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Universal acclaim- based on 432 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 27 out of 432
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  1. May 10, 2013
    Apparently Metacritic only gathered the mostly negative reviews of this album. However, you will not hear anything quite like Imagine Dragons. They manage to blend everything from rock to hip hop to folk to pop with such ease that the listener doesn't have a chance to fully realize how much thought has gone into each and every moment. Night Visions is a well-crafted, challenging andApparently Metacritic only gathered the mostly negative reviews of this album. However, you will not hear anything quite like Imagine Dragons. They manage to blend everything from rock to hip hop to folk to pop with such ease that the listener doesn't have a chance to fully realize how much thought has gone into each and every moment. Night Visions is a well-crafted, challenging and exciting debut album from a band that should be around for quite some time. Expand
  2. Jan 12, 2018
    the best imagine dragons has ever offered. form smash hits like radioactive and demons to more unknown gems like underdog and hear me this album must be listened to from start to finish.
  3. Dec 30, 2013
    This is probably one of the best albums of the year. Radioactive, It's Time, Demons, On Top of the World... It's all so good. Imagine Dragons has a huge expectation to fulfill in my eyes now.
  4. Mar 9, 2015
    The album contains great songs with amazing melodies and great vocals. I won't lie I honestly didn't care about them until I heard their music more and more know I love their music.
  5. Mar 16, 2018
    The first studio album from Alternative/Rock band Imagine Dragons is a relatively strong first album, it has great vocals and decent instrumentation, along with a couple really excellent tracks. Although that being said the lyrical prowess of this album is very clichéd and is not really anything to get excited about.
    Favourite Tracks- Bleeding Out, Demons, Radioactive, It's Time, Hear Me,
    The first studio album from Alternative/Rock band Imagine Dragons is a relatively strong first album, it has great vocals and decent instrumentation, along with a couple really excellent tracks. Although that being said the lyrical prowess of this album is very clichéd and is not really anything to get excited about.
    Favourite Tracks- Bleeding Out, Demons, Radioactive, It's Time, Hear Me, On Top Of The World
    Least Favourite Tracks- Every Night, Amsterdam
  6. Apr 25, 2021
    So many classics on here.

    The underrated Amsterdam.

    These songs are amazing.
  7. Jun 12, 2013
    Absolutely underrated band. Saw the guys live and was blown away by their musicianship. Night Visions is a strong debut album and I can't wait to hear what these guys put out next.
  8. Jun 9, 2013
    Great album. I've read countless positive reviews on it and am curious why metacritic is choosing these mixed reviews to display. For a debut album from such a young band I walked away thoroughly impressed after listening to it and have only grown more fond of it with time.
  9. May 30, 2013
    I don't understand how this album got such a low score. Most of the songs are amazing and more importantly, different. Working Man, Bleeding Out, On Top Of The World and It's Time are some of the best songs I've heard in a very long time. Sure they do have a few bad songs on the album but the good outweighs the bad by a mile
  10. Jul 23, 2013
    "Night Visions" has a new and fresh sound which distinguishes it from other generic records around, but the band plays safe with similar compositions through the album, which makes the album consistent, but nothing risque. "Radioactive" is the track pick here, having a different sound than we would normally expect from the band.

    Other track picks here are the other singles, "Bleeding
    "Night Visions" has a new and fresh sound which distinguishes it from other generic records around, but the band plays safe with similar compositions through the album, which makes the album consistent, but nothing risque. "Radioactive" is the track pick here, having a different sound than we would normally expect from the band.

