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Universal acclaim- based on 196 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 13 out of 196
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  1. Sep 30, 2020
    Chino top Chino top Chino top Chino top Chino topChino top Chino topChino topChino topChino top
  2. Apr 14, 2021
    This album as an album is fantastic, it even builds up to these incredible heights and doesn’t want to let you go, then unfortunately the album ends. Its one of the rare albums that you can repeat over from song one, a true masterpiece at a time when we need them the most. I won’t compare it to White Pony because these songs stand out one their own.
  3. Sep 25, 2020
    Again , Deftones just nails everyone's soul with another piece of art. It's a raw, emotional , sexy, heavy , trippy experience that will take you to places that only deftones can deliver. This album is 100% what you can expect from Deftones at their best. You can feel how they are simply doing their thing . Whoever have loved this for years, This album is home. another classic andAgain , Deftones just nails everyone's soul with another piece of art. It's a raw, emotional , sexy, heavy , trippy experience that will take you to places that only deftones can deliver. This album is 100% what you can expect from Deftones at their best. You can feel how they are simply doing their thing . Whoever have loved this for years, This album is home. another classic and probably goes to TOP 3 imo. Expand
  4. Sep 25, 2020
    Deftones straight up show us that they aren't done yet. Gore would be probably where most bands would end, but Deftones come back and show us that they still might be able to write the best album of their entire career! This album feels like the White Pony after White Pony. There are so many songs here that rival that masterpiece. "Error" is the best song they've ever written and the bestDeftones straight up show us that they aren't done yet. Gore would be probably where most bands would end, but Deftones come back and show us that they still might be able to write the best album of their entire career! This album feels like the White Pony after White Pony. There are so many songs here that rival that masterpiece. "Error" is the best song they've ever written and the best thing to ever come out of the alternative metal scene. There's not a weak point in this album. Each track is a stunner. This feels like the album 2020 needed, and we will be talking about it favorably in 2040 just as we are still talking favorably about White Pony in 2020. Everything is just so perfect from a production standpoint, and everyone is on their A-game here. Perfect album Expand
  5. Sep 27, 2020
    Complex and layered. Creative and mysterious. Not easy to digest....which is a good thing.
  6. Sep 26, 2020
    Deftones use their cosmic forces to create something which is familiar yet unique, heavy yet soft, obtuse yet angular. This is, like all Deftones albums, exponentially better with each listen. I almost feel a NIN and or Faith No More influence. Absolutely love Ceremony, Urantia, Erroe, Radiant City!
  7. Sep 25, 2020
    Deftones is one of those bands that never releases bad music. Their albums tend to be great, or exceptional. Ohms is the latter. I’d place the album above White Pony, and razor close behind Diamond Eyes for their best. Also, the guardian review is hilariously off point and shouldn’t even be left up. What a joke of a review/reviewer.
  8. Sep 25, 2020
    This album is just soooo damn good. Considering they're 25 years and nine albums deep in their career, it's amazing how they've remained so innovative and creative and are still making great album after great album. This album probably even beats out White Pony and Saturday Night Wrist imo. Definitely a must listen
  9. Sep 25, 2020
    Coming from a Deftones fan since 1996, an often critical one at that, I am very happy with this album. Not only are all of the best elements of the truly great Deftones songs over the years present here, there are some new tricks that absolutely hit the mark. I wouldn’t say that there’s a Change or a Minerva on this album, but there also isn’t a weak spot. Every track brings somethingComing from a Deftones fan since 1996, an often critical one at that, I am very happy with this album. Not only are all of the best elements of the truly great Deftones songs over the years present here, there are some new tricks that absolutely hit the mark. I wouldn’t say that there’s a Change or a Minerva on this album, but there also isn’t a weak spot. Every track brings something worth your listening time. Top 4 Deftones album for me. Expand
  10. Sep 25, 2020
    Enter Deftones... this is definetly an album to look up to as well as compare since past albums have led deftones to evolve and make magic the way they do. theres no doubt theyve aged not only well but as a completely unique band. this album captures the most surreal and atmospheric sounds that bind you to a plane unknown up until now by deftones AND music in general... Experimental? yeahEnter Deftones... this is definetly an album to look up to as well as compare since past albums have led deftones to evolve and make magic the way they do. theres no doubt theyve aged not only well but as a completely unique band. this album captures the most surreal and atmospheric sounds that bind you to a plane unknown up until now by deftones AND music in general... Experimental? yeah for sure, the otherwordly vibes, haunting lyrics along with dreamy layers make this a MUST listen. in pompeji they blow our minds with a sudden drop into the vast sea where we picture just u and the sea as synthwave effects cast a spell upon u. in genesis we get a feeling of heavyness and minblowing screams followed by melodic vocals which give us an air of whats to come and how yuxtaposed the album will get in a heavy yet melodic way. as for ceremony and urantia are both so chill and groovy at the same time. the spell of mathematics depicts a chill ambient song that changes what he cd had shown prior to this track for there is space to gather more from a more hypnotic approach. headless is a nice romantic ride. this link is dead is definetly not a dead link. error didnt seem like an error for its my favorite of the songs. radiant city is a very solid self sustained song with a engaging chorus and vibrant engulfing sounds that stand out alot. ohms which closes the record gives us a sense of completion and is actually a close to perfect song once youve heard the rest of the album, that personal favorite songs were: pompeji, urantia, radiant city, the spell of mathematics, error, and genesis although i must admit the album is so diverse that it completes itself with every song no matter which preferences one may have. its needless to say the whole album has triumphed and made deftones what they are today as the band all put in a piece of themselves to create something well done! from chinos vocals to stephens 9 string guitar and his stunning riffs, to franks entrancing synth-powered performance, to sergios sweet baselines and finally to abes awesome way of playing and capturing the rhythm of the song with the drums we can truly taste the essence that white pony truly had yet not everybody could even dare grasp. Exit Deftones... Expand
  11. Nov 24, 2020
    One of the best rock albums of the year. Maturity has bode well for this band and it shows with the creation of their most complete album to date.
  12. Sep 25, 2020
    Ive listened to all of their albums since the beginning. This album rivals white pony easy.
  13. Sep 25, 2020
    The singles released for this album were perfectly placed as the finale and opening of the album to show what was forthcoming as a whole. A few listens in and I can say it ranks in the highest tier of the deftones catalog. Not a single song is misplaced or deserves just a glance. From my first listen Ohms was great but after a few more, in my opinion, it may just be a masterpieceThe singles released for this album were perfectly placed as the finale and opening of the album to show what was forthcoming as a whole. A few listens in and I can say it ranks in the highest tier of the deftones catalog. Not a single song is misplaced or deserves just a glance. From my first listen Ohms was great but after a few more, in my opinion, it may just be a masterpiece showcasing each band members talents at the highest level. Also I get this feeling that it has glimpses of each past record while being entirely different. Deftones has once again made my favorite record of the year and does not disappoint with the long awaited Ohms. Expand
  14. Sep 25, 2020
    Best album they’ve released since White Pony. Future Deftones classic. Usually culprits for slick and sexy metal, this record seems to go into more mysterious and eery territory. Brilliant!
  15. Nov 2, 2020
    Masterful performance, raw, emotional, devastating, its deftones at its finest .
  16. Sep 28, 2020
    An absolute masterclass in alternative metal. Sludgy, sensual, brutal, thoughtful.
  17. Sep 25, 2020
    Better than I could've hoped for, arguably their best album, yes maybe even better than White Pony...

