• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Dec 6, 2019
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  1. Dec 6, 2019
    O flood de músicas ruins antes do álbum era uma pista do que estava vindo. Contudo, acredito que ate os mais pessimistas se surpreenderam com essa água de chuca chamada romance. O segundo álbum de Camila Cabello é, simplesmente, horrível!!
    O seu segundo disco vem para nos dar a confirmação de que além de brega, ratamilla também é desesperada. Como não conseguiu um hit com sua havana 2.0
    O flood de músicas ruins antes do álbum era uma pista do que estava vindo. Contudo, acredito que ate os mais pessimistas se surpreenderam com essa água de chuca chamada romance. O segundo álbum de Camila Cabello é, simplesmente, horrível!!
    O seu segundo disco vem para nos dar a confirmação de que além de brega, ratamilla também é desesperada. Como não conseguiu um hit com sua havana 2.0 (liar) se viu obrigada a enfiar porñorita, feat seu namorado afeminado, pra garantir uns streams e consequentemente algumas vendas para este fracasso em forma de CD.
    O álbum até traz algumas músicas que valem a pena serem ouvidas, como easy e this love, mas que infelizmente não são capazes de torná-lo algo decente aos ouvidos humanos. Então, enquanto Samplemila Copiabello não consegue entregar uma trabalho de qualidade, nos resta apenas ouvir os melhores álbuns do ano "thank u, next" e "Lover" das talentosíssimas Ariana Grande e Taylor Swift.
  2. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I'm so proud of her. She's doing her best to give something with quality and always trying to do the best she can to her fans. This is growth. She deserves the best. Expand
  3. Dec 6, 2019
    This album has everything: vocals, visuals, beautiful beats and amazing lyrics. Pop perfection.
  4. Dec 6, 2019
    “Camila” was way more better. We don’t see in this new album innovation. It keeps on the down load and with the Same variant
  5. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this album is amazing, camila showed her evolution and her beautiful vocals on this album, it's an album just like that what the world needed Expand
  6. Dec 6, 2019
    Album has a very clear concept, the songs complement each other and have a very good sound.
  7. Dec 6, 2019
    No sé si me gustan mas las letras,melodias o su increíble voz, realmente es un album mágico y perfecto.
  8. Dec 6, 2019
    Camila uses rhythms from other artists, recycled tunes and the lyrics are superficial.
  9. Dec 6, 2019
    SUCH A MATURE ALBUM! COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM HER DEBUT ALBUM! There's a little bit of autotune as every album but she proved that she can sing even better live!
  10. Dec 6, 2019
    Um álbum simplesmente maravilhoso, melodia, voz, TUDO. Posso dizer com toda certeza que superou minhas expectativas.
  11. Dec 6, 2019
    Melhor ábum de 2019, fechando com chave de ouro! Sintonia perfeita e álbum totalmente diversificado, dando assim mais valor e credibilidade ao mesmo. Voz da cantora Camila Cabello impecável, deixando o álbum simplesmente esplêndido! Parabéns! Congratulations!
  12. Dec 6, 2019
    everything about this album is amazing. I honestly can't choose my top 3 yet
  13. Dec 6, 2019
    Amazing!!! The stories are amazing!
    Camila has an amazing gift for writing stories that can truly show how she is feeling
  14. Dec 6, 2019
    this album is a masterpiece. makes me feel so much... camila cabello did that.
  15. Dec 6, 2019
    A great album its melodies, lyrics and visuals are spectacular pop perfection.
  16. Dec 6, 2019
    Camila delivers her most intimate feelings surrounding love and romance in her sophomore album. Truly a piece of pure art.
  17. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Romance is not a generic Pop album. It's the album that came to show that love is one of the most beautiful things there is. It is a journey of feelings, where each letter elevates the listener's emotions. The album starts with "Shameless", which is a song that goes against traditional Pop, with melodies totally different from what you hear today. And the album ends with "First Man", which describes the love of a father watching his little girl grow up and fall in love. The album perfectly describes love and all its exploits. Expand
  18. Dec 6, 2019
    ENCREDIBLE ALBUM With interesting love lyrics, it shows many faces that how we can feel LOVE adding erotic and fun beats. Really A Good amazing album right here.