    Other track picks here are the other singles, "Bleeding Out" and "Tiptoe".
  11. Mar 19, 2015
    Night Visions is a perfect example of alternative indie album that doesn't have a single song that you could say "uhh, I don't like it". The Deluxe Version of the album is also incredible.
  12. Mar 5, 2014
    This album literally saved my life. I was in the throes of depression and thinking of a second attempt at suicide. Thank god that Nothing Left To Say/Rocks came over my iHeartRadio, sung by a band that I never heard of at the time, Imagine Dragons. After hearing this song and its relatable message at the time, I dug down deep into finding who Imagine Dragons was, and I bought their albumThis album literally saved my life. I was in the throes of depression and thinking of a second attempt at suicide. Thank god that Nothing Left To Say/Rocks came over my iHeartRadio, sung by a band that I never heard of at the time, Imagine Dragons. After hearing this song and its relatable message at the time, I dug down deep into finding who Imagine Dragons was, and I bought their album right off the bat. The music and lyrics in this album are real things, real emotions that I've felt over the years. I'm happy to have discovered this band, and that they put this album out there. The messages in every song are real, and even the sad songs can make you feel happy and so much better. I'm going to my second Imagine Dragons concert for this album next week. The music contained within is timeless. Expand
  13. Feb 19, 2015
    This album is absolutely fantastic. It's this album that got me really into Imagine Dragons, because this is exactly what I like -- alternative pop-rock. It also blends influences from all over the EDM/pop/R&B generes. If you like OneRepublic, Bastille, Simon & Garfunkel, Arcade Fire, The Killers, Coldplay, Mumford & Sons, Neon Trees, WALK THE MOON, Foster the People, or Fun., check outThis album is absolutely fantastic. It's this album that got me really into Imagine Dragons, because this is exactly what I like -- alternative pop-rock. It also blends influences from all over the EDM/pop/R&B generes. If you like OneRepublic, Bastille, Simon & Garfunkel, Arcade Fire, The Killers, Coldplay, Mumford & Sons, Neon Trees, WALK THE MOON, Foster the People, or Fun., check out this group. If you're tired of ridiculously synthesized sounds interspersed with random men yelling about sex, check out this group. If you can... you now what? Just check out this group. Go stream the album. Expand
  14. Jun 21, 2013
    I think this album couldn't be better. Sounds, atmosphere, voices. They're all fantastic. I love this album and I love Imagine Dragons. I can't understand why it has such a low score, they'd deserve more.
  15. Nov 27, 2013
    Imagine Dragons have produced a true, raw, brilliant rock cd, and the fact that they are from my city, Las Vegas, makes me appreciate them even more. I have loved the cd for awhile and I just saw them perform live on the American Music Awards, and I have to say, Imagine Dragons are the real deal, and so passiontae about their music and what they do so much respect for this Las VegasImagine Dragons have produced a true, raw, brilliant rock cd, and the fact that they are from my city, Las Vegas, makes me appreciate them even more. I have loved the cd for awhile and I just saw them perform live on the American Music Awards, and I have to say, Imagine Dragons are the real deal, and so passiontae about their music and what they do so much respect for this Las Vegas band!!!!!!!!! Expand
  16. Aug 6, 2013
    I slept on this album for way too long. My friend suggested i check it out so I went ahead and did so. I loved this album, I literally listened to it 5 times in a row when I first checked it out. To this day it seems to just be getting better and better. While the lyrics aren't the strongest at some points all the songs are still great. Dan Reynolds (lead singer) was quoted saying heI slept on this album for way too long. My friend suggested i check it out so I went ahead and did so. I loved this album, I literally listened to it 5 times in a row when I first checked it out. To this day it seems to just be getting better and better. While the lyrics aren't the strongest at some points all the songs are still great. Dan Reynolds (lead singer) was quoted saying he wanted the listener to feel empowered and good about themselves as they listen to this album and that's exactly how I feel every time I listen. It's truly beautiful. Night Visions was an almost perfect debut album for Imagine Dragons, they certainly have a bright future for sure. 10/10 Expand
  17. Jun 30, 2013
    One of the better alternative bands out there, Imagine Dragons sounds like a mixture between Coldplay and the Killers (also originating from Nevada). Their songs are catchy and while many will think that they are too 'pop', there is enough artistry going into their arrangements that made them sound different than any alt bands out there.
  18. Jul 4, 2013
    Popular music has gotten a lot better since about 2011, and Imagine Dragons are a great example of that. I’d say the main attractor of the band, despite very well-done instrumentation, is singer Dan Reynolds’ booming, powerful & emotive voice, fitting well with the often-personal lyrical content. He’s just got a certain tone & inflection that makes you care about everything this guy hasPopular music has gotten a lot better since about 2011, and Imagine Dragons are a great example of that. I’d say the main attractor of the band, despite very well-done instrumentation, is singer Dan Reynolds’ booming, powerful & emotive voice, fitting well with the often-personal lyrical content. He’s just got a certain tone & inflection that makes you care about everything this guy has to say. He’s basically this decade’s Brandon Flowers, but not in a way that feels derivative. The instrumentation only helps add to the effect, with styles ranging from arena rock to synth-pop to indie rock. Still, this doesn’t make Night Visions feel any less like it’s written & recorded by a band rather than a solo artist with a revolving backing band. Each song is simply ridden with soaring catchy melodies that are begging to be screamed along to in a live setting. Maybe it’ll come off cheesy to some but whatever, opinions. I love a band that can create an infectious melody & dress it with just the right amounts of meaning, musicianship & simplicity, and that’s exact what Imagine Dragons does. 12 times. 15 times if you count the bonus tracks I decided to listen to. In my mind that’s pop music done right in a nutshell. I feel I should single out a few songs in particular. Such as Radioactive’s subtle dubstep elements in the verses & creative exaggerated smelling after the line “I’m breathing in the chemicals”. It shouldn’t really work on paper but somehow it does. Or It’s Time’s simple yet effective mandolin riff & anthemic chorus. Or Amsterdam’s jangly indie-rock guitar leads. Or Underdog’s bright, buzzing synths that I’d almost expect to find on a Matt & Kim or Passion Pit album. Or the justified 6+-minute length of monumental closer Nothing Left to Say. Or the unusual Vampire Weekend-meets-Temper Trap sound of Rocks. Or bonus track Cha Ching (Til We Grow Older)’s remarkable ability to make me take the phrase “cha-ching cha-ching cha-chingaling” seriously in a song. The beautifully tortured Demons is probably my favorite song here, and I really hope it’s the next single. If there’s one minor complaint to be found with this album it’s that the nice quietly-beginning & emotional Bleeding Out is soon clogged up in the mix with unneeded sounds. Basically Centipede Hz Syndrome. Also the use of a drum machine in the first few seconds of Hear Me, only to switch to real drums shortly after was a rather odd choice. And even though this is in a way a compliment, I really wish bonus tracks Working Man, Fallen & Cha Ching were released in the standard edition. Other than that though this is a fantastic debut album by a band that I hope stays in the mainstream for a while. I made a comparison between the singer of this band and Brandon Flowers, and in a way I think Imagine Dragons could do similar positive things for popular music in the 2010’s that The Killers did in the 2000’s. Let’s just hope their next album does just as well, if not better.