    Its so unbelievably Deftones it hurts, like a snapshot of their career so far and then built upon.

    Stef goes nuts, Frank's best performance yet, Abe is as consistent as ever.
  18. Sep 25, 2020
    I love this album ,this got deftones written all over a masterpiece,I cant stress it enough how great this is
  19. Sep 25, 2020
    The most ambitious, nervy, realistic, relevant, and future punk album of their lives.
  20. Sep 25, 2020
    Deftones do it again and it's the best thing in 2020. After multiple listens and being as critical as possible, it is one of their best albums.
  21. Sep 25, 2020
    It's everything you want from a Deftones album. You should go buy this. No really. Go right now.
  22. Sep 25, 2020
    What can I say that hasn't already been said? This is the most complete and fulfilling album they have created since Chi's tragic accident. Every member is in peak form. Not a song worth skipping. Such a deep and rewarding album that will continue to get better on repeated listens. It's nothing short of remarkable.
  23. Sep 25, 2020
    idk wtf is this, but i like it ( "Genesis" and "Ceremony" the most of all )
  24. Sep 27, 2020
    Deftones were already revolutionizing the genre 20 years ago, to a point where this late in their career they could just keep it safe and stick to repeating the style that made them big and still maintain a pretty solid fan base - but it seems like they just can't keep from reinventing themselves.