  19. Dec 6, 2019
    Sumamente intenso, te rompe y te arregla al corazón al mismo tiempo. Su voz suena increíble, las letras son buenísimas y los sonidos ni se diga. Feel it twice sin duda mi favorita
  20. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. álbum muito bom!!! artista de verdade, sem músicas chatas mas com músicas q parece q invade a alma de tão intensa!!! Expand
  21. Dec 6, 2019
    camila cabello mais uma vez um álbum completo, com músicas para todos os gostos! no auge dos seus 21 anos já pode ser considerada uma lenda da indústria musical por todos os seus feitos mais do que excelentes
  22. Dec 6, 2019
    this is what you listen to when you enter the gates of heaven. thank you camila for being such a true artist and giving us your best every time.
  23. Dec 6, 2019
    Álbum maravilhoso.. fala muito coisa sobre ela.. batidas ótimas,letras ótimas! Amei
  24. Dec 6, 2019
    shameless, should've said it, feel it twice, this love, dream of you and first man are masterpieces. i loved this album and im addicted for it.
  25. Dec 6, 2019
    Romance is such an amazing album. A new change for Camila Cabellos voice and visuals. A more mature change from her last album as well. Absolutely no skips in the album.
  26. Dec 6, 2019
    This album is so beautiful I love the fact that every song is magical I love it. Thank you Camila this a masterpiece.
  27. Dec 6, 2019
    This album doesn't have a song that you can skip!!! They are all bops!!! Camila Cabello did it again and didn't think it was possible but she outdid herself!!!!
  28. Dec 6, 2019
    This is definitely Camila’s best album so far. The lyrics, the sounds, the way she sings the songs. Masterpiece.
  29. Dec 6, 2019
    o album é bom e muito bem escrito, mas tem algumas semelhanças com álbuns de outros artistas.
  30. Dec 6, 2019
    Incredible! a real artist, we saw again her feelings in some musics and was perfect
  31. Dec 6, 2019
    This is a fun easy listening album. I enjoy it but not every song is a winner. But songs like Easy, This Love and Dream of You are outstanding. Camila Cabello doesn’t explore anything new with this material, but she does what she did well on Camila.
  32. Dec 6, 2019
    Define ROMANCE em um álbum em que conta com perfeição todo um drama romântico.
  33. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This new album, presents a musical maturity in a very assertive way, the singer shows us the different tones of voice that you can control in a very pleasant way. My oh My presents a very nice and striking rhythmic melody, a song that has the potential to dig a hole in the most important lists in the world. Miss Cabello still needs a little more to find her musical focus, obviously without losing the musical versatility for which she is so well known. Expand
  34. Dec 6, 2019
    O álbum é coeso, e embora seja muito semelhante ao "Camila", sinto que nada nele é datado ou obsoleto. Gosto da maneira como ele soa.
  35. Dec 6, 2019
    Lenda o álbum tá perfeito sem nenhum defeito, outras nem metade conseguem, lendaaaaa
  36. Dec 6, 2019
    na minha opinião o romance superou o álbum anterior "camila" as músicas desse novo álbum são perfeitas as composições, sonoridade e tudo é perfeito!
  37. Dec 6, 2019
    Unlike anything I've ever seen. It's an amazing trip to the world of romance. An incredible walk from Solitude to Love.
  38. Dec 6, 2019
    Camila nos trajo un trabajo excelente, con una mejora de vocals sumamente notoria y con algunos sonidos nuevos, este álbum a mi parecer explica a la perfección el enamorarse de alguien.
  39. Dec 6, 2019
    Hands down best album of the year! She took the best moments of her life and them a masterpiece while pointing out her flaws in the process.
  40. Dec 6, 2019
    It's a album with a lot of auto-tune, has no versatility, and is only successful with Latin music score and fake dating
  41. Dec 6, 2019
    The songs have no versatility and I didn't like the tracks very much as it has a lot of auto-tune, but she writes very well.
  42. Dec 6, 2019
    This album is a complete upgrade from her debut album. This tells a story about many different stages of love in a beautiful way. A+ for me!
  43. Dec 6, 2019
    Loved it!! Each song is like a separate story making up a whole, touching u, teasing u and taking u into another world. Great lyrics, phenomenal vocals. Enjoyed every bit of it❣️
  44. Dec 6, 2019
    Um álbum extremamente íntimo, carregado de sentimentos diversos, que variam conforme o ritmo da música, sem deixar o conceito inicial.
