grows on you rapidly for each listen. Kanye remains at the forefront of innovative music whilst also going back to his roots slightly with the chopped up soul/gospel samples. The album is short but sweet. Lyrics are heartfelt and personal as always from Kanye, with some humor mixed in there.

    Production is the absolute best part, from the epic tribal drums on
    This album is great, it grows on you rapidly for each listen. Kanye remains at the forefront of innovative music whilst also going back to his roots slightly with the chopped up soul/gospel samples. The album is short but sweet. Lyrics are heartfelt and personal as always from Kanye, with some humor mixed in there.

    Production is the absolute best part, from the epic tribal drums on "Selah", to the wavy atmosphere on "Water", to the futuristic synth on "On God", to the absolutely gorgeous gospel sample on "God Is", all the way to the great saxophone solo by Kenny G on "Use this Gospel. That same track also features the rap duo Clipse making a historic comeback. Both Pusha T and his brother Malice have great verses on this track.

    Overall, there's a lot to like here. I haven't been able to stop listening since it came out, and the album keeps growing on me even more. Kanye did an amazing job.

    Favorite tracks: Selah, Follow God, Closed on Sunday, On God, Everything We Need, God Is, Use this gospel.

    Least Favorite tracks: Hands On (Lost potential on that track.)
  68. Oct 30, 2019
    Maybe the lyrics are not amazing, but the vibe, the music is so creative. I think it is around the level of KSG and TLOP despite not being as lyrical or abstract
  69. Oct 25, 2019
    Kanye delivers incredible production and bars, whole changing his sound. It's a big adjustment, but it is rewarding.
  70. Oct 30, 2019
    Even though I normally don't listen to Gospel music, this was a nice, light and uplifting record. Will probably give it a few more listens
  71. Oct 31, 2019
    I know it’s not vintage-Kanye good but it’s still a very interesting and sonically pleasing album.
  72. Oct 28, 2019
    Muy buen album de Kanye, la verdad que no decepciono, no tenia idea de lo que podia llegar a esperar de un album Gospel, pero la verdad que me sorprendio bastente. Entre los mejores temas destaco Follow God, Close On Sunday, On God y Use This Gospel.
  73. Oct 25, 2019
    Every hour - 8/10
    Selah - 8.5/10
    Follow God - 9.5/10
    Closed On Sunday - 8.5/10
    On God - 9/10
    Everything We Need - 7/10
    Water - 9/10
    God Is - 9/10
    Hands On - 10/10
    Use This Gospel - 9/10
    Jesus Is Lord - 8.5/10
    overall - 8.7
  74. Oct 26, 2019
    90% of People who dont like it are either butthurt cause Cudi isn't on it or cause they still want the old Kanye

    90% of People who dont like it are either butthurt cause Cudi isn't on it or cause they still want the old Kanye