    Top 5 tracks: Demons, Radioactive, It’s Time, Nothing Left to Say, Working Man
    Rating: 90/100
  19. Jun 12, 2013
    Finally a band with real instrumentation and talent is able to break into the mainstream. I don't agree with the critics on this at all, though the album doesn't seem to have a lot of reviews period, which is probably what contributes to the "mixed" over all view. As far as I can see, or hear, this band is absolutely groundbreaking and fresh. The album is sonically interesting, the lyricsFinally a band with real instrumentation and talent is able to break into the mainstream. I don't agree with the critics on this at all, though the album doesn't seem to have a lot of reviews period, which is probably what contributes to the "mixed" over all view. As far as I can see, or hear, this band is absolutely groundbreaking and fresh. The album is sonically interesting, the lyrics are captivating and the overall the album flows well. 10 out of 10 for me. Expand
  20. Nov 5, 2013
    'Night Visions' is a fantastic virgin outing for Imagine Dragons, featuring a steady flow of well-produced tracks throughout.

    For the best tracks, we start off the chart-topping 'Radioactive', a fairly courageous synth-pop/dubstep/rock mashup with impressive production quality and wonderful lyricism. Following this are 'It's Time' and subsequently 'Demons', our first glance at the
    'Night Visions' is a fantastic virgin outing for Imagine Dragons, featuring a steady flow of well-produced tracks throughout.

    For the best tracks, we start off the chart-topping 'Radioactive', a fairly courageous synth-pop/dubstep/rock mashup with impressive production quality and wonderful lyricism. Following this are 'It's Time' and subsequently 'Demons', our first glance at the diversity of the tracks after our dubstep/rock pie, we get a wonderfully upbeat tune with stunning vocals. 'Demons' follows up from this and is arguably one of the best tracks; it's very reminiscent of a Coldplay ditty, a mainstream pop-rock song featuring a wonderful, upbeat tune and fantastic vocals/lyricism.

    While none of the album is really filler, I feel some resentment towards much of the tracklist; tunes such as 'Cha-Ching (We Grow Older)', 'America' and 'Hear Me' are wholly forgettable and do not standup to the superior production quality the aforementioned tracks, alongside those such as 'Bleeding Out' and 'Nothing Left To Say/Rocks'.