  45. Dec 6, 2019
    Beautiful way to describe how be in love is, and the most interesting part is that she is talking about love in all ways, when she talks about her dad in “first man”, and it’s a beautiful thing to do
  46. Dec 6, 2019
    Holy **** I don’t know who her producer is but they might as well be a god. The slow almost depressing songs were never my style but her lyricism and production quality were so top notch that even her slower songs were saved to most of my playlists because of their almost atmospheric, dreamy quality that had me lying face up on my bed, eyes closed and floating off to a music inducedHoly **** I don’t know who her producer is but they might as well be a god. The slow almost depressing songs were never my style but her lyricism and production quality were so top notch that even her slower songs were saved to most of my playlists because of their almost atmospheric, dreamy quality that had me lying face up on my bed, eyes closed and floating off to a music induced paradise. It’s still early but so far My Oh My, Cry For Me, Bad Kind of Butterflies, and Should’ve Said It are by far my favorites. For this being her sophomore album, I can say with full confidence that she has a very promising future ahead of her. Expand
  47. Dec 6, 2019
    I love every song on this album ❤ #Romance I recommend it to everyone.
  48. Dec 6, 2019
    Ok, this album is disappointing. Her first album was average, but this one is terrible. In addition to having many samples, I identified at least four songs with samples, was placed very autotune. Some lyrics are too childish, in others she seems to want to get out of the "little girl" figure but ends up doing it as forced. Anyway, mediocre.
  49. Dec 6, 2019
    Mais um álbum excelente de Camila Cabello, com músicas incríveis, isso mostra como além de uma ótima cantora, a Camila também é uma ótima compositora
  50. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum tá perfeito, da pra perceber o quanto a Camila evoluiu como artista Expand
  51. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I found the album concept very confusing, and generic, full of autotune and weak Expand
  52. Dec 6, 2019
    this album is just perfect, the concept that camila was inspired to make this album makes so important to today where no one believes in love anymore.
  53. Dec 6, 2019
    O album esta perfeito, My oh My e Should've Said It melhores musicas do album
  54. Dec 6, 2019
    Lovely. You truly are immersed into a world of romance as Camila shares her own experiences with love. Her voice sound heavenly on the beautifully produced tracks.❤️
  55. Dec 6, 2019
    Acho que ela explorou lugares diferentes que combinou MUITO com a sua voz!!
  56. Dec 6, 2019
    The most Perfect album in the whole world, Camila Cabello has been a great artist with a angelical voice givin to us the pleasure to hear her sing
  57. Dec 6, 2019
    An album that sounda really good for some things but all has the same melody, the same concept, sounds same lyrics ...not perfect, she could do better than this!
  58. Dec 6, 2019
    O álbum não supera o anterior porém impressiona por grande parte das outras músicas serem melhores que o singles escolhidos, parabéns fada Cubana.
  59. Dec 6, 2019
    Camila trouxe nesse álbum uma experiência profunda e emotiva, de uma forma sutil e detalhada com uma narrativa de amor em sua composição. O álbum, além de uma composição incrível, trás adoráveis melodias, com uma sonoridade leve e doce, na maioria de suas faixas. Alem disso, o que mais chama atenção no Romance, são os vocais que combinam com a melodia e a composição, mantendo uma harmoniaCamila trouxe nesse álbum uma experiência profunda e emotiva, de uma forma sutil e detalhada com uma narrativa de amor em sua composição. O álbum, além de uma composição incrível, trás adoráveis melodias, com uma sonoridade leve e doce, na maioria de suas faixas. Alem disso, o que mais chama atenção no Romance, são os vocais que combinam com a melodia e a composição, mantendo uma harmonia perfeita, e o excelente equilíbrio entre notas altas e baixas. Um álbum com conceiro, coesão e coerência! Expand
  60. Dec 6, 2019
    Otro Álbum más genérico, monótono y repetitivo e incluso mucho peor que su Debut.
    Cada canción del álbum es totalmente igual como si toda la lista de canciones fuera solamente una canción, y esté álbum es tan Denigrante que también incluye Pliagos hacia ciertas artistas diferentes tanto de la portada del álbum como en cada lírica e instrumental de cada canción. Si sigue así con esta
    Otro Álbum más genérico, monótono y repetitivo e incluso mucho peor que su Debut.
