• Record Label: Fat Cat
  • Release Date: Apr 3, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Apr 6, 2012
    Breton sound more natural when they let their rock side dominate.
  2. 80
    Easily one of the best debuts of 2012-or 2022, for that matter.
  3. Mar 14, 2012
    This debut album deserves to take them to a new height of recognition: it's a superbly mainstream-accessible set, and distinctive of design too.
  4. Mar 30, 2012
    The results are atmospheric, rough around the edges but captivating, unique and extraordinary.
  5. Mar 26, 2012
    While their vision may to many appear decidedly singular, the music itself is highly accessible and polished, and comes with a sense of being a carefully considered, fully fledged complete package.
  6. 80
    That this 'art collective,' incubated in south London's makeshift spaces--all sketchy car parks and vibrant experimentation--should turn out a debut as casually brilliant as Other People's Problems is not surprising in itself. But that it should sound so vital, kind of is.
  7. Q Magazine
    Mar 14, 2012
    Elegant strings and bass, recorded by pianist and composer Hauschka, creep like ivy around this all-consuming debut. [April 2012, p.90]
  8. Mar 23, 2012
    Provides far more ecstasy than agony.
  9. Uncut
    Mar 16, 2012
    Breton are distinctly maximal, all corrosive guitars, callow vocals and beats jutting at awkward angles. [Apr 2012, p.73]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. Aug 4, 2014
    This album is ambitious. The problem is that the band does not have the ability they wish they had... Lots of songs on this record areThis album is ambitious. The problem is that the band does not have the ability they wish they had... Lots of songs on this record are useless, bringing nothing to the listener. There are very little interesting things in the album and the band has no remarkable ideas.
    In the end, an album that you shouldn't listen or even download, because it is just a waste of time.
    Full Review »
  2. May 26, 2012
    On "Other People's Problems" especially surprises a large number of instrumental inserts combined with fairly bass beats - inventions appliedOn "Other People's Problems" especially surprises a large number of instrumental inserts combined with fairly bass beats - inventions applied in the songs "Pacemaker", "Electrician" or on the other hand the mix of electronic motives: "Wood and Plastic", "Governing Correctly" adding some alternative overtones. The whole, however is hard to accept because of the artist's vocal. Or rather, decent lack of it. Full Review »
  3. Apr 11, 2012
    Breton arrive avec Other People's Problems qui est sans doute l'un des albums de ce début d'année. Inventif, ceBreton arrive avec Other People's Problems qui est sans doute l'un des albums de ce début d'année. Inventif, ce collectif l'est, mêlant rock, Hip Hop, electo, electronica (2 Years). On à l'impression de parfois entendre LCD Soundsystem, Foals, The Streets, Portishead mais non il s'agit bien ici de Breton. Féliciations à ce collectif. Full Review »