    Overall, the album is quite irritating; while we're presented with a lot of gems, there are many just 'average' tracks that really bring the overall album quality down. It's definitely worth a listen, just don't feel obliged.

    7/10, B
  21. Nov 25, 2013
    This album has a lot of what I love of Alternative and Indie Rock music. I don't know how critics can put it most negative reviews, it's so good, there are song that are killer songs, others are normal but i like it so much the album in general, the sound is so excellent, fresh, original, wear and amazing, also the lyrics. Imagine Dragons is unique, you will never find another band like this.
  22. Dec 17, 2013
    Alex Da Kid managed to do something quite interesting to fuse dubstep, hip-hop and folk music on a an indie rock album, most things work in Night Visions, despite some fairly generic moments on the album.
  23. Nov 5, 2013
    Night Visions is the best thing that has happened in Alternative Rock for awhile. Recently, the trend in alternative rock has been to release very formulaic albums, banally keeping the status quo and refusing to risk rocking the boat. Enter Imagine Dragons. The new Las Vegas band, with nothing to lose, puts out Night Visions and reminds us all why we listen to alternative rock. The albumNight Visions is the best thing that has happened in Alternative Rock for awhile. Recently, the trend in alternative rock has been to release very formulaic albums, banally keeping the status quo and refusing to risk rocking the boat. Enter Imagine Dragons. The new Las Vegas band, with nothing to lose, puts out Night Visions and reminds us all why we listen to alternative rock. The album opens with the smash hit "Radioactive," setting the tone for the whole album. Imagine Dragons experiments with a diverse array of styles throughout the album, but the whole retains this volatile and energized feel. "It's Time" is probably the band's best work so far, but the anthemic "Demons," the more honest "Amsterdam," and the ecstatic, almost Jamacian-sounding "Top of the World" all shine in their own way. "Hear Me" is one of the less-recognized gems on the album, full of more emotion than perhaps any other song on the album. The rest of the tracks aren't quite as notable, but none of them feel like filler. The work as a whole is amazing, something that can be said about few albums. If for any reason, a complaint could be made that "rocks" was an unnecessary bonus track. It makes the last track incredibly long when heard individually, and "Nothing Left to Say" finishes the album quite well. Expand
  24. Nov 7, 2013
    Imagine Dragons is a generic band, one can find several equal and even better than them, but despite sounding nothing innovative, do the expected work very well, It's Time is soulful and is undoubtedly the best of the cd next of Amsterdam.
    Imagine Dragons have a lot to learn yet, but Night Visions opened doors showing a good band charismatic and simple.
  25. Sep 4, 2013
    A band that suffers from being both over- and under-rated simultaneously, Imagine Dragons rose to success after the release of the over-hyped single "Radioactive" the song itself shows the epic scale of the band's music but doesn't deserve the high praise it receives (though I still believe it to be one of the strongest songs on the record). "It's Time" again shows the grand arena-rockA band that suffers from being both over- and under-rated simultaneously, Imagine Dragons rose to success after the release of the over-hyped single "Radioactive" the song itself shows the epic scale of the band's music but doesn't deserve the high praise it receives (though I still believe it to be one of the strongest songs on the record). "It's Time" again shows the grand arena-rock style of the band but has a somewhat more positive vibe as a result of its generally optimistic view and the use of a mandolin. "Demons" is easily the band's best song to date, it's written in the vein of "Radioactive" but has more depth with its introspective lyrics. Following songs "Amsterdam" and "Hear Me" sound similar to the works of Kings of Leon and The Killers respectively, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. "Bleeding Out" is a darker version of "Demons" with ominous guitar tones opening the song and electronic drums reminiscent of modern pop acts throughout the song.

    There are two missteps on the album; "On Top of the World" and "Underdog", these songs don't fit the general tone of the album, and the former in particular is the weakest song on the album due to its overly optimistic lyrics and commercial afro-pop sound.

