
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Feb 12, 2018
    SHIRT’s version boasts a stark separation from the dirty south that feels long overdue. As he continues to explore the arts and its many forms, SHIRT needs to better develop his lyrical skill if pure beauty is what he aims to achieve, but this debut marks a promising start.
  2. Feb 12, 2018
    Sitting at 11 tracks and clocking in at a relatively short 40 minutes, the project is an exciting blend of vibes. The project’s sound is diverse, traversing a lo-fi, basement aesthetic, A$AP-level soundbeds and Yeezy-esque ambient experimentation. The glue is the careful curation of the listening experience and--without question--his lyrics.
  3. Feb 12, 2018
    The visual [video] gambit falls uneasily between a critique of hip-hop’s relationship with corporate sportswear brands and, once again, a flimsy attempt to muster up attention. Pure Beauty plays out in a similar fashion, committing wholly to neither SHIRT’s appealing raw rap chops nor his grander concepts.
  4. Q Magazine
    Feb 13, 2018
    His abiding fascination with conceptual work is mirrored in the mischievous spirit at play on Pure Beauty. [Apr 2018, p.113]

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