    Cada canción del álbum es totalmente igual como si toda la lista de canciones fuera solamente una canción, y esté álbum es tan Denigrante que también incluye Pliagos hacia ciertas artistas diferentes tanto de la portada del álbum como en cada lírica e instrumental de cada canción. Si sigue así con esta técnica no hará más que ser nombrada una timadora y nada original por cada reseña experta
  61. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. álbum magnífico, delicado, romântico, incrível totalmente diferente de tudo que já vi Expand
  62. Dec 6, 2019
    Increíble, muy diferente a su otro álbum, en este se nota su madurez como artista
  63. Dec 6, 2019
    The growth from Camila's first album "Camila" to "Romance" is outstanding. Her agile, unique, and feminine voice fits perfectly with the mood of this album. The songs are all different and distinct. A very memorable sophomore album. Standouts are the classic-in-the-making "Dream of You," the ethereal "Living Proof," and the perfect-closer "First Man." Give it a listen, there is somethingThe growth from Camila's first album "Camila" to "Romance" is outstanding. Her agile, unique, and feminine voice fits perfectly with the mood of this album. The songs are all different and distinct. A very memorable sophomore album. Standouts are the classic-in-the-making "Dream of You," the ethereal "Living Proof," and the perfect-closer "First Man." Give it a listen, there is something for everyone on this album. Expand
  64. Dec 6, 2019
    It’s not perfect, but it’s still very beautiful. She hits the mark perfectly on the idea of romance on first man, used to be, living proof and easy.
    Dream of you could use a lot less auto tune as well as this love, but the rest don’t stick. Bad kind of butterflies is really pretty, but I can’t say much else about it. She debuted this album with in my opinion the worst single of the album
    It’s not perfect, but it’s still very beautiful. She hits the mark perfectly on the idea of romance on first man, used to be, living proof and easy.
    Dream of you could use a lot less auto tune as well as this love, but the rest don’t stick. Bad kind of butterflies is really pretty, but I can’t say much else about it. She debuted this album with in my opinion the worst single of the album and a middle of the list single( shameless and liar) Camilla can sing, she’s incredible, but she didn’t produce and incredible album
  65. Dec 6, 2019
    Absolutely amazing to see the growth and maturity Camila has achieved compared to CAMILA without losing her charm.
  66. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. PERFEITOOO, um álbum que claramente está mostrando a evolução tanto vocal, composição no geral de Camila Cabello Expand
  67. Dec 6, 2019
    One of my favorite albums released this year. The growth and versatility in her sophomore album compared to her debut album is crazy real. I love every single song on this album! I honestly can’t pick a favorite. Her music just keeps getting better and better.(:
  68. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Letras que cuentan una historia, ritmos y melodía variados, una voz y un talento extraordinario. Camila si es una ARTISTA. Puro talento. Expand
  69. Dec 6, 2019
    This is a masterpiece and is much more mature than her first album, proving that she is great in inovating.
  70. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um álbum para todos os gostos, Cabello expressa certamente como o amor é um sentimento forte.
    Em seu segundo álbum de estúdio, podemos ver o decorrer de uma história de amor, desde o término até o início de um novo Romance, com sentimentos mais verdadeiros que fazem Cabello sentir cada segundo en sua pele.
    Neste álbum, podemos notar os vocais ainda mais aperfeiçoado, notas de dar orgulho e muitos sentimentos expostos.
    Romance, já está disponível nas plataformas de Steam de varios países.
  71. Dec 6, 2019
    I absolutely loved everything about this album, melodies, lyrics, productions, camila serving amazing vocal (her technique it's mind blowing). You can feel every little emotion in each song and that's one of the many things I love about Camila, how she can make you feel what she is feeling. It's really incredible to see how much she has grown in every aspect, I've been a fan of hers sinceI absolutely loved everything about this album, melodies, lyrics, productions, camila serving amazing vocal (her technique it's mind blowing). You can feel every little emotion in each song and that's one of the many things I love about Camila, how she can make you feel what she is feeling. It's really incredible to see how much she has grown in every aspect, I've been a fan of hers since the beginning. This album is an open love letter and the best she has released so far Expand
  72. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Que arte diosmila no te merecemos, no es novedad que siempre nos de arte así esza Expand
  73. Dec 6, 2019
    Such an amazing album! I'm totally hooked: the lyrics, the production. It's even hard to choose a favorite song, as the album progress I keep changing my mind. Camila did that!