    Despite this, the record is an impressive debut and given how long it takes groups to reach this epic sound and scale, Imagine Dragons have nailed it first time round.
  26. Apr 17, 2015
    Excelent album, one of the best rock bands of the current time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  27. Jul 21, 2013
    A few tracks stand out as fantastic tunes (such a "Radioactive" and "Tiptoe") but the rest of the album just blends together in a somber, and dull mix. Imagine Dragons have a lot of potential. Hopefully that potential will be seen in their next album.
  28. Nov 18, 2013
    Night Visions is one of the best releases for mainstream market last year. That's for sure. The album is well-written and Dan Reynolds' vocal is quirky but very appealing. Songs like "Radioactive" (such a massive hit in the US) and "Demons" (the next potential hit?) stand out mostly because of Reynolds' vocals. I love all the tracks (only with different amount of fondness) but what theNight Visions is one of the best releases for mainstream market last year. That's for sure. The album is well-written and Dan Reynolds' vocal is quirky but very appealing. Songs like "Radioactive" (such a massive hit in the US) and "Demons" (the next potential hit?) stand out mostly because of Reynolds' vocals. I love all the tracks (only with different amount of fondness) but what the album lacks is a story. I don't really feel like the racks relate with each other, but still, this is a very fresh sound for Alternative Rock scene. I think if we were to keep it in the entertainment part, this album succeeds at a very high level. Expand
  29. Jun 23, 2017
    This album started extremely well. Loved the opening few hits all the way up to "Working Man" and after that song it didn't really seem very impactful anymore.

    But overall, it was a great album, and set a good foundation for Imagine Dragon's foray into the music industry. Considering that it was the most streamed on platforms like Spotify...
  30. Aug 7, 2021
    The only great album by Imagine Dragons.
    Best songs: Demons, Radioactive, Nothing Left to Say, Bleeding Out, It's Time
    Worst songs: -
  31. Aug 26, 2014
    Music is cool as it's raunchy with some distinct styles and diverse. Some of the songs like "On Top Of The World" are happy but then in a sudden turn have a dark mood as in "Radioactibe". The vocals for the most part are clear but can sometimes get a liitle "crispy." I do though like the production and lyrics but the audio is just bad.
  32. Feb 22, 2014
    Night Visions is a good album but not good enough for Imagine Dragons. Night Visions is commercially successful, sold well especially in America. The tracks in Night Visions are from previous EPs so it does not include new tracks. Therefore it did not receive good reviews from critics. Night Visions has a lot of tracks from different genres. So when you listen to the album , you don't getNight Visions is a good album but not good enough for Imagine Dragons. Night Visions is commercially successful, sold well especially in America. The tracks in Night Visions are from previous EPs so it does not include new tracks. Therefore it did not receive good reviews from critics. Night Visions has a lot of tracks from different genres. So when you listen to the album , you don't get in one atmosphere, you don't feel one. But when we examine sonically, Night Visions has good and original tunes. I wish sophomore album would be less mainstream than the first one Expand
  33. Apr 1, 2014
    Night Visions is a good album that I never thought that I would expect to like. I just remember my sister getting this and listening to it all the time, and it really started growing on me. I like the band's rock style and the way their music sounds; it sounds pop-like but exciting and enthusiastic. So I do think the album is great and I wish Imagine Dragons luck on their future; too badNight Visions is a good album that I never thought that I would expect to like. I just remember my sister getting this and listening to it all the time, and it really started growing on me. I like the band's rock style and the way their music sounds; it sounds pop-like but exciting and enthusiastic. So I do think the album is great and I wish Imagine Dragons luck on their future; too bad they are getting pretty mixed reviews on this album (well at least here on Metacritic). My favorite tracks are probably "Radioactive", "Demons", "Bleeding Out" and "Nothing Left to Say" (Excluding "Rocks"). My sister also got the Target exclusive version of the album which includes several different bonus tracks and of those my favorite is "America". Expand
  34. Dec 11, 2014
    The first time I heard Radioactive I felt a kind of "flashback" to a conflictive future, with advanced synthesizer voice and music along with old instruments like drums, I enjoyed this song when creating my group of Rangers in Wasteland 2, ha! Personally I also like the name of the band Imagine Dragons sounds so epic, haha.
  35. Feb 17, 2015
    Night Vision é maravilhoso, Tem um conjunto e conceito bem proprio pro estilo da banda. É um album que foi feito pra escutar uma vez.. escutar outra vez.. escutar pra sempre. é encantador!
  36. Mar 23, 2015
    This album is what keeps me happy during the day and helps me sleep at night. In my opinion this album is a masterpiece. It's a shame Imagine Dragons' recent album Smoke + Mirrors falls incredibly short in my opinion. The Critic reviews does this album no justice as it is such an amazing album.
  37. May 25, 2016
    Imagine Dragons has got two albums and I think Night Visions is best album from Imagine Dragons and My favourite songs in this album is Underdog, Monster and Radioactive . Radioactive and Monster is the best songs from Imagine Dragons and what that songs is played on TNA and WWE . Very good album .
  38. May 29, 2020
    Nostagia sure is a b*tch. Imagine Dragons led the alt pop-rock fray with their powerful debut.
  39. Nov 30, 2017
    "Night Visions" works on so many levels and is possibly Imagine Dragon's best album. The problem is while lyrically the whole album is extremely well done, some of the sounds just don't work for me. Especially on "Every Night". Overall this album is pretty solid and maybe their best. B
  40. Dec 31, 2017
    Me encanta casi cada canción de este album, viendome obligado a destacar Radiocative y On the top of the world.
  41. Jun 23, 2017
    I don't know what is your music kind, but i know YOU'LL LIKE THIS ALBUM. Own style, Imagine Dragons surprised with your first studio album! Deep lyrics, different beats results one of my favorites albums of century!
  42. Jul 15, 2017
    The song 'Radioactive' is what got me to listen to this album and i love every single song on it. Radioactive, Demons, and It's time are my all time favorite songs of Imagine Dragons.
  43. Jul 25, 2017
    Su aparición y uno de sus mejores álbumes. Las letras de estos tracks son realmente muy buenas, comparadas a la horrible simplicidad de Evolve. Las percusiones y el sonido alternativo del rock va muy bien con su estilo.
  44. Jul 6, 2019
    One of my favorite debut albums by a band. Dan Reynolds voice is stupendous and the bands writing is fantastic. I love the cool cover. I love the songs Bleeding Out, Demons, Radioactive, It's Time, On Top of The World, and Hear Me. The music videos for Radioactive, On Top of The World, and It's Time were all spectacular. They are one of my top 5 favorite bands and one of my musical artistsOne of my favorite debut albums by a band. Dan Reynolds voice is stupendous and the bands writing is fantastic. I love the cool cover. I love the songs Bleeding Out, Demons, Radioactive, It's Time, On Top of The World, and Hear Me. The music videos for Radioactive, On Top of The World, and It's Time were all spectacular. They are one of my top 5 favorite bands and one of my musical artists of all time. Expand
  45. Jan 2, 2018
    Imagine Dragon's Night Visions is a fantastic debut album. All of the songs are marvelous and the album overall is just fantastic by mixing several genres into this one album.
  46. Nov 9, 2018
    What can I say, Demons, Amsterdam, It's Time, and On Top of the World alone can carry this album to a 10/10 but that definitely isn't it. This is classic Imagine Dragons and I only wish they would return to this time as this was definitely there peak, as Evolve and Origins have all disappointed. Smoke + Mirrors is still my favorite album it's only by a hair. To Keep this short I'm gonnaWhat can I say, Demons, Amsterdam, It's Time, and On Top of the World alone can carry this album to a 10/10 but that definitely isn't it. This is classic Imagine Dragons and I only wish they would return to this time as this was definitely there peak, as Evolve and Origins have all disappointed. Smoke + Mirrors is still my favorite album it's only by a hair. To Keep this short I'm gonna just rate each song.

