• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Dec 6, 2019
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Universal acclaim- based on 2370 Ratings

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  1. Dec 7, 2019
    Amazing. Takes you through a sea of emotion. From the feeling of falling in love with someone who loves you back unconditionally to the heartbreaking of loving someone but wanting to be with someone else. Perfect for when you’re falling in love and for when you are going through a break up
  2. Dec 7, 2019
    The album is just so beautiful, raw, honest.....perfect I love it so much I can't stop listening to it
  3. Dec 7, 2019
    true masterpiece and art with deepness of love on personal level!
    production and vocals are upgraded for good!
  4. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I can see the growth from her first album !
    her lyrics are so honest. It's like she's telling me her story right next to me. i really like it.
    right now my fav song is 'used to this'
    'and it bears repeating
    how hard my heart's beating'
    these are my fav line from this song
    hope you all like it too!
  5. Dec 7, 2019
    IT'S JUST THE MOST BEAUTIFUL (and a little bit emo, lol) ALBUM I'VE EVER HEARD!!! ❤️✨
  6. Dec 7, 2019
    CAMILA CABELLO DID THAT, this album is such a masterpiece. it’s SO beautiful, truthful, pure and romantic! i loved every little detail and i’m so grateful for being able to listen and feel this amazing experience, i just love her so much!
  7. Dec 7, 2019
    Camila Cabello's Sophomore record "Romance" is pure beauty. The growth in her artistry is evident throughout the record. "Romance" poetically explores various phases of love. Its beauty and its chaos. Its light and its darkness. Its joy and its sorrow. Its strength and its weakness. The talented soul's songwriting is striking with the perfect balance of sass and vulnerability. CamilaCamila Cabello's Sophomore record "Romance" is pure beauty. The growth in her artistry is evident throughout the record. "Romance" poetically explores various phases of love. Its beauty and its chaos. Its light and its darkness. Its joy and its sorrow. Its strength and its weakness. The talented soul's songwriting is striking with the perfect balance of sass and vulnerability. Camila Cabello's passion while singing will make you feel every emotion. Overall listening to "Romance" is wonderful experience from beginning to end. Expand
  8. Dec 7, 2019
    My Oh My, Should've Said It, Shameless and Señorita are highlights. Surprised the critical ratings of Guardian are so low.
  9. Dec 7, 2019
    It's an album full of beautiful songs that hit you just right. Camila really outdid herself with this album. Love it a lot❤️.
  10. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is really what the title says, Romance. One that will take you high up in a rollercoaster ride of emotions that will make your heart all giddy and break. It really is a mixture of what love should feel, because love is something that makes emotions intensify. Camila Cabello really did an amazing job in this album with her incredible songwriting and angelic voice. Indeed, Welcome To The World Of ROMANCE! Expand
  11. Dec 7, 2019
    tbh it way better than her debut album she shows the grown in these years, it's every cohesive and i love the way she uses her voice as the principal instrument. 10/10 miss cabello.
  12. Dec 7, 2019
    She is an AMAZING ARTIST. The album is PURE ART!!! My favorite songs are Dream of you, This Love and My oh My!!!!!
  13. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's so full of story's and love just listen to it and you'll see or hear for your self Expand
  14. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very cohesive and it’s a great album to listen to when you’re high and in your feels tbh, ngl. This album and ‘never be the same’ are Camila’s best body of work thus far. Expand
  15. Dec 7, 2019
    This love, used to this, dream of you, first man, my oh my, shameless, no puedo decirme por una favorita, me gustan todas y cada una de ellas, camila eres puro arte, tan dulce y pasional, gracias por este regalo, desde hoy soy tu fan
  16. Dec 7, 2019
    Excelente, estoy enamorada de esta nueva era de camila, me encanta cada canción, Literal no puedo dejar de escucharla!! Love you camila, thank you ❤️
  17. Dec 7, 2019
    This album has reached all my expectations, she's done an amazing job and I'm not lying when I say this is one of the best album of the year so what are you waiting for? Go to any music app and buy this album.
