
Mixed or average reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 23
  2. Negative: 3 out of 23
  1. A veritable debutante ball of sad little songs.
  2. It's all so beautifully simple, especially moody acoustic guitar/piano laments like "Fewer Words", that you almost miss how effective the arrangements are -- gorgeous, heartfelt melodies yield odes to a life that's consistently surprising and alive with optimism.
  3. Rolling Stone
    It's slow, beautiful and ponderously sincere. [19 Aug 2004, p.118]
  4. Filter
    Sounds like something made by a gifted producer who has a great voice, an earnest way with words, a vast well of fantastic ideas, and a serious OCD complex. [#12, p.95]
  5. This is much more than a retrenchment, and it certainly isn't a retreat.
  6. One Plus One Is One may not sparkle with surprising brilliance, as Bewilderbeast did, but it is certainly the most thematically and musically grounded album Gough has yet created.
  7. Q Magazine
    An album full of freshness and fun that's less sketchy than its predecessors. [Jul 2004, p.110]
  8. On the one hand, it's a little hokey: if One Plus One Equals One tried any harder to charm you, it would turn up on your doorstep with a bottle of Fleurie and offer you a footrub. On the other, the songs are Gough's strongest in years.
  9. There are times when One Plus One Is One is simply too much, and the fresh spin that Gough brought to the British singer/songwriter tradition in his earlier work is missed, but he's still a fine addition to it.
  10. Under The Radar
    While One Plus One Is One fails to fully capture the charm of his debut, it comes close. [#7]
  11. New Musical Express (NME)
    A record which is closer in spirit to the rustic eccentricity of his '...Bewilderbeast' debut, while still moving things forward. [19 Jun 2004, p.57]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 2 out of 13
  1. Oct 26, 2011
    A collection of acoustic songs - very much stripped down in comparison to previous efforts. There are some nice moments on this but overall itA collection of acoustic songs - very much stripped down in comparison to previous efforts. There are some nice moments on this but overall it lacks ambition. I lost interest in the artist after this record. Full Review »
  2. Alexis
    Sep 21, 2005
    I wanted to like this album, I really did. "Bewilderbeast" is one of my favorite albums, period; but, both compared to his previous work and I wanted to like this album, I really did. "Bewilderbeast" is one of my favorite albums, period; but, both compared to his previous work and on its own, "One Plus One" is nothing but a dud. The lyrics are so trite and cliche it's almost unbelievable that anyone could find them appealing - I find myself cringing as I listen to this. The songwriting is good at best, but more often uninspiring and derivative - and the awful lyrics ruin what might otherwise be the few decent songs. I have tried listening to this CD several times in the hope that it might get better, as some reviewers have suggested, but it just doesn't. Disappointing is right. Full Review »
  3. matta
    Jul 19, 2005
    Not as strong as his previous outings but still, pretty inventive stuff. Plus, I'm a little biased because I saw him live and not only Not as strong as his previous outings but still, pretty inventive stuff. Plus, I'm a little biased because I saw him live and not only did he play 14 classics from previous albums, but then he came back out and played this entire album from start to finish. Who else does that? No one. That is why I love him, he is a genius, and Pitchfork are still a bunch of morons. Full Review »