    90% of People who dont like it are either butthurt cause Cudi isn't on it or cause they still want the old Kanye
  75. Oct 26, 2019
    Good production and a good listen. Kanye seems happier now and i’m glad that this album reflects his new faith. Not the album I was expecting, but i like the use of gospel and the new kanye.
  76. Oct 25, 2019
    New Holy, new beat, new kanye.
    The lyrics with heavy, deep beats and transcendental messages give fresh stimulation.
  77. Oct 25, 2019
    Very much worth the wait. The production is stellar as always and that clipse feature was a highlight of the album for sure. My only issue is that the record could have been longer!
  78. Oct 25, 2019
    Second favorite of the year and of his discography. Elevates past works like Yeezus and Pablo.
  79. Oct 25, 2019
    First listen thought it was trash but the more I listen the more I love. As an atheist some lines are pretty cringe but putting that aside, flow is great, product is amazing per usual, and good features. I feel like every song has something unique about it that makes me want to listen to it more and more It'll probably rank low in a list of best to worst albums but that's only cause it'sFirst listen thought it was trash but the more I listen the more I love. As an atheist some lines are pretty cringe but putting that aside, flow is great, product is amazing per usual, and good features. I feel like every song has something unique about it that makes me want to listen to it more and more It'll probably rank low in a list of best to worst albums but that's only cause it's not my taste. Overall enjoy the album and Ye never ceases to amaze me. Expand
  80. Oct 26, 2019
    It's ye with more depth to explore. But i would rather next level yeezus...
  81. Oct 26, 2019
    KANYE IS BACK!!!! After so long the MR. West that made masterpieces such as Yeezus, 808s and heartbreak and of course My beautiful dark twisted fantasy is back and he is on a mission to spread the lords word. This is the best produced gospel album and the whole thing is unique and unlike anything anyone has ever heard. Welcome back MR.WEST!!!
  82. Oct 26, 2019
    cara na minha visão foi um álbum além de un simples álbum gospel, com músicas muito boas de se escutar e ficam na mente, gostei muito
  83. Oct 26, 2019
    I dont like the perspective that alot of these reviews look at the album from. It's so great to see Kanye happy, and at peace. After years, a literal decade, of controversy and headlines, Mr West has finally found his rock.
    The album is well produced and sounds great. The first half is especially strong. It's not a revolutionary album by any means; but a great one nonetheless. Some of
    I dont like the perspective that alot of these reviews look at the album from. It's so great to see Kanye happy, and at peace. After years, a literal decade, of controversy and headlines, Mr West has finally found his rock.
    The album is well produced and sounds great. The first half is especially strong. It's not a revolutionary album by any means; but a great one nonetheless. Some of these will be considered his classics I have no doubt. Kanye's ability to fuse gospel with hip-hop is unmatched. I'm proud of you Mr West ♥️
  84. Oct 26, 2019
    Kanye's chaotic mind tackles several aspects and challenges of devotion to Jesus in a beautiful display of genres. His characteristic chipmunk soul sampling is stronger than ever. Some production aspects were kinda sloppy, but I loved the album.
  85. Oct 28, 2019
    At first, people hated Yeezus and 808’s. Now they are considered classics. Jesus Is King will be exactly like that and only get better with age. In 5 years from now this album will be praised and be viewed very positively. This is a great album, like all others in Kanye’s discography. Definitely not a top 3 Kanye album but still an amazing record.
  86. Oct 28, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A very good album with a awesome production and instrumentals. Lyrics are good too, but it's a fact that is gospel hip hop album, so it's very experimental, I just loved. kanye it's on a other phase of him life, so try to listen the full album with no preconcept Expand
  87. Oct 29, 2019
    People either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it. Everyone is talking about it, it's quite controversial.
    On one side it's quite bad, surface level and corny to the point of making you laugh, on the other side
    it's powerful, it's soulful, (the first listen of Selah made me cry), it's courageous, it's taboo, it's inspiring. So it's very representative of its creator Kanye West. A
    People either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it. Everyone is talking about it, it's quite controversial.
    On one side it's quite bad, surface level and corny to the point of making you laugh, on the other side
    it's powerful, it's soulful, (the first listen of Selah made me cry), it's courageous, it's taboo, it's inspiring.

    So it's very representative of its creator Kanye West. A sincere piece of music, a great piece of art.
    I'm glad this album exists, and i can't wait to see its ripples.
  88. Jan 10, 2020
    I was disappointed with this album at first, but over time it began to grow on me. On first listen, only the track "Follow God" stood out, but of course that is because Kanye was clearly going for something different on this album. After being out for a few months, I love this album. It very much reminds me of 808s in a lot of ways, and I think in 5 to 10 years people will look back andI was disappointed with this album at first, but over time it began to grow on me. On first listen, only the track "Follow God" stood out, but of course that is because Kanye was clearly going for something different on this album. After being out for a few months, I love this album. It very much reminds me of 808s in a lot of ways, and I think in 5 to 10 years people will look back and give this album the praise it deserves. My thoughts:

    - Selah, Follow God, Closed on Sunday, Hands on & Use This Gospel are all great tracks
    - the into and interlude tracks are enjoyable
    -"On God" is my favorite song that came out this year, excluding music that was leaked.
    -"Everything We Need" is good, but not as good as the XXXTENTACION version that was on the Yandhi bootleg
    -"Water" is a good song but I do find Kanyes verse on this track to be lazy
    - Ant Clemons contributions to the album were great
    - The album is rather short, and I do think certain other songs from Yandhi could have been included

