
Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
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  1. Sep 24, 2014
    It bears all the hallmarks of a truly terrible mess.
  2. Sep 24, 2014
    The highs of PND 2 have replay value, and the lows--though there are certainly more of them--blend with the rest of the album as it plays in the background of a bedroom.
  3. Sep 24, 2014
    Absolutely none of the album is bad, but it's enough like Drake to make me feel like I might as well be listening to Drake, enough like The Weeknd to make me feel like I might as well be listening to Weeknd, etc. etc. etc.
  4. Sep 24, 2014
    One gets the sense that as an artist, PND has yet to even scratch the surface of his potential. Two serves as evidence of such; perhaps the third and successive instalments will see continued artistic progression. Or not.
  5. Sep 24, 2014
    PARTYNEXTDOOR TWO succeeds, much like its predecessor, largely thanks to Brathwaite's aptitude for mood.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 45
  2. Negative: 6 out of 45
  1. Jan 21, 2015
    one of the worst "albums" i have ever heard in my life, doesn't even count as music, i can't believe people actually waste their timeone of the worst "albums" i have ever heard in my life, doesn't even count as music, i can't believe people actually waste their time listening to this tripe Full Review »
  2. Oct 21, 2014
    Shows great improvement in concepts and a growth in sound. A lot of good music here and even more to come with so much potential. The singleShows great improvement in concepts and a growth in sound. A lot of good music here and even more to come with so much potential. The single with Drake is most likely the peak of this album but there are a few hidden gems with Her Way and Sex on the Beach. Good listen, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Full Review »
  3. Jan 9, 2018
    I will never understand the critical panning of this album. A pioneering and ear-orgasm inducing project. PND's opus