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  1. Oct 23, 2016
    Su voz ahora viene muy diferente a lo que hacia, esto hace que me encante más y la profundidad con la que habla ahora es diferente, realmente es algo que va más con su vida, me encanta, la verdad que debería saber elegir qué canciones son las mejores postores para que tengan vídeo.
  2. Oct 23, 2016
    This is the album of the year! It's so good! I love it because there are so many different music styles and there are tracks like Diamond Heart, A-YO, John Wayne, Dancin' In Circles that you can't stop dancing. CONGRATS GAGA!
  3. Oct 23, 2016
    Que álbum magnifico é esse? Profundo, cheio de conteúdo, letras compostas com muita inteligencia! Gaga sempre se superando, não é atoa que ela é o Bowie da geração. Um ícone, pra sempre lembrada. A cada era uma única era.
  4. Oct 23, 2016
    This is what I've been waiting from Gaga! Masterpiece! It's her best album! She changed her style and find her real style. I love Diamond Heart, John Wayne, Dancin' In Circles and Angel Down.
  5. Oct 23, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lady Gaga nos mostrou novamente o quanto havia evoluído musicalmente nesse seu novo álbum. Com musicas simples, porém marcantes, Gaga deu um show com sua voz, que conseguiu fluir entre o Country, Folk, e Rock de uma maneira única. Expand
  6. Oct 23, 2016
    Joanne is such a cool album, there is pop, folk, rock, country. It is fun, deep, catchy, inspiring and emotional, it is such a great journey for all of us. I love the way she writes her songs, such a huge talented artist.

    Best Songs so far: Joanne, John Wayne, Diamond Heart and Angel Down.
  7. Oct 23, 2016
    The shock artist's new tactic these days seems to be releasing shockingly great music. Joanne features a stellar and seamless dovetail of raw vocals, diverse genres, as well as exceptionally solid songwriting; tracks like "John Wayne" and "Angel Down" shine through an extremely competitive array of musical stompers and heartfelt ballads.
  8. Oct 23, 2016
    This is simply, her best album yet. Lady Gaga is better then ever, and together with her her music. "Artpop" was overwhelmed and too complicated. On the other hand, "Joanne," is clean, beautiful and simply amazing. Fantastic guitar sounds and the angelic bass. Wow, worth the wait those three years. This album became my favorite :D
  9. Oct 23, 2016
    Some people here are so creating accounts to give bad reviews, that is so silly, you will not change the world and not the Gaga's bank account, grow up guys! The record is amazing!
  10. Oct 23, 2016
    This album has everything we can wish for. Heart-breaking songs like 'Joanne' and 'Million Reasons', crazy songs like 'Perfect Illusion' and 'John Wayne'. Lady Gaga redefined pop music. This is the best way to start and end your weekend!
  11. Oct 23, 2016
    Wow, I can see little monsters are trying as usual to massively influence statistics! Truth is, there are a couple a good tunes on Joanne: Sinner's prayer, for instance, is enjoyable. But, overall, their are just too many weak elements on this record which make it rather forgettable.
  12. Oct 23, 2016
    This is an amazing album where GaGa proves an other time she is a versatile artist. First the jazz adventure with Tony Bennett and now Joanne where she experiments with country and folk influences. The album features some amazing heartfelt moments like Angel Down and title track Joanne, as-well fun tracks like Dancin' In Circles and A-Yo.
  13. Oct 23, 2016
    "Wow......ok, so I did not expect that. I saw the reviews and thought this was gonna be pretty mediocre but there's something so fresh and different about this. Like, I'm sorry, but this woman could've hired loads of writers to make her loads of hit current singles and instead she does this? Balls. She has balls. I like balls. That's exactly why the album is a hit. Seriously, she could"Wow......ok, so I did not expect that. I saw the reviews and thought this was gonna be pretty mediocre but there's something so fresh and different about this. Like, I'm sorry, but this woman could've hired loads of writers to make her loads of hit current singles and instead she does this? Balls. She has balls. I like balls. That's exactly why the album is a hit. Seriously, she could have enlisted Major Lazer and The Chainsmokers and made a fun but forgettable album that sounds like every other thing on top 40 right now. It would've meant an easy #1 album but Gaga doesn't follow trends, she makes them." -Reddit User on "Joanne". Truly an amazing album. Expand
  14. Oct 23, 2016
    Disappointing, no cohesion at all. Joanne is the album that shouldn't have been pop yet still wanna show that some Lady Gaga remains there by using alt-rock melodies (already heard in Tame Impala and Mark Ronson with much better results), dull country-pop (Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift went first) and some melodies that should have never been aired (Dancin' In Circles, with Beck,Disappointing, no cohesion at all. Joanne is the album that shouldn't have been pop yet still wanna show that some Lady Gaga remains there by using alt-rock melodies (already heard in Tame Impala and Mark Ronson with much better results), dull country-pop (Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift went first) and some melodies that should have never been aired (Dancin' In Circles, with Beck, sounds awful). Expand
  15. Oct 23, 2016
    Waiting for an album to look from the end of "Art pop", which is still much, but he was too hyped and so complex texts did not go in his favor. This is just perfect. All the songs are very emotional, filled with meaning and love. I will try to mention a greater number of songs:

    "Perfect illusion" - an unfortunate choice of lead single. The song is good, but no more. Compared with other
    Waiting for an album to look from the end of "Art pop", which is still much, but he was too hyped and so complex texts did not go in his favor. This is just perfect. All the songs are very emotional, filled with meaning and love. I will try to mention a greater number of songs:

    "Perfect illusion" - an unfortunate choice of lead single. The song is good, but no more. Compared with other songs in an album, it is rather weak. The meaning is quite simple - we had a love Gaga, and she was blind. 9/10

    "Hey Girl" - it's just something unreal. Gaga duet with Florence. Easy song, his mesmerizing music and lyrics. Suffice it tightly ingrained in memory. 10/10

    "Diamond Heart" - a reflection of a great many people in our time. This story Stephanie, who has found love, but also managed to lose it. 10/10

    "Angel Down" - an excellent drama, with the deepest sense. That only is the ending 10/10

    Of the rest there is no sense of anything to say. It is better to listen to the album. That's what I waited for 3 years. Masterpiece!
  16. Oct 23, 2016
    I am happy she's finally being herself in this era. All the music, lyrics and her voice in this album are all her true feelings, which bring us to her real heart. This is what artists do, they don't just sing or make songs to let you dance & shake your heads, but they deliver their feelings and faith in their works.
  17. Oct 23, 2016
    This is very different from Gaga's previous work, yet still holds up to the high standard she set for herself. This album has something for everyone, from club bangers Diamond Heart and Dancing In Circles, to heart Wrenching Ballads Million Reasons and Angel Down. Standout tracks include Hey Girl, a 70's inspired funk-pop song with an amazing beat and featuring Florence Welch, and theThis is very different from Gaga's previous work, yet still holds up to the high standard she set for herself. This album has something for everyone, from club bangers Diamond Heart and Dancing In Circles, to heart Wrenching Ballads Million Reasons and Angel Down. Standout tracks include Hey Girl, a 70's inspired funk-pop song with an amazing beat and featuring Florence Welch, and the title track Joanne, which highlights Gaga's emotive and raw vocals which can be heard throughout the album. Overall the album has a country vibe, with hints of rock and jazz here and there. I would highly recommend this album to everyone. Expand
  18. Oct 22, 2016
    Joanne is the polar opposite of ARTPOP in every way; it's more accessible, more cohesive, more vulnerable. The experimentation isn't as obvious and in-your-face, and it comes through with more genuine moments and thought-provoking themes than its predecessor. Many fans will be turned off by this new direction, but when it comes right down to it, it's still Gaga doing what she loves. IJoanne is the polar opposite of ARTPOP in every way; it's more accessible, more cohesive, more vulnerable. The experimentation isn't as obvious and in-your-face, and it comes through with more genuine moments and thought-provoking themes than its predecessor. Many fans will be turned off by this new direction, but when it comes right down to it, it's still Gaga doing what she loves. I would say Joanne is a grower that might take multiple listens to get accustomed to. Even if you consider it a "bad" Gaga album, it's still leagues better than most stuff that's put out in pop music these days. Expand
  19. Oct 22, 2016
    Em seu novo álbum Lady Gaga mais uma vez nos surpreende com um trabalho maduro, recheado de influências de música soul, funk, R & b, soul, jazz, rock e folk, com um alto nível de colaborações e impecável dueto com florence welch. Talvez este seja o mais completo e bem gravado álbum do artista e nos dá a certeza de que um grande lote de reinvenção e renovação ainda será visto por nósEm seu novo álbum Lady Gaga mais uma vez nos surpreende com um trabalho maduro, recheado de influências de música soul, funk, R & b, soul, jazz, rock e folk, com um alto nível de colaborações e impecável dueto com florence welch. Talvez este seja o mais completo e bem gravado álbum do artista e nos dá a certeza de que um grande lote de reinvenção e renovação ainda será visto por nós quando se trata de Lady Gaga. Expand
  20. Oct 22, 2016
    Great album, great sound! She's incredible! Best songs are: Come to Mama, Joanne, Grigio Girls, Just Another Day, Perfect Illusion and Million Reasons!
  21. Oct 22, 2016
    I seem to be the only person on the planet who actually loved ARTPOP, so it annoys me that Lady Gaga is dialing it back in response to all the harsh criticism. I understand that artists evolve and try new things, but so much of what we loved about Gaga--her bold, unrelenting weirdness--is completely lost on this album. Admittedly, Joanne is better than I expected, with a few good songsI seem to be the only person on the planet who actually loved ARTPOP, so it annoys me that Lady Gaga is dialing it back in response to all the harsh criticism. I understand that artists evolve and try new things, but so much of what we loved about Gaga--her bold, unrelenting weirdness--is completely lost on this album. Admittedly, Joanne is better than I expected, with a few good songs like Joanne and Perfect Illusion, but it still leaves much to be desired. It's a mishmash of so many different styles, like soft rock, 12 bar blues, folk, western, '60s bubblegum pop, etc., and it really seems like Gaga has no idea what she's doing. There's no unifying theme or vision to this album like there was on ARTPOP and Born This Way. It's just a collection of random, halfway decent tunes, with almost none of the brilliance that Gaga is known for. Overall, Joanne has some redeeming parts, but it's disappointing coming from one of the most iconic pop stars of the current generation. Expand
  22. Oct 22, 2016
    This is such an unexpected move by Gaga, and it works out in the best way! There is such a blend of nostalgia and modernity that I am obsessed with. The album is also incredibly sentimental and emotional, and I have cried almost a dozen times listening to it, and I have never cried for music before! 100/10 best Gaga record yet!
  23. Oct 22, 2016
    I had very high expectations for her first album in 3 years, especially since ARTPOP failed to impress the critics and general public. Lady Gaga keeps getting better with every reinvention and revamping every album era. She had a clear musical direction this album and it's safe to say that it's the most cohesive-sounding album to date. There is not a single song I don't like on Joanne.I had very high expectations for her first album in 3 years, especially since ARTPOP failed to impress the critics and general public. Lady Gaga keeps getting better with every reinvention and revamping every album era. She had a clear musical direction this album and it's safe to say that it's the most cohesive-sounding album to date. There is not a single song I don't like on Joanne.