    'Ohms' is as much a grower as it is an instant hit, simply because there's just so much to
    Deftones were already revolutionizing the genre 20 years ago, to a point where this late in their career they could just keep it safe and stick to repeating the style that made them big and still maintain a pretty solid fan base - but it seems like they just can't keep from reinventing themselves.

    'Ohms' is as much a grower as it is an instant hit, simply because there's just so much to listen for. The songs seem pretty complex structurally instead of just a bunch of instantly recognizable hooks which will stay in your head for a week but grow tiring quickly after that. There's a lot to sink in, but its all just obviously good. Huge kudos to everyone in the band, this might be the best work from every one of them yet.
  25. Sep 27, 2020
    One of the most solid and atmospheric adventures this band has ever delivered. It soars and then pummels you into the asphalt. Yet still flourishing with the trademark sensual soundscapes and vocals that Chino, Abe, Frank, Sergio, and Stef are known for. Beautiful 10 cuts that are worth your time . Far above and beyond their previous effort, Gore.
  26. Sep 28, 2020
    I seriously cannot get enough of this album. It literally oozes and screams everything wonderful about deftones. As someone who started listening to deftones in middle school soon after adrenaline came out. I going to hesitantly, but confidently say that I think that this is their greatest album to date.
  27. Sep 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Deftones kickoff another decade with yet another amazing album. 2000's White Pony, and 2010's Diamond Eyes, and now 2020's Ohms. Ohms feels like a culmination of Deftones's entire discography and then pushes their boundaries further. Ohms immediately pulls you in with it's opening track Genesis. The soothing, yet spooky synth and slow guitars hook and wrap you in for a whole 50 seconds before the rest of the band comes rushing in with powerful guitars, drums, and bass and off they go. Ceremony and Urantia is the closest one can say is textbook Deftones, . And that's not a bad thing at all. Deftones signature sound is classic, unmistakable and really damn good. But these two tracks just feel more grandiose and of a larger scale. Error harkens back to the Nu-Metal scene. The chunky groovy guitars and headbanging beat is makes you wanna mosh like it's 1999. It's like Adrenaline, all grown up. The Spell of Mathematics is easily one of the bands best songs. Classic Deftones sound but the the boundaries are pushed further. It's dark, moody, and dystopian, but gorgeous. A tremendous track that ends with finger snapping that is such an odd choice to end the song with, but it just works. Pompeji is simply put beautiful and powerful, like a storm out at sea. Deftones have always been able to blend their serene beautiful soundscapes and crushing guitars, bass and drums with Chino's voice that can go from soothing croon to blood chilling screams. The synth intro to This Link is Dead belongs in a Blade Runner movie. And Chino's pen game is on point throughout the whole album but especially on this song about a relationship gone sour. Radiant City feels like a rollercoaster or joyride. High thrills followed periods of calm only to rev up again just as you're feeling comfortable. Things slow down a pace with Headless. Some might say that this is the low point of the album, and I'd be inclined to agree. However this low point would still be a high mark on any band or artist's record. And if it is a low point it seems to be so by design as the penultimate song slows things down to bring in the closing track Ohms. On its own the song seems like quite the departure from what we expect from Deftones. But it is a pleasant departure and in context of the whole album makes complete sense as it is in my opinion a perfect closing track to the album. An album that is, for the most part, dark, moody and dystopian but Ohms closes the album leaving you feeling uplifted and hopeful. If I have any complaints about the album it is that I simply want more of it. Despite that only two songs, Ceremony and Radiant City, are under 4 minutes, the songs and album feel like they go back quickly and leave you wanting more. Another thing that is not necessarily a complaint, but rather something that just isn't on the album, is a "gentle" or "soft" song. Instead almost every track on this album has parts that sound like Sextape, or Digital Bath, but there's no song that is specifically dedicated to that particular aspect of the bands repertoire. I wish there was because they are so damn good at making those types of songs, but the album is in no way ruined by lacking it. Ohms is one of Deftones best albums, which is saying a lot considering every album the band has released has been fantastic. They did not disappoint and in fact exceeded their already high standards.