    Radioactive 8.5/10 (People might get mad but I still think Radioactive is overrated)
    Tiptoe 9/10
    It's Time 10/10
    Demons 10/10
    On Top of the World 10/10
    Amsterdam 10/10
    Hear Me 9/10
    Every Night 9/10
    Bleeding Out 8.5/10
    Underdog 9/10
    Nothing Left To Say 10/10
    Rocks 8/10 (Short but pretty sweet)
    Cha-Ching 9.5/10
    Working Man 8/10
    Fallen 9/10
    My Fault 8/10
    Round and Round 10/10
    The River 10/10
    America 10/10
    Selene 10/10
    Complete Score : 185.5/200 (92.7%)
    (I round up btw, also I rated Smoke + Mirrors 93.2 again I think Smoke + Mirrors is just a hair better or .5% better.)
  47. Jan 11, 2018
    The music on this album is well-made and interesting throughout. "Every Night" is painfully repetitive and "On Top of the World" has cheerful music and lyrics that get old really fast. Besides these two tracks, every song this album is enjoyable, interesting, and highly-likeable. "Bleeding Out" starts off slow and dull, but quickly becomes something fantastic with it's dark lyrics andThe music on this album is well-made and interesting throughout. "Every Night" is painfully repetitive and "On Top of the World" has cheerful music and lyrics that get old really fast. Besides these two tracks, every song this album is enjoyable, interesting, and highly-likeable. "Bleeding Out" starts off slow and dull, but quickly becomes something fantastic with it's dark lyrics and music. The final song on this album is really impressive musically. "Demons" is great lyrically and musically. The lyrics on this album are not normally great, but they are never really bad either. "Underdog" sounds like it could be a Passion Pit song, and that's not a bad thing. "Radioactive" is a groundbreaking, earth-shaking song that you need to listen to at max volume to fully enjoy. Overall, Night Visions is a pretty great debut album from ID, with a few flaws. Expand
  48. Apr 7, 2020
    Night Visions by Imagine Dragons: 7.78