  18. Dec 7, 2019
    Camila nos dilata con su voz y sus armonías en su segundo trabajo discográfico.
    Esto es un avance de madurez comparado con su anterior trabajo donde incluía sus éxitos como Havana y Never Be The Same, dándole un sentido moderado a su álbum homónimo.
    Romance no solo habla de romance de parejas, como ya se tenía previsto, Romance son líricas de amor propio, amor externo, amor de uno mismo,
    Camila nos dilata con su voz y sus armonías en su segundo trabajo discográfico.
    Esto es un avance de madurez comparado con su anterior trabajo donde incluía sus éxitos como Havana y Never Be The Same, dándole un sentido moderado a su álbum homónimo.
    Romance no solo habla de romance de parejas, como ya se tenía previsto, Romance son líricas de amor propio, amor externo, amor de uno mismo, nos enseña que el amor lo puede todo, por eso el nombre Romance, el romance que tiene uno con uno mismo o como tú lo quieras ver, pero la verdad, Camila contó con una buena producción en este trabajo lírico que dejó a todo el mundo mudo.

    Cuando escuchamos Liar o Bad Kind of Butterflies pensamos en ''Wow, ella tiene tanta razón'', y luego escuchamos algo como ''Señorita'' y decimos ''Hey, dónde se fue la Camila?'' y luego escuchamos Feel It Twice y Used to This, y decimos ''Oh, ahí está''. La lírica y la voz de Camila solo te transportan y te hacen sentir querido, amado y tolerado. Ella solo te dice, ''amate como yo te amo a ti'' y es algo que no se cambia de un artista.

    No podemos olvidarnos de los sonidos tan naturales y deliciosos que suenan y cuando escuchamos, nos enamoramos como unos tontos. Gracias a Phineas Benny Blanco, Cashmere Cat, Fran Dukes, ROMANS, entre otros, que se han destacado como unos de los productores que han hecho buenas canciones años atrás y contando el presente.
    Y si hablamos de expresiones líricas, podemos admirar el gran trabajo que hizo Charli XCX en Señorita o ROMANS en This Love.

    Romance puede consagrarse como unos de los mejores álbumes que se han estrenado a finales del 2019 y se puede ver un éxito muy grande.

    Felicidades a Camila por darnos algo para poder sentir amor que a este mundo le falta.
  19. Dec 7, 2019
    It is an amazing album and very consistent. Should've said it and Used to this are my fav songs.
  20. Dec 6, 2019
    Excelente álbum, muy buenas melodías y letras de las canciones. La evolución con respecto a su primer álbum es evidente
  21. Dec 6, 2019
    Desde hace mucho tiempo no escuchaba el álbum completo de un artista, hasta que llegó romance de camila cabello, escuchar cada canción una y otra vez ❤️es un álbum completo en todo sentido, amo todas sus canciones, camila cabello es la reina de esta generación del pop, gracias camila
  22. Dec 7, 2019
    The album is very cohesive and tells a story in every song. Definitely her best vocals and song production. Her best work of art.
  23. Dec 7, 2019
    A cohesive and beautiful album that talks about Camila’s experience with love and is very relatable!
  24. Dec 7, 2019
    I love this album, It's so passionate and It has the most beautiful lyrics
    I love this album, It's so passionate and It has the most beautiful lyrics
    ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................................................................................................................
  25. Dec 7, 2019
    es perfecto, ella es perfecta, sus líricas son hermosas, conecté demasiado con sus canciones ella es mi vida
  26. Dec 7, 2019
    Impecável, Letras com intensidades reais e vividas. Em cada música Camila mostra pra quê veio.
  27. Dec 7, 2019
    All the feelings of loving someone, the pain, the loving and the moving on. This album is a masterpiece of hers, literally her songs and her voice are a wonder.