  28. Sep 28, 2020
    There are no fillers, all the songs are bangers on their own and still need each other on the album so it works, the title track even sounds better once you hear the whole 9 tracks before you get there, every band from now on should take a few notes from this, Deftones have made their best album, glad to say so far.
  29. Sep 30, 2020
    They done it again!! Fantastic...gets better with multiple listens! Wish there had been a slow track but otherwise this is a step up from Gore with all the band's talents clear and present!
  30. Oct 2, 2020
    Going to have to give this more time but it might be as good as white pony. This is a fantastic record.
  31. Oct 20, 2020
    This is the best post-2006 Deftones record and it's practically not even close. This is one of the best records the band has ever made, it's at least in their top 3. If you enjoy Deftones' music, if only just for the popular albums like Around the Fur and White Pony, you will probably enjoy this record as well.
  32. Oct 20, 2020
    a masterpiece, new sounds with the same essence of deftones
    The best album they've released in a long time
  33. Nov 2, 2020
    Deftones man. This album easily competes with White Pony. Every listen it’s get better and better. Songs like Genesis, The Spell Of Mathematics, and Radiant City have choruses that give you a floating into space feeling. The lyrics in just about every song are cryptic and so well done. It’s honestly mind boggling how 20+ years into their career they can make a masterpiece album likeDeftones man. This album easily competes with White Pony. Every listen it’s get better and better. Songs like Genesis, The Spell Of Mathematics, and Radiant City have choruses that give you a floating into space feeling. The lyrics in just about every song are cryptic and so well done. It’s honestly mind boggling how 20+ years into their career they can make a masterpiece album like this. This is why I think Deftones is ONE of the the best rock bands ever. Longevity is everything. Expand
  34. Dec 6, 2020
    As far the only 90’s numetal group that constantly evolve. The album is perfect - best musician craftmanship and very well produced (with the old friend)
  35. Jul 4, 2022
    Incredible from these guys. I have been listening since 2003 and each album continues to show how well they can evolve. This record has a bit of everything from heavy, aggressive riffs in Radiant City, Urantia, Genesis, and The Link is Dead, to more atmospheric tracks that allow Chino to really shine, such as Ceremony, Error, and the title track Ohms.
  36. Jul 17, 2022
    One of my favorite albums of all time, I'm not a fan of metal but I absolutely love this album.
  37. Sep 26, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Maybe not their best job, but still a good album. I give of the album 9 out of 10 Expand
  38. Sep 26, 2020
    Deftones are back, and what a return.
    Ohms is an amazing album, whit some of the greatest riffs I've heard from Stephen Carpenter. I really liked it more than Gore and Saturday Night Wrist, a bit shorter than other albums, but every song is fantastic, specially Ohms, Genesis, Radiant City (I don't know why this one wasn't a single) and Error.
  39. Sep 25, 2020
    The dystopian vibe of the record is lovely, and it really fits with the current times.
    Other than that, the sole fact of releasing such a consistent, quality and somewhat fresh album, that far in their career, is worth all applause.
  40. Oct 30, 2020
    This album easily proves that Deftones is still able to make good music. It is a typical Deftones album : it has some pretty songs, some heavy songs and the combination of both. The production is good and the album itself is better than Gore in all aspects. Their bassist and turntablist did an amazing job, better than expected. Now you can really feel their input on those songs.
    This album easily proves that Deftones is still able to make good music. It is a typical Deftones album : it has some pretty songs, some heavy songs and the combination of both. The production is good and the album itself is better than Gore in all aspects. Their bassist and turntablist did an amazing job, better than expected. Now you can really feel their input on those songs.
    Fav. Tracks : Ceremony, Urantia, Radiant City and Error.
  41. Sep 25, 2020
    This is the case like with the most Deftones albums: the more you listen, more their music grows on you. You will start notice things that you missed before and it will help you appreciate what they did more.
    With 0hms it seems like the same case. And it’s fine by me. Correct thing was said on reddit that this album is about of acceptance of inevitable changes(even death). This topic hits
    This is the case like with the most Deftones albums: the more you listen, more their music grows on you. You will start notice things that you missed before and it will help you appreciate what they did more.
    With 0hms it seems like the same case. And it’s fine by me. Correct thing was said on reddit that this album is about of acceptance of inevitable changes(even death). This topic hits right in the gut with anger scream and heavy riffs. But in the end, there’s ray of light(even hope).
  42. Sep 26, 2020
    Fantastic album in the vein of Koi No yokan and Diamond Eyes with a hint of Self titled and White Pony. I'll be very interested to see how it ages. Like most Deftones albums I'm sure it will age like a fine wine.
  43. Jun 19, 2023
    Рад, что они выпустили этот альбом. Он слушается цельно и оставляет только наилучшие впечатления. Spell of Mathematics для меня кульминация тут, но и остальные треки гармонично вписываются. Любимые Deftones не разочаровали, купил дискРад, что они выпустили этот альбом. Он слушается цельно и оставляет только наилучшие впечатления. Spell of Mathematics для меня кульминация тут, но и остальные треки гармонично вписываются. Любимые Deftones не разочаровали, купил диск
  44. Dec 15, 2021
    Deftones never disappoints. Btw my favourite tracks are radiant city and error.
  45. Jan 29, 2022
    Ohms is nothing new or experimental. Ohms is years and years of Deftones refined. More polished but don't take that the wrong way. Ohms will bang you in the head and remind us all why Deftones are still at the top of the game.
  46. Apr 13, 2022
    Лучший альбом со времён "Saturday Night Wrist". Здесь есть всё, за что многие полюбили Deftones: абразивное звучание, шугейз, пост-метал, настоящая альтернатива. Deftones всё ещё молодцы, "Ohms" – отличный альбом.
  47. Oct 5, 2020
    One of their best projects in years, and an upscale in production makes this for an other worldly experience. Deftones stands as one of the most unique and sexual sounds ever to exist.
  48. Dec 27, 2020
    I've always liked Deftones and I'm glad to see their comeback. I love alternative metal and nu metal, so it's great to hear that style have a strong comeback. I also enjoy the shoegaze and industrial elements present that give a great feel across the whole album. The album definitely feel cohesive and linear from track to track, as if in one whole atmosphere, under the same filter.
    I've always liked Deftones and I'm glad to see their comeback. I love alternative metal and nu metal, so it's great to hear that style have a strong comeback. I also enjoy the shoegaze and industrial elements present that give a great feel across the whole album. The album definitely feel cohesive and linear from track to track, as if in one whole atmosphere, under the same filter.

