• Record Label: PIAS
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
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  1. Sep 10, 2014
    It's nice indeed, but it may leave you craving something a little stronger.
  2. Sep 2, 2014
    Junto holds few surprises and its not the strongest album to sit in their catalogue, but it is reassuring to know that the boys are still making the music they love for a global dance audience.
  3. Q Magazine
    Aug 29, 2014
    An album that delivers plenty of thrills, even if the spills are now to be found elsewhere. [Oct 2014, p.104]
  4. Aug 26, 2014
    For the most part, Basement Jaxx are coloring within the lines on Junto, which leads to disappointing results.
  5. Aug 22, 2014
    On paper, Junto (Spanish for ‘together’) should make for an eclectic, flag-waving affair--but sadly many of its disparate parts blissfully miss the mark.
  6. Aug 21, 2014
    There may not be a standout track here--a Romeo or a Red Alert--and the desire to show their range (almost every track fuses a different style, from dancehall to trap or tropicalia) dilutes the effect of the whole. In each song, though, there'll be a small detail that hints at the skill of Simon Ratcliffe and Felix Buxton as producers.
  7. 50
    It sometimes feels as though the sun has risen and those attempting to keep the party alive are fighting a losing battle. And a carnival with fighting of any kind is surely missing the point.
  8. Aug 15, 2014
    Even in their diminished current form, Basement Jaxx still have a facility for turning pure cheese--dusty pianos scales, boilerplate diva-soul squawking, and tacky synthetic brass sections with "Yamaha" stamped on the side--into unabashed cheesy fun.
  9. Uncut
    Aug 15, 2014
    Tracks here borrow from the likes of Breach and Disclosure, and, as on "Buffalo," can be weedily underpowered where they once impressively unhinged. [Sep 2014, p.69]

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