  28. Dec 7, 2019
    Álbum incrível, passa todo o sentimento dela e sua evolução desde o seu primeiro álbum. As músicas ótimas para todos os momentos.
  29. Dec 7, 2019
    The album is super good. You can feel all her emotions in this album. You can tell she made growth from her last album. Her sing and song writing had improved since her last album. She really amazingly talented and it’s so hard to find women to have this ability to have such a raw album that tells a story that we can experience and relate with her. It’s so beautiful to see that. Her songThe album is super good. You can feel all her emotions in this album. You can tell she made growth from her last album. Her sing and song writing had improved since her last album. She really amazingly talented and it’s so hard to find women to have this ability to have such a raw album that tells a story that we can experience and relate with her. It’s so beautiful to see that. Her song is not Generic like every other pop singer. You can feel the emotion, love, and pain, she put in this album and I love her for that. I really hope I get to meet her one day and tell her how much of a inspiration she been to me and how much her music changed me. Expand
  30. Dec 7, 2019
    denle stream al mejor álbum del año . Ella realmente vino a salvar la industria y viene por todo asi que tengan cuidado
  31. Dec 7, 2019
    This album it’s amazing, it shows the great artist that it’s Camila, the melodies, the lyrics, Camila’s Vocal are surreal, everything in this album it’s PERFECTION!
  32. Dec 7, 2019
    The best álbum all year , verygood song, my favorites: Bad king of butterflies, my oh my
  33. Dec 7, 2019
    Camila Cabello does it again!
    A wonderful album! It has song for several different musical tastes while being cohesive at the same time. It’s raw, emotional, and brutally honest. The lyrics are well written, and the visuals are stunning. The sound is fresh while also being reminiscent of sounds that are well loved.
  34. Dec 7, 2019
    Camila Cabello me imprecionou mais uma vez, além de maravilhosa está muito romântica. Romance é um álbum com uma melodia incrível!
  35. Dec 7, 2019
    Es un buen álbum como todo lo que hace camila ella es puro arte y vocalmente es impecable
  36. Dec 7, 2019
    Una pieza maravillosa en la que una joven nos entrega su corazón de la forma más pura posible y al mismo tiempo nos entrega unas canciones para bailar y subir el ánimo por los cielos
  37. Aji
    Dec 7, 2019
    Its soooo goood, its type of Album that growing on you MORE and MORE when u listen to it, its get more better. Such a good ALBUM
  38. Dec 7, 2019
    Amazing vocals and cohesive album. She took a step up from her debut, with a lot better lyrics and production. I'm very impressed.
  39. Dec 7, 2019
    Camila Cabello’s new album, "Romance" has everything about love to ever exist. From just crushing on a person to 'making love', then marriage. It makes you feel types of things about love, you never knew existed. The words she uses to sing makes the album absolutely beautiful. One stand out song is, "First Man" a song about her father. Absolutely beautiful and heartwarming.
  40. Dec 7, 2019
    É um álbum repleto de personalidade, romance ( como o próprio nome nos diz) e muita originalidade que Camila tem nos dado desde o seu primeiro album. Trazendo sua veia latina, mas ao mesmo tempo não sendo "somente isso". Tem seus momentos emocionais como em "First Man" ou "Easy" que além de emocionar, da uma atenção ao lado mais sensivel da cantora. Mas em contra ponta tem músicas comoÉ um álbum repleto de personalidade, romance ( como o próprio nome nos diz) e muita originalidade que Camila tem nos dado desde o seu primeiro album. Trazendo sua veia latina, mas ao mesmo tempo não sendo "somente isso". Tem seus momentos emocionais como em "First Man" ou "Easy" que além de emocionar, da uma atenção ao lado mais sensivel da cantora. Mas em contra ponta tem músicas como "Señorita", "My oh my" e "Should've said it" que além de ter uma carga necessaria de sensualidade, também liberta o lado mais maduro de Camila que está disposta a dizer ao mundo com esse novo álbum que ela é uma mulher, apesar de ainda ter seu lado inocente. Melodias gostosas de ouvir, dançantes, emocionantes, e sua voz dando um show de vocais. Simplesmente arte. "Romance" é um sinal de que Camila está mostrando quem ela realmente é. Expand
  41. Dec 7, 2019
    Camila Cabello’s, “Romance”, shows much growth since her debut album, Camila. It’s a beautiful love story all put into 14 tracks of music. Loved it.