    The only thing that I suppose I didn't like was that I didn't pick out many tracks that stood out. Everything felt better to me as a whole album. However, the one that I liked most if I had to choose was "The Spell of Mathematics".
    Regardless, I love their style, love his voice, and love the relaxed aggressive energy they bring out in their music.

    ALBUM ARTWORK: The artwork is nice. It's a cool pixelated and checkerboard style with a detailed drawing of eyes over it. It's all monochrome, which is nice as it adds to the industrial and atmospheric texture of the album. The cover is nothing particularly striking but I do like it.
    Artwork review: 8/12
  49. Sep 25, 2020
    The Deftones once again release a magnificent album.
    In fact they managed not to detach themselves from their roots and at the same time evolve their sound.
  50. Sep 29, 2020
    Ohms is a pretty good album in some senses. It nicely mixes key aspects of previous Deftones efforts. It has Koi No Yokan’s elegance, Diamond Eyes’ riffing, Gore’s experimentation, SNW’s oddness and Self-Titled’s brutality and melancholy.

    Keyboardist/Sampler Frank Delgado is out front and centre, and his blade-runner inspired synths are a welcome addition to Deftones’ sound. He is at
    Ohms is a pretty good album in some senses. It nicely mixes key aspects of previous Deftones efforts. It has Koi No Yokan’s elegance, Diamond Eyes’ riffing, Gore’s experimentation, SNW’s oddness and Self-Titled’s brutality and melancholy.

    Keyboardist/Sampler Frank Delgado is out front and centre, and his blade-runner inspired synths are a welcome addition to Deftones’ sound. He is at his most impressive on Genesis.

    I was pleased that Chino Moreno has increased his use of vocal harmonies, which are very beautiful and ear-catching, especially in tracks like Ceremony and Urantia. His vocal performances are great for the most part. Like on Koi No Yokan, he straddles the line of over the top on some tracks (Genesis’ chorus), but it is undeniable that he is a master at work. His lyrics, on the other hand, I found to be at times pretentious, melodramatic and too on-the-nose (“I believe your love beholds the sacred key to life” on The Spell of Mathematics, “we’re turning time inside out” on Genesis). I did like them better at times (I found his resignation to his powerlessness over his feelings for this other person on Radiant City to be poignant), but I didn’t appreciate how thematically it seems to be more or less the same romantically-frustrated, sexually-preoccupied angst concerning his significant other that we have been hearing since ’95. Headless felt a particularly lazy take on this subject matter. At least it ends on a positive note with him reaffirming his dedication to his relationship on Ohms.

