• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Feb 26, 2013

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. Sep 19, 2013
    The pair bring a gritty stiffness to Tim McGraw's Open Season on My Heart and Harris brings a searing power to Patti Scialfa's Spanish Dancer.
  2. Jun 4, 2013
    Unashamedly traditional it may be, but there will be few better country records released this year.
  3. Apr 4, 2013
    Emmylou and Rodney seem at their best with the more up-tempo offerings like Kris Kristofferson’s “Chase the Feeling” and “Bluebird Wine,” which features Rodney’s playful vocals.
  4. Mar 13, 2013
    Occasional miscues, including the frivolous "Black Caffeine" and mawkish "Open Season on My Heart," break the spell at times, but Old Yellow Moon still sounds like a couple of friends sitting around the kitchen table sharing songs.
  5. Q Magazine
    Mar 12, 2013
    It might be a record looking to the past, but it has Harris and Crowell doing some of the best work of their careers. [Apr 2013, p.103]
  6. Mojo
    Mar 7, 2013
    It's one of those records where less is most definitely more. [Apr 2013, p.90]
  7. The result is an album of solid country virtue.
  8. Uncut
    Mar 1, 2013
    Old Yellow Moon is not, however, a sombre anticipation of mortality akin to the American Recordings series of Crowell's one-time father-in-law Johnny Cash. The general tone of Old Yellow Moon is of faintly rueful happiness at being here, doing this. [Apr 2013, p.68]
  9. Feb 28, 2013
    On Old Yellow Moon, in that hokiest of country traditions--the boy/girl duet--an old alliance triumphs with charm.
  10. Feb 28, 2013
    Old Yellow Moon will be well worth remembering.
  11. Feb 27, 2013
    Old Yellow Moon, which walks a line between retro-country and retro-rock with a sure and satisfying sense of balance, is a touching paean to an age, an idiom, and a man.
  12. Feb 27, 2013
    While this doesn't carry the weight of an "historic" recording, it is thoroughly enjoyable. Harris is in better voice than she's been in years and Crowell is a natural as a duet partner.
  13. 80
    The reunion was a long time coming and exudes the tasteful sophistication and sympathetic camaraderie you’d expect from this pair of veterans reveling in each other’s presence.
  14. Feb 27, 2013
    The highpoint is perhaps Allen Reynolds’ jewel “Dreaming My Dreams With You,” a bittersweet waltz that harvests lives lived in songs, hopes and the love of one who could never quite be. When the pair’s voices merge in an ethereal “ooooh” over the bridge, the potency of their shared history enters a sublime realm beyond words.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. Apr 30, 2014
    This was the 4th best country album of 2013. I am a huge fan of lyrical country and thus Jason Isbell's Southeastern album was very good butThis was the 4th best country album of 2013. I am a huge fan of lyrical country and thus Jason Isbell's Southeastern album was very good but there has to be a balance between conceptual depth and musical achievement. This album is the closest thing to time travel we might ever get. This is your grandfather’s father country sound, yet it does not sound out of place on your iPod. “Bull Rider” is the perfect example—ol’ school. “Back when we were beautiful” is simply amazing in every sense of the word. Isbell’s album has better writing, but Old Yellow Moon is better album altogether. The writing on Old Yellow Moon is a B- but the music is A+. 86/100. 2013 will go down in history as the one of the best years in Country Music history. Full Review »