  42. Dec 7, 2019
    Cohesive and beautiful sounding album. Camila just keeps getting better. Excellent work!
  43. Dec 7, 2019
    Every track has its own magic and story. What I absolutely love about this album is how personal it is to the artist herself, this is like a diary to an era of her life and I've never been more honoured to be a listener for it.
  44. Dec 7, 2019
    Amazing album every single song is different and unique on its own.. Not a single skip Album on repeat.
  45. Dec 7, 2019
    An album that’s beautifully written, full of bops. Camila never disappoints!
  46. Dec 7, 2019
    Romance is the best possible second album she could’ve done. Every song is absolutely stunning, emotional, powerful... she’s one of a kind. Camila did it again.
  47. Dec 7, 2019
    Her best yet. Unique voice. If you are looking for an earworm this is it. Best songs are Used to this and Living proof.
  48. Dec 7, 2019
    Romance es magia, es uno de los mejores albums que he tenido el placer de escuchar, Camila hizo un excelente trabajo este año y cada uno del estos temas lo demuestra. Es La mejor♡♡♡
  49. Dec 7, 2019
    10/10 album. I love every single song. From the lyrics, to the sonics, to the meanings, etc. Perfection :) Also if anyone see’s this, follow my Instagram :p @brandonhoggofficial
  50. Dec 7, 2019
    Achei um álbum bem experimental, com muitas coisas diferentes, principalmente vocalmente falando, mas entendo as críticas estarem mistas, acho que é muito ame ou odeie. Eu não desgostei de nenhuma música, e quanto mais vc escuta mais as músicas crescem. É bem diferente de seu primeiro álbum.
  51. Dec 7, 2019
    Romance is a masterpiece. All songs in the album delivers all the emotion we feel when in love, both the positive and the negative. Its real and it breathes life.
  52. Dec 7, 2019
    Wonderful production and very honest and personal lyrics. It's really amazing to see an artist that now days is willing to open up and talk about love in such an emotional and pure way and of course her vocals that are very honest and raw. Simply magic it made me want to fall in love and have those songs as a soundtrack of it
  53. Dec 7, 2019
    Queen. Never the same. Stream romance for clean skin yall. We love the album of the century.
  54. Dec 6, 2019
    Great album. It’s cohesive and it’s top tier album came in 2019. The production is excellent. I love how the vocals changes from time to time into different melodies like in Bad kind of butterflies. This album is pure brilliance.
  55. Dec 7, 2019
    So raw and real. She really did create Art. Perfection at it’s finest. So many upbeat songs balanced out by the vulnerable songs.
  56. Dec 7, 2019
    The best album ever. Camila has an exquisite voice and is a genius Lyricist.
  57. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it's the best album of 2019 and will dominate the 2020 charts. i personally love 'should've said it' and 'first man' the best. Expand
  58. Dec 7, 2019
    Magnífico!! Las letras de las canciones son exelentes, el sentimiento que pone al cantar te hace sentir como si fueras tu el que está pasando por ese momento
  59. Dec 7, 2019
    Just a pop perfection!
    Camila did a beautiful job and makes a incredible album with good feelings
  60. Dec 7, 2019
    Her best work to date! I love the details in this album. Everything is so well done. The production, the vocals, harmonies, and melodies are all so good. She keeps elevating herself as a artist and I love that. Even the performances have had so much work and detail put into it. Camila is definitely an artist that will be around for a long time.