    Stephen Carpenter’s guitar tone is probably the most brutal it has ever been, and it sounds amazing. The shrill rattle and deep fizz on Error is a standout. Sonically, he sounds great throughout the whole album. From a writing perspective, the harmonic riffs on The Spell of Mathematics is probably his most impressive. At other times it feels as if the riff-writing well is running dry. Ceremony, Error and Headless all feature sections where pretty much just one chord is repeated. Ohms starts out as almost a carbon copy of Hole in the Earth, before descending into monotony. The riffs on Pompeji are about as cliched metal as you can get. Generally these sections are alleviated by the quality of his tone of other members filling the space, but Stephen's emotive chords have always been alongside Chino's voice a key ingredient for Deftones' sound and when he sounds uninspired the tracks undeniably suffer.

    Abe Cunningham’s drumming is up to his usual standards but there are no tracks where he really steals the show as he often has done on past efforts (e.g. Rocket Skates, Mein, pretty much all of White Pony). The closest he gets is probably his frantic 16th note hi hat playing on This Link is Dead. His 16-bar, solo-esque moment to shine in The Spell of Mathematics was a little underwhelming: he didn’t really groove out with a wild mixture of rhythms as I expected him to.

    Bassist Sergio Vega does a solid job. He is largely drowned out by Stephen’s distorted 9-string, but at times when Stephen holds a single chord Sergio will fill the space quite skillfully with melodic playing.

    For me the standout track is The Spell of Mathematics which feels like a murky sequel to Kimdracula, and is despite some imperfections a classic Deftones track we have not seen the likes of in some time. Others I particularly enjoyed were Urantia, Error and Headless. There were no tracks that I really didn’t care for, but I had mixed feelings about the rest of them and found a few to be quite mediocre, like Ceremony, Genesis and This Link is Dead. I felt overall that what Ohms lacks is hooky material. Sure Deftones have come with some new tricks like Blade Runner synths, 9-string guitars and seagulls, but at times these feel like superficial additions to make up for the fact that many of the melodies and riffs are just not that interesting or emotive. Of course as a Deftones album it’s still very solid and well-crafted, and as my favourite band I hold them to a very high standard, but I think Ohms is probably their least impressive outing to date.
  51. Dec 17, 2020
    It has flashes throughout the album that remind me of the high points of 'White Pony,' but doesn't quite live up to it in terms of a full album. Still very decent though.
  52. Sep 27, 2020
    I'm not really sure about my feelings towards this album.
    I think I probably have to give it another review tomorrow, but overall I'm not at all surprised by the outcome.
    While it is true that contains the solid sound that has cemented the band's legacy, the songs themselves seemed somewhat generic and similar to each other. There are good atmospheric moments in some tracks like
    I'm not really sure about my feelings towards this album.
    I think I probably have to give it another review tomorrow, but overall I'm not at all surprised by the outcome.

    While it is true that contains the solid sound that has cemented the band's legacy, the songs themselves seemed somewhat generic and similar to each other.

    There are good atmospheric moments in some tracks like Genesis, the song that opens the album and that up to now I think is the best song on the album alongside Ohms, the song that gives the album its title and is also the track that closes it.

    Like I said, I'm not really convinced, the album didn't disappoint me, but it didn't give me great moments either.

    It's understandable that a band with the history of the Deftones is not going to experiment at this point in their career, but let's just say that settling is not in my expectations.
    It may sound arrogant but frankly the album didn't seem like anything special to me.

    It was fine but nothing more.

    Notable Tracks

    > Genesis
    > Pompeji
    > This Link is Dead
    > Headless
    > Ohms
  53. Oct 2, 2020
    Though not as good as their old albums, it comes fully close to the old sound Terry Date has provided Deftones in the good old days of their discography. Sure, it was a slow burner for me, but amazing none the less as the more I listen, the greater it becomes.

Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Oct 23, 2020
    Is Ohms the return to form that meets expectations? Well, yes, even if the tunes haven't changed so much as the vastly-superior production has (with producer Terry Date back into the fold). But it also reinforces the fact that Deftones have stuck to a back-to-basics formula through all these years; the only difference now being that everyone else is taking notice.
  2. Uncut
    Oct 16, 2020
    It's at times crushingly heavy, but there's a cerebral knottiness to the arrangements, and Chino Moreno's vocal boasts a windswept melancholy harking back to the new romantics. [Dec 2020, p.29]
  3. Oct 1, 2020
    Arguably, Ohms is at first blush nothing new for Deftones. What it is is an engrossing refinement of what they’ve become over years of risk-taking and experimentation.