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Universal acclaim- based on 196 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 13 out of 196
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  1. Oct 9, 2020
    Of all sections on metacritic, the most ridiculous is often music. The scores are always at least 50 for even mediocre garbage.

    I don't understand Deftones' appeal. They were decent when they started, they haven't made any progress. Change is still their best song and crowning achievement. An album without any songs as good or even close to as good as that song should deserve an 88, or
    Of all sections on metacritic, the most ridiculous is often music. The scores are always at least 50 for even mediocre garbage.

    I don't understand Deftones' appeal. They were decent when they started, they haven't made any progress. Change is still their best song and crowning achievement. An album without any songs as good or even close to as good as that song should deserve an 88, or more than White Pony. Then again didn't the recent Slipknot album get great reviews? Why? Do people not listen to anything but basic butt rock and then finally listen to something moderately creative and then say "WOW OMG HOW AMAZING". This is clearly not. Yes there are worse bands, many of them. It's good that they've kept going and kept it metal and hard. But this ain't no 88 and ain't changing anyone's mind about Rock that any other decent album could have.

    Come on, what happened to actually creative metal/rock? What on this album couldn't Deftones done 20 years ago? Nothing. The melodies, the instrumentation, everything is pretty boring. It doesn't matter how many times you change stuff slightly, it doesn't effect that the overall songs don't capture any magic.They don't have a good overall structure. The feeling is kept creepy and uneasy but unless you happen to be watching something creepy and atmosphereic while listening, it's not going to amaze you. Math rock and Prog rock/metal changes a lot and is complicated, doesn't change that most of it is mediocre, besides gems like Spiderland and Sugar Ros for math/post rock, or obviously many of the great prog bands.

    Yes they've captured a feeling with instruments. Next time, make some great hooks that have some emotion too. Just pack interest into your music. Give it a point besides wankery. You old a-holes.

    You want good, creative rock that actually has a point? Listen to Soundgarden, or any great grunge band like Nirvana or Alice in Chains. Listen to Dinosaur Jr. or Husker Du or NiN or god forbid even listen to Tool. (Tool is probably more boring than Deftones but at least they manage to include hooks into a lot of their songs, and their songs actually have coherence.)

    Tired of these over-emoting chubby Alanis Morrisette boys. Nu-metal is dead, and so is your career (I wish). In their prime Deftones were only slightly better than Linkin Park or Papa Roach at being creative, and generally worse at making good melodies. Think about that. Yet no one gave standing ovations to Chester Bennington until he tragically committed suicide. Their song Change (in the house of flies) is like the one fly who felt amazing after getting it's wings clipped and the rest of their catalogue are the other turd flies.

    i mean this album isn't that bad, but holy hell. 88? This score would only make sense if it were some dogwhistle or if Chino did "personal favors" for 19 different reviewers (He was tired after the sucking for some of them and did a pisspoor job which is why not all the reviews are high).

    The users are stupider than the pros though. I don't think Chino has lasting power to make it through all of them, so suffice to say this is just a case where (like Tool) they have a rabid but really dumb fanbase. But not enough people care about Deftones to downvote them to hell like Tool or ICP... speaking of Tool their new album has an 81. While 10,000 Days has a 68. Because... people are so hungry for new good rock music that they're handing out high reviews like hotcakes during the quarantine. Look at Slipknot, same thing. Low IQ reviewers. Have some standards.

    One user called this "dystopian"... not really. This is just like all their other music. That's like me calling a Prince album "sexually liberating". Yeah, no **** bruh.

    Another said "they reinvented themselves"... I guess. Didn't they always do slightly different styles of music, but basically depressing rock/metal? You want to see reinvention, look at Faith No More. Look at many other bands (classically, just look at Beatles, the Kinks, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin... they did tons of different kinds of music, even though they were rock bands). Don't look at Deftones.

    You guys are all midwits who give this high reviews, or you have an amazingly personal connection to the work. Otherwise, what the hell? 9.0??? This deserves 100 10 reviews? Is everyone high in quarantine?

    "The songs grow on you"... listen to anything and you'll begin to remember and memorize it. Sounds like Stockholm syndrome. How about do your goddamn job as musicians and put some hooks in so I want to listen twice? Slits.

    Chino's voice is really boring. I think only weak people identify with him. He always sounds breathy and his screams are just screechy. I've been next to people with constipation who have more emotion in their howls than little chubby Chino.

    "most surreal and atmospheric sounds that bind you to a plane unknown up until now by deftones AND music in general..." Smoke a doobie/microdose on LSD you lame turd.
  2. Jan 18, 2022
    A year is over since the Release of Ohms.
    The Hype wasn‘t that real. As much i don‘t like the direction the Music is moving these days…but this Album lacks of catchy Riffs and short bangers …
  3. Sep 29, 2020
    I can´t see any resemblance with the magistral white pony here. I´m a deftones fan since 1997. This album is filled with songs that aren't memorable.. that sounds muffled. It´s like if the band wants to scream but something is blocked. The songs are dragged one after another, like Gore. There isn't a single song I want to keep listening, like happen with other deftones albums that are notI can´t see any resemblance with the magistral white pony here. I´m a deftones fan since 1997. This album is filled with songs that aren't memorable.. that sounds muffled. It´s like if the band wants to scream but something is blocked. The songs are dragged one after another, like Gore. There isn't a single song I want to keep listening, like happen with other deftones albums that are not Gore or this one. I don´t know what is the problem with their creative process.. but it´s been years that they keep reproducing and recycling (in bad fashion) a packaged product of their past glories.. I can only hope there's still time for a CHANGE. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Oct 23, 2020
    Is Ohms the return to form that meets expectations? Well, yes, even if the tunes haven't changed so much as the vastly-superior production has (with producer Terry Date back into the fold). But it also reinforces the fact that Deftones have stuck to a back-to-basics formula through all these years; the only difference now being that everyone else is taking notice.
  2. Uncut
    Oct 16, 2020
    It's at times crushingly heavy, but there's a cerebral knottiness to the arrangements, and Chino Moreno's vocal boasts a windswept melancholy harking back to the new romantics. [Dec 2020, p.29]
  3. Oct 1, 2020
    Arguably, Ohms is at first blush nothing new for Deftones. What it is is an engrossing refinement of what they’ve become over years of risk-taking and experimentation.