    Radioactive: 1 :) Tiptoe: 1 :) It’s Time: 1 :) Demons: 1 On Top Of The World: 1 :) Amsterdam: 1 :) Hear Me: 1 :) Every Night: 1 Bleeding Out: 0.5 Underdog: 0.75 Nothing Left To Say/Rocks: 1 (NLTS = 1, R = 1) Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older): 0.5 My Fault: 1 Round And Round: 0.75 The River: 0.75 America: 0.75 Selene: 1 15/17 ~
    Night Visions by Imagine Dragons: 7.78

    Radioactive: 1 :)
    Tiptoe: 1 :)
    It’s Time: 1 :)
    Demons: 1
    On Top Of The World: 1 :)
    Amsterdam: 1 :)
    Hear Me: 1 :)
    Every Night: 1
    Bleeding Out: 0.5
    Underdog: 0.75
    Nothing Left To Say/Rocks: 1 (NLTS = 1, R = 1)
    Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older): 0.5
    My Fault: 1
    Round And Round: 0.75
    The River: 0.75
    America: 0.75
    Selene: 1

    15/17 ~ .882 -> 7.78

    I had heard some Imagine Dragons songs before (who hasn’t heard Radioactive?) but never listened to a full album of theirs, so I decided to try them out. I am so glad I did because I was super happy with what I heard. The first half of this album was spot on, but the second half left a little to be desired. The first half is filled with some outstanding, upbeat, and catchy songs. Radioactive and On Top Of The World are especially good, but any out of the first eight of this album are really good. After that, Night Visions kind of devolves a little. The next songs aren’t bad, but they just don’t reach the heights (or the power in some cases) as the first songs. That being said, Night Visions still did well enough to get a score of nine, which is a very good score. I really enjoyed Night Visions, and all fans of pop/rock will really like it. Highlights: Radioactive, Tiptoe, It’s Time, Demons, On Top Of The World, Amsterdam, Hear Me, Every Night, Nothing Left To Say/Rocks, My Fault, and Selene.
  49. Sep 6, 2020
    Un excellent album, je ne comprend pas son mauvais scoring.
    Pour leur premier album : RÉUSSITE !
    Meilleurs chansons de l'album : Radioactive (et la version avec Kendrick Lamar) et Demons.
  50. Sep 12, 2018
    It's not often I rate a perfect 10 but this album deserves it. The singles are class and even those that aren't singles feel like singles. Only _really_ weak track is the closer which gets a bit long and boring but the album lacks low points other than that.
  51. Jul 28, 2019
    Absolutely amazing album. From the explosive track Radioactive to the nostalgic and emotional Nothing Left To Say, it's all great.
  52. Jul 14, 2019
    Álbum perfeito sem defeitos Amo e cuido o primeiro álbum dos meus favs
    Sem falar que um puta smash hit
  53. Aug 22, 2019
    i had really fun listening this album really this album and smoke + mirrors are the best of them rest is not working good
  54. Jan 18, 2020
    Un álbum rock alternativo muy bueno y lleno de canciones muy icónicas, me encanta
  55. Sep 26, 2021
    Legende: 6 = Best Bewertung / 1 = Tiefst Bewertung
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Radioactive: (6) • Tiptoe: (5) • Its Time: (6) • Demons: (5.5) • On Top of the World: (4.5) • Amsterdam: (5) • Hear me: (-5) • Every Night: (5.5) • Bleeding Out: (4.5) • Underdog: (3) • Nothing left to say: (6) • Rocks: (3.5) •
    Legende: 6 = Best Bewertung / 1 = Tiefst Bewertung
    • Radioactive: (6)
    • Tiptoe: (5)
    • Its Time: (6)
    • Demons: (5.5)
    • On Top of the World: (4.5)
    • Amsterdam: (5)
    • Hear me: (-5)
    • Every Night: (5.5)
    • Bleeding Out: (4.5)
    • Underdog: (3)
    • Nothing left to say: (6)
    • Rocks: (3.5)
    • Cha-Ching: (4)
    • Working Man: (3)
    [66.25 Punkte]
    ------------------------------- Deluxe
    • My Fault (4)
    • Round and Round (5)
    • The River (-4)
    • America (5+)
    • Selene (4)
    • Cover Up (4)
    • I dont Mind (2.5)
    [94.75 Punkte]

