• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Dec 14, 2010

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
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  1. Jan 11, 2011
    Who knows whether the notoriously megalomaniacal Jackson would approve of this album-people on both sides of that argument have valid points-but as a start-to-finish collection of songs it's more enjoyable and less filler-stuffed than anything he's released since Bad, a minor miracle given the circumstances.
  2. Dec 15, 2010
    The result is shockingly better than might be expected - and in some ways superior to his final regular studio album, 2001's uneven and bloated Invincible.
  3. Dec 13, 2010
    If his family and creditors truly cared about Michael Jackson's legacy, they would now let it and him rest in peace. And chimps will fly...
  4. 75
    The material on Michael is not by any means a deep dive into the Jackson archives; nearly all the songs are culled from the last five years of his life.
  5. Dec 14, 2010
    We'll never know what Jackson really would've done with these songs but this is the first of, no doubt, many guesses we'll get that hopefully won't yield diminishing returns.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 81
  2. Negative: 16 out of 81
  1. Sep 10, 2011
    Nothing here is really memorable (well, duh--it's not like it's any of Michael Jackson's older stuff), but it's all fun, spunky, and itNothing here is really memorable (well, duh--it's not like it's any of Michael Jackson's older stuff), but it's all fun, spunky, and it REMINDS us of his older music. Full Review »
  2. Feb 14, 2011
    This posthumous album does not withstand any of Michael Jackson's previous materials. The album can be associated to as a compilation of songsThis posthumous album does not withstand any of Michael Jackson's previous materials. The album can be associated to as a compilation of songs from his previous album that did not make the cut. Full Review »
  3. Dec 31, 2010
    This is what happens when people want to milk as much money out of the household name Michael Jackson. The songs sound half-baked and theyThis is what happens when people want to milk as much money out of the household name Michael Jackson. The songs sound half-baked and they were probably knocked up in a few minutes. The only standout track on the album is Much Too Soon. I wouldn't listen to the rest, it's forgettable throwaway pop. Full Review »