    This new musical direction seems to be a culmination of everything Gaga has done throughout the years, while keeping a cool, folk rock sound consistent throughout the album. The production value and writing on this album is probably her best yet. Mark Ronson and team worked very well with her.

    Hoping people give this album a chance! It really is so amazing.
  24. Oct 22, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nothing on the album is what you'd expect it to be and and that might just be the reason that its so good! Its so obviously country but in the depths of it you will find pop, funk, electro, dance, jazz and soul. Expand
  25. Oct 22, 2016
    Gaga's return to the commercial market proves to be her most provocative body of work yet! Primarily manifested through diverse sense of fashion, Gaga has finally placed more of an emphasis on creating a diverse collection of songs as opposed to aesthetic.
  26. Oct 22, 2016
    One of the best Lady Gaga albums so far. The raw vocals on this album are just incredible and like nothing else out there. This album has be dancing in circles like its a perfect illusion, A-YO!
  27. Oct 22, 2016
    É um tesouro dos anos 70 lançado em 2016. Ele é tão Elton John, tão ''simples'' e puro com vocais maravilhosos. Não é encorpado igual ao BTW ou TFM, as músicas não tem várias camadas de vocais ou sons mas é magnífico assim! Cheio daquelas músicas que te fazem dançar mas não é essa a pretêncioso em fazer isso quando os álbuns passados. Carismático e simpático, não é o melhor da carreira masÉ um tesouro dos anos 70 lançado em 2016. Ele é tão Elton John, tão ''simples'' e puro com vocais maravilhosos. Não é encorpado igual ao BTW ou TFM, as músicas não tem várias camadas de vocais ou sons mas é magnífico assim! Cheio daquelas músicas que te fazem dançar mas não é essa a pretêncioso em fazer isso quando os álbuns passados. Carismático e simpático, não é o melhor da carreira mas é um álbum que pode abrir infinitas possibilidades no futuro. Expand
  28. Oct 22, 2016
    A breath of fresh air! Something that's not on the radio, give it a try and I'm sure you'll love it too! Catchy hooks, memorable melodies, exploding in emotions, and surprisingly simpler lyrics but still the Gaga is there.
  29. Oct 22, 2016
    Really different from anything else on mainstream radio right now. Love the songs and love her voice. My favorite songs are "Diamond Heart" and "Sinner's Prayer"...
  30. Oct 22, 2016
    Her best album. Little to no auto-tune. Raw, gritty, powerful and emotional vocals. A-list collaborators: Ronson, Bloodpop, Kevin Parker, Florence Welch, Beck, Father John Misty, Hillary Lindsey. The songs will tug at your emotions because the lyrics are so personal and moving ... this is not your generic pop album. Must Listen. Must buy.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Q Magazine
    Nov 15, 2016
    Flawed though it is, this brave and canny album hits the reset button and buys her a future. [Jan 2017, p.105]
  2. Nov 11, 2016
    Unfortunately, therein lies the biggest problem with Joanne: for every time that Gaga seemingly breaks free of her shackles and embraces something more “real,” she quickly scuttles back into her comfort zone and hides behind glistening production. This probably isn’t quite the sound of the real Stefani Germanotta, but if you squint hard enough there’s a semblance of a real person in amongst the pop haze.
  3. Nov 9, 2016
    Joanne is certainly not the all-conquering opus it was intended to be and will prove divisive, but it remains a daring and exciting record, delivered from one of modern pop’s most unique and singular voices.