• Record Label: Swim
  • Release Date: Nov 10, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Alternative Press
    While there are moments of buzzing, high-flying bliss on Githead's third LP, one can't escape the sensation of horizon-hugging deja vu. [Jan 2010, p.94]
  2. Landing is a well-made bit of fun, but it’s no more than that.
  3. The droning effect of the guitars-- all that static strumming-- might be more effective if they didn't sound so rounded-off and sanded down into a blur. It saps the life out of the songs, which come off more drab than they should.
  4. Q Magazine
    It's the sinuous, propulsive bass of Malka Spigel (Newman's wife and co-founder of the Swim~label) that takes centre stage, never more so than on instrumental opener Faster, the first of several tracks to invoke the ghost of New order. [Jan 2010, p. 119]
  5. Uncut
    For their third album, Githead - that's Wire's Colin Newman, Robin 'Scanner' Rimbaud, and Malka Spigel and Max Franken of Israeli post-punkers Minimal Compact - have partly abandoned the sly hooks of 2007's well-named Art Pop In favour of a leaner and more ambient approach. [Jan 2010, p. 112]

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