• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Jun 19, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Sep 12, 2012
    Hansard gave himself a hard act to follow, but he pulls it off with Repose. He doesn't shun the sound that made the Once soundtrack a hit, but he does expand his palette and show off the breadth of his songwriting prowess.
  2. Magnet
    Jul 24, 2012
    The production has kept the focus exactly where it should be: on the longing of his voice... it's given him a deeper, haunting sense of quiet that strips these melodies to their essential, fragile beauty, delivered with joy, grace, and a wounded wisdom. [No.89 p.60]
  3. Jul 9, 2012
    Rhythm and Repose [is] the superb solo outing from Glen Hansard.
  4. Jul 3, 2012
    Rhythm & Repose is never boring or lacking in tension, but it also doesn't incite nearly as much excitement as it Hansard's previous work.
  5. Jun 27, 2012
    In tone and approach it suggests the populism of a lost Cat Stevens classic ("High Hopes," in particular) but with enough interesting detours.
  6. Jun 27, 2012
    It's the rare solo record that tries on new clothes while still making sure the old ones fit.
  7. Jun 27, 2012
    Hansard stayed close to his previous musical muses and stylistic choices, leaving his debut solo effort feeling like a continuation of prior efforts, rather than a foray into new material.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Jan 22, 2018
    At one point in my life I was a Frames and Glen Hansard fanatic - couldn't get enough of them until the mid 00's. The problem was that theirAt one point in my life I was a Frames and Glen Hansard fanatic - couldn't get enough of them until the mid 00's. The problem was that their output between 95 and 2003 was so unbelievably good, it was a matter of time before the standard dropped. Of course not everyone agrees, that's the beauty of music but I felt their penultimate album, "Burn the Maps" started to show creaks, the best stuff on final album "The Cost" were tracks that had been floating around for years while the rest of it was filler at best.

    Then you had their side project The Swell Season, which had some great moments but also had some real mush and overall just didn't have the same fire and passion of The Frames at their best. After all that, I still have a grĂ¡ in the anglo Irish sense for Glen and was always going to buy his first solo record no matter what. Thankfully, I've found Glen has rediscovered the spark to some extent.

    "Rhythm & Repose" is one of his most mature works, it feels heartfelt and bar one or two tracks that dip, it's consistently strong. He's done stuff here he couldn't have done with The Frames or Marketa (and thankfully there is limited backing female backing vocals and indulgent piano bits, which I felt marred The Swell Season). Opener "You Will Become" is dark and delicate reminding me slightly of Mic Christophers "What A Curious Notion" and Marketa's vocals and piano are perfect toward the end. This still sounds great having listened to it many many times. Over the next couple of tracks the album settles into it's groove nicely before the emotionally delivered "The Storm, It's Coming". This is Hansard at it his best. Sparse instrumentation backdropping a ballad sung from the depths of the heart. "Lover Don't Leave Me Waiting" slips back into the folky groove we had earlier on before the brilliant "What Are We Gonna Do", a kind of reowrking of the Paddy Casey classic "Sweet Suburban Sky". This is followed up by an interesting and very well done version of the song "Races" which Frames fans will recognise from some early 00's live performances. "Philander", the records penultimate track and my favourite on the album, is as far as we get from the Glen we're familiar with. It's the most interesting song on the album where the verses and chorus contrast in the feeling the give and the production of the track is faultless. "Song of Good Hope" closes the album on a sadly optimistic note, a perfect song to close this record. "Rhythm and Repose" is the sound of a man confident in himself. The rage and angst is still there but is now highly diluted due to an Oscar win and subsequent global success. Still, songwriters as talented as Hansard will always have something to offer. Well done Glen, this ranks up with your best work.
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  2. Jul 12, 2012
    The soundtrack for the film Once is one of my favorite albums of all time, easily secured in my top ten. Heck, Once is my favorite film of allThe soundtrack for the film Once is one of my favorite albums of all time, easily secured in my top ten. Heck, Once is my favorite film of all time. Half of this, of course, is due to Glen Hansard. I like The Swell Season, and The Frames are as solid as can be, but as a songwriter, Hansard does just fine on his own. From the first haunting notes on "You Will Become," to the close of "Song of Good Hope," it's impossible to not think that there is something special here, and there really is. Most of these songs have this gripping quality. They are memorable, they are haunting, and they are well crafted little gems. No, this is not anything genre-defining or groundbreaking. In place of something so majestic, this is a quiet little record that is poetic and beautiful. Definitely one of the better releases of 2012. Full Review »