    I would say it is the 6th best out of Kanye's solo albums.
  89. Oct 27, 2019
    if you told me back in the day that Kanye would one day release a christian record that was actually good and sincere, I would have scoffed. But as a non-religious but still God fearing person, this is a deeply personal work with enlightening lyrics, and Kanye's sincere passion and reconciliation with his newfound beliefs. Some really beautiful stuff here, and the lyrics are both brutallyif you told me back in the day that Kanye would one day release a christian record that was actually good and sincere, I would have scoffed. But as a non-religious but still God fearing person, this is a deeply personal work with enlightening lyrics, and Kanye's sincere passion and reconciliation with his newfound beliefs. Some really beautiful stuff here, and the lyrics are both brutally honest and affecting. Let's hope this isn't just a phase. Expand
  90. Oct 26, 2019
    wtf is going on - this is a very good album - stunning production, catchy structures of songs, nice flowing raps and strong gospel-elements - even if not groundbreaking most reviews are far to negative.
  91. Oct 25, 2019
    The only thing missing is the cinematic atmosphere of his longer album cuts.
  92. Oct 26, 2019
    It shouldn't work - this gospel-rap combo - but somehow it does, and the result is pretty compelling. (I say this as an atheist, by the way, who, generally speaking, is allergic to religious art.)
  93. Oct 25, 2019
    It's definitely one of the weirdest albums kanye has ever dropped, the production is fantastic on almost every single track, some of the tracks are the most experimental that kanye has ever released (such as Hands On), but the only thing that's holding me back from giving this album a higher score are the lyrics on some of the tracks, they sound pretentious, and on water it literallyIt's definitely one of the weirdest albums kanye has ever dropped, the production is fantastic on almost every single track, some of the tracks are the most experimental that kanye has ever released (such as Hands On), but the only thing that's holding me back from giving this album a higher score are the lyrics on some of the tracks, they sound pretentious, and on water it literally sounds like a christian parody of a decent song, not every track is like that though, Hands on or Selah for example have good lyrics, but it's not enough to save the album, it could've been a 9/10 or even a 9.5/10 album, if kanye put some effort into the lyrics and it didnt come out so pretentious, basic, and even cringy sometimes, still a really good album. Expand
  94. Oct 31, 2019
    I was prepared for disaster, a typical atheist disinterested in the "gospel," and waiting for a total flop. My first listen was skeptical but this wasn't my first Kanye album, so I know I've been here before. But like every Kanye album before it, it grows on you with each listen.

    Kanye has always made better albums than one-off songs and this album is no different. At just 12 tracks
    I was prepared for disaster, a typical atheist disinterested in the "gospel," and waiting for a total flop. My first listen was skeptical but this wasn't my first Kanye album, so I know I've been here before. But like every Kanye album before it, it grows on you with each listen.

    Kanye has always made better albums than one-off songs and this album is no different. At just 12 tracks and 27 minutes, its a perfect length to just consume in its entirety. The track arrangement is perfectly no coincidence as the album just flows.

    Kanye is no genius but he is certainly brilliant. A savant, perhaps.
  95. Oct 26, 2019
    Incredible production and vocals, a lot of people I think listened once and said "this sucks" give it a couple more listens, I am only left wanting more. Don't miss out on this aoty.
  96. Oct 25, 2019
    Went in with low expectations after “ye” and it was a blissful listen to say the least, from the beginning with the Sunday Service vocals on “Every Hour” to the haunting and dark “Closed on Sunday” to the video game soundtrack sounding “On God” and ending with “Jesus Is Lord” which I would’ve been fine with having a 20 minute version of. All in all I feel this album will grow with time forWent in with low expectations after “ye” and it was a blissful listen to say the least, from the beginning with the Sunday Service vocals on “Every Hour” to the haunting and dark “Closed on Sunday” to the video game soundtrack sounding “On God” and ending with “Jesus Is Lord” which I would’ve been fine with having a 20 minute version of. All in all I feel this album will grow with time for a lot of people and will be looked back on like “Yeezus” and “808s” Expand
  97. Oct 27, 2019
    You don't have to be religious to enjoy what was a solid effort by West to express the new feelings of profound spirituality the man is now feeling. This feels completely different than what we've heard from him before because this is a new Kanye. This is him putting his faith into creating music that touches the soul, and there definitely are tracks that do so.
  98. Oct 26, 2019
    Great vocals, great production, great ideia for using religious music in rap style
  99. Oct 26, 2019
    Overall I really enjoyed it, however It felt like there was something missing that I just can't put my finger on. I was hoping the album would've been longer
  100. Oct 26, 2019
    This album is really good sonically and emotionally. Most people would say it isn't good because of the partially cheap lyrics or because it isn't a hip-hop album. However, the mixing of some songs could be better.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 25
  2. Negative: 4 out of 25
  1. Dec 30, 2019
    His reunion with frequent collaborators belies a rich history of discovering and championing new voices. This ostensible distance from which Kanye preaches reveals King’s true tension: Kanye, like Kendrick on DAMN., is asking for our prayers, while also distancing himself from our hands and our mouths. And it doesn’t work. ... He has artistically lost track of his audience and himself in its midst.
  2. The Wire
    Nov 20, 2019
    He’s hung up on Jesus rather than pneumatic women. It’s hard to tell if that’s an improvement, but it doesn’t seem like a regression either. ... An album with zero fat, dense in at least three senses, two of them positive. [Dec 2019, p.60]
  3. Nov 12, 2019
    As with every Kanye album, there’s some magnificent production on a majority of “Jesus Is King” courtesy of Pi’erre Bourne, Timbaland and Boogz, among others. ... Kanye just seems like he’s in his own world; disregarding what’s going on around him. Other times, Ye’s writing delves into eyerolling contradictions and ego-driven intentions.