  61. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un álbum increíble, con una lírica realmente muy buena, al igual que el ritmo, vocals, todo muy bueno. Expand
  62. Dec 7, 2019
    Lyrics, production, vocals, visuals... ON POINT.
    The features snapped The co writers slayed
    Camila blew me away
  63. Dec 7, 2019
    this album is so **** amazing and deserve 1000000000000000 . That’s it, bye
  64. Dec 7, 2019
    Romance es un gran Álbum, Camila totalmente es una gran artista y me encanta su voz, es una gran artista y ese es un Álbum muy linda Im Crying
  65. Dec 7, 2019
    such a good album!! i'm so proud of her evolution in all aspects, it's pure magic!!
  66. Dec 7, 2019
    You can truly see Camila's growth with this album! There are a couple songs that took a few listens to grow on me, but that happens with any artist. Sometimes I'm just not in the right head space, so I need to listen again in another mood. I have loved her from the start, and I'm so proud of her work on this album! Her vocals are everything!!
  67. Dec 7, 2019
    This album was so so so compelling and new and different! I love the production, phineas really came through with the beats! The standout of the album though was the lyrics. Camila wrote lyrics that made my heart ache. They were so vulnerable, raw, and real. I could feel the emotions in the way she sang whether that be mad, sad, happy etc. My favs from the album are dream of you, used toThis album was so so so compelling and new and different! I love the production, phineas really came through with the beats! The standout of the album though was the lyrics. Camila wrote lyrics that made my heart ache. They were so vulnerable, raw, and real. I could feel the emotions in the way she sang whether that be mad, sad, happy etc. My favs from the album are dream of you, used to this, easy, and shouldve said it. Expand
  68. Dec 7, 2019
    It is pure art, you can imagine the situation while listening to the songs, Camila Cabello grew and made a more sensitive album, she gave herself in the songs and that should be hella appreciated.
  69. Dec 7, 2019
    Amazing album. You can see her improvement vocally and the album feels like a whole rather than a bunch of tracks put together. It just gets better and better.
  70. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Just soooo much emotion and rawness, like i dont care the lyrics are raw and beautifull, all from first man, too dream of you, too more bop party song like my oh my, too liar, this is amazing artwork!!! Expand
  71. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing songs, amazing vocals, Amazing everything!! I love it so much she really came to prove herself with this album way to go Camila Expand
  72. Dec 6, 2019
    Amazing. The album has no skips. Every track is so different. This is by far the album of the year. 10/10.
  73. Dec 7, 2019
    This album has great visuals and also shows her diversity when it comes to music.
  74. Dec 7, 2019
    ths sooo perfect!!!! i really loved all, the lyrics, the instrumental,, all. i love her evolution since her debut
  75. Dec 7, 2019
    Esse álbum está simplesmente perfeito, todas melodias, todas as letras, a voz da Camila esta cada vez melhor. Orgulho do meu neném
  76. Dec 7, 2019
    Es un álbum vocal y lírico grandioso!! Muy bien Camila Cabello estas creciendo como Artista!!
  77. Dec 7, 2019
    The best album so far! I love how she made us feel emotional with her songs
  78. Dec 6, 2019
    perfection, i loved so much! iconic, this album is so perfect and so impeccable.
  79. Dec 7, 2019
    Camila cabello is the only person who can make people pop their asses and turn emo in a timespan of 10 minutes!! & Love her for the grow up for the first album to this masterpiece!!! The time she takes for make this album was worth it!! Also I CANT WAIT for see her doing this sounds on live at her next tour!!
  80. Dec 7, 2019
    She's given us a piece of her heart in this album. Brilliant production, powerful vocals and pen-game, versatility and so much artistic growth from her first album. She talks about all the stages of love. Give it a listen and you definitely won't regret it.
  81. Dec 7, 2019
    It's exactly what romance is all about. The sequence is well thought-out and her unique voice gives it a beautiful flavour.