    Durchschnitt: 4.73*

    Durchschnitt mit Deluxe: 4.51*

    Ich finde das Album einfach spitze! Jeder Song ist individuell und passt zum Genre.
    Sehr gute Songs: Radioactive, Tiptoe, Its Time, Demons, Amsterdam, Every Night, Nothing left to say, Round and Round und America.
    Gute Songs: On Top of the World, Hear me, Bleeding Out, Cha-Ching, My Fault, The River und Selene.
    Auch die anderen Lieder sind schön und gut geschrieben, jedoch kein Ohrenwurm oder sonderlich einzigartig. Als gesamtes Werk ist dies das Beste Album, das ich je gehört habe. So viele grossartige Songs vom Klang und vom Text her. Das einzige Lied, dass nicht ins Album passen möchte, ist Underdog. I dont Mind hätte im Tausch gegen Fallen, Uptight oder Tokyo besser getan.

    Das Album lohnt sich für jeden CD-Sammler und Musik Liebhaber. Die Stilrichtung dieses Albes wäre Indie- und Alternativer Rock. Die Deluxe Variante lohnt sich für jeden, der die alten Imagine Dragons Lieder hören möchte. Beide Versionen sind empfehlenswert.

    Bewertung: 5.5 --> aufgerundet auf 6*
  56. Aug 6, 2020
    One of their best albums. Even in 2020 it does no feel dated.
    The lyrics are deep and the sound combines alternative, indie and pop rock in a great way. Some songs even have electronic elements such as radioactive.
  57. Aug 6, 2020
    (I’d give this album a 9,8/10, but I can’t add that exact rating so I’ve rounded it up to 10/10).

    This album has amazing metaphorical lyrics at the right point, and each song is unpredictable. No bad songs here. I don’t give it the 10/10 because some bridges are too short.
  58. Aug 28, 2020
    one of the finest albums ever. the feels, the vibe. you seriously can't miss out this gem ✨
  59. Oct 5, 2021
    My favorite ID album, with The River being my favorite ID song. It goes from super heavy songs like Amsterdam or Round And Round to really emotional songs such as Nothing Left To Say or My Fault. Really really good, make more albums like this
  60. Jul 3, 2021
    I honestly have no clue how this album has a bad score?? I think this album is amazing! It has some of my all times favorite songs, such as demons, radioactive, and on top of the world. This also has some of their most underrated (in my opinion) songs too. Like round and round, underdog, Amsterdam and hear me. Its a great album to put you in a good mood and get hyped up to also! Overall II honestly have no clue how this album has a bad score?? I think this album is amazing! It has some of my all times favorite songs, such as demons, radioactive, and on top of the world. This also has some of their most underrated (in my opinion) songs too. Like round and round, underdog, Amsterdam and hear me. Its a great album to put you in a good mood and get hyped up to also! Overall I think that this is one of their best (if not their best) albums! Expand
  61. Apr 8, 2022
    Night Visions leaves us with a crazy vision... and wonderful of course, with iconic songs and great singing voices

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Q Magazine
    Apr 24, 2013
    It takes alt-rock drama and boy-band syrup and bolts on some fun.-size arena-singalong choruses. [May 2013, p.103]
  2. Apr 24, 2013
    Unfortunately Night Visions is so safe and middle of the road that it leaves you with the same hollow feeling that Las Vegas can, without the dizzying high and sensual assault that got you there in the first place.
  3. Apr 24, 2013
    There are a lot of cosmetics present to cover up the band’s shortcomings, but not even the most epic posturing and glossy production can hide this record’s blemishes.