
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. May 28, 2013
    Other Life, while being a solid album, falls short of being any type of definitive statement about his place in the landscape of his scene or the world at large.
  2. May 28, 2013
    The lo-fi pop is still there, it’s just more precise and glossier.
  3. May 28, 2013
    If Other Life isn’t so squarely on the money as Flamingo, it’s not immediately obvious why. Here the melodic riches found on that record are neatly converted to a cute, low-budget soul currency.
  4. 70
    Where the songs are slow, the fruity Bontempi keyboards are gruelling and the singing comes on like Jimmy Somerville weeping over a dead pet in a marbled mausoleum. But get past the Bronski Beat animal trauma vibes and Savage's other life is rich and full.
  5. May 28, 2013
    Other Life isn’t too polished, which means it will appeal to Savage’s pre-existing cult fan base but not the wider audience it aims for.
  6. May 31, 2013
    It takes a good deal of bravery to write and record songs that are so naked and unflinching, and it pays off: Savage's courage and palpable investment in the material makes it easy to connect and empathize with his subject matter.
  7. Jun 4, 2013
    Other Life is a collection of poignant, emotionally powerful pop songs; but on a more conceptual plane, this album is a self-referential commentary on music itself, an intense examination--and, ultimately, an extremely heartfelt refutation--of the hollow, ironic appropriation that defines much of contemporary music.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Jun 20, 2013
    Beautiful and soulful vocal from Sean Nicholas Savage. Rhytms seems like very easy pop synth but they are really deep. Lyrics are reallyBeautiful and soulful vocal from Sean Nicholas Savage. Rhytms seems like very easy pop synth but they are really deep. Lyrics are really amazing. One of my favorite from this year. Full Review »