  82. Dec 7, 2019
    Masterpiece. Art. Camila is an ARTIST. Songs are so emotional. Great vocals & powerful. She's so amazing. Best Album ever.
  83. Dec 7, 2019
    Letras incríveis e vocais impecáveis! Um verdadeiro Romance. Assim como o primeiro álbum camila trouxe intensidade e seus sentimentos mais puros!
  84. Dec 7, 2019
    at first i was convinced that her debut album was better but as i listen more to this album i just realized the experimentation and how she is being diversed musically and all of the songs grew on me and you know one of the best albums ever
  85. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum é sensível, doce e intenso ao descrever o amor romântico. Me fez acreditar novamente. Obrigada Camila! Expand
  86. Dec 7, 2019
    Beautiful! Absolutely adore this album, The intensity and the perfect ways of describing the true feelings of love and all of the factors in being/falling in love. From the first track to the very last track, every song perfectly ties in with the next. Highly recommend listening to this masterpiece. Love her.
  87. Dec 7, 2019
    I can't stop hearing the album !!! She sounds so incredible!!!! She's so talented. Congratulations Camila !!!
  88. Dec 7, 2019
    El album es increíble, cada canción te transmite tanto, romance es tan melodioso y angelical.me encanta!!
  89. Dec 6, 2019
    The album has Literally no skips every single song has a message behind it and i love that not everyone do this nowadays the lyrics and production on this album is everything and her voice as well i love that album is really a grammy worthy album
  90. Dec 6, 2019
    Omg so amazing!!!! The album is insane!!! She killed it! I can't choose top 5 !!!
  91. Dec 7, 2019
    Romance is probably the best album dropped by an artist this year. Not only does Camila sound amazing, she explores different sounds and types of music which overall create a perfect album. There is seriously no skips on Romance, because ever song has it's own melody and meaning. Camila really took her concept to heart and I believe Romance is beautiful.
  92. Dec 7, 2019
    My personal favorites are: Should’ve Said it, Easy, and This love. Also I liked her debut album a little more but this is still a great album.
  93. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Prefeito!!! Icônico!! Super apaixonante!!! Amei tudo !! Lindão!! O visual lindo. Muito romântico. Expand
  94. Dec 7, 2019
    I love this albun!! Her vocals..... incredible just love love love love love and more love
  95. Dec 7, 2019
    this album is so good, just got perfect music Camila Cabello deserves the world, passionate songs and happy songs make you want to stop listening
  96. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. After listening to her debut album, you can hear the growth on Camila cabello’s second album “Romance”. Tracks like “Dream of you”, “This love”, and “first man” show her writing skills. Expand
  97. Dec 7, 2019
    Este album definitivamente es uno de lo mejores que acaba de salir, esta claro por que se llama romance cada cancion cuenta una historia, transmite tanto en cada cancion dsde el caos, el drama y el amor
  98. Dec 7, 2019
    Sin duda es el mejor álbum que he escuchado, desde calidad hasta cada detalle que Camila le puso, mis respetos para ella! Súper recomendado
  99. Dec 7, 2019
    Masterpiece! Beautiful! Good lyrics, vocals! I love this so so so sooo much
  100. Dec 6, 2019
    Perfect perfect perfect! I can't believe I've never taken into account how angelic this woman sounds when she sings. She has everything it takes to be force.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Dec 16, 2019
    Cabello’s willingness to assist in [the music industry’s embrace of the “Latin” sound] caricature elsewhere distracts from the otherwise interesting Spanish-classical and Santana-esque riffs on Romance.
  2. Dec 12, 2019
    Throughout “Romance,” the pop machinery clicks cleverly and efficiently into place around Cabello’s voice. The productions tend to be sparse — spooky electronic sounds, an occasional acoustic or electric guitar, hefty but discreet drums — and even where the choruses ratchet up, Cabello’s voice often stays close and confiding.
  3. Dec 10, 2019
    Romance is a solid, sexually charged sophomore entry that places growth at center-stage and keeps us wanting more without going limp.