  74. Dec 6, 2019
    Excelente álbum, Camila trouxe suas origens da melhor forma e mostrou que não morreu no single Havana.
  75. Dec 6, 2019
    Camila's second album belongs to a very interesting and fundamentalist aesthetic. 'Romance' is what the Cuban girl has meant since her debut debut album, yet this material is undoubtedly a visible evolution of the artist who remains confused about her feelings but who this time has managed to show them well through your lyrics. Despite having some powerful fillers in the worst sense theCamila's second album belongs to a very interesting and fundamentalist aesthetic. 'Romance' is what the Cuban girl has meant since her debut debut album, yet this material is undoubtedly a visible evolution of the artist who remains confused about her feelings but who this time has managed to show them well through your lyrics. Despite having some powerful fillers in the worst sense the word might have as 'Cry For Me' or 'Liar', Cabello is quick enough to cover these flaws by bringing in majestic tracks like 'This Love' and 'First Man' flagships of this powerful adventure Expand
  76. Dec 6, 2019
    isn't a 10 because señorita is in the album and no make any sense with the rest of the songs
  77. Dec 6, 2019
    The lyrics of first man and used to this are pure perfection. The growth from CAMILA is insane and the production is fantastic! Visuals are stunning of course!!
  78. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album of the year!!!! Deserves the GRAMMYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  79. Dec 6, 2019
    this album is magical. the lyrics, instrumentals, visuals.... just wow!!! “first man” and “this love” are my favorites ❤️
  80. Dec 6, 2019
    Perfect, it’s sad, romantic, very emo, and melodically perfect. I would say is the best pop album i have ever heard.
  81. Dec 6, 2019
    Um álbum maravilhoso, vocais perfeitos, músicas inspiradoras, batidas ferozes, uma verdadeira obra de arte!!!
  82. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Capa 10/10
    letras 10/10
    voz 10/10 batidas 10/10 conceito 10/10 Camila perfeita, futuro do pop
    Álbum da carreira
  83. Dec 6, 2019
    the album is AMAZING camila served us with angel vocals and soul-touching compositions for a love lover
  84. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is perfect, even if sometimes the autotune gets strange, I loved the whole album. The lyric, the melody in everysong is so heavenly. Camila really made a dream pop here :) Expand
  85. Dec 6, 2019
    I love the album. I believe this is some of her best work. You can hear the growth and how cohesive this album is. The album does not have a bad song in it. People should give it a listen before even reviewing the album, there is something for everyone to like.
  86. Dec 6, 2019
    O ROMANCE é algo incrível e maravilhoso, Cabello mostrou que é capaz de tudo e arrasou nos seus agudos, e ainda apresentou sua voz de anjo para os fãs
  87. Dec 6, 2019
    Esse álbum mostrou a evolução artística da Camila, com músicas sobre sentimentos que todos nós passamos, transmitindo o amor de uma forma crua e verdadeira! Eu realmente me senti tocada e os vocais são perfeitos!
  88. Dec 6, 2019
    O álbum tá incrível, as músicas estão absurdas de boa, vocal maravilhoso, instrumental impecável e ritmos cativantes e relaxantes
  89. Dec 6, 2019
    Amazing, incredible, lovely and beautiful. Camila is such a great writer, musician and artist, this album shows her growth and love in the most pure away.
  90. Dec 6, 2019
    ruim demais, álbum repleto de fillers e muitas músicas genêricas, um dos piores lançamentos do ano
  91. Dec 6, 2019
    The songs just blew me up, i love the way she put so much soul and passion in everything that she do
  92. Dec 6, 2019
    Camila Cabello was all pop needed. She leaves all her comfort, giving us new melodies.
  93. Dec 6, 2019
    pop perfection. soft and beautiful. romance is not dead and you can definitely feel the songs.
  94. Dec 6, 2019
    the album is simply magnificent, shows the evolution that camila owes since her first album as both songwriter and singer. the songs are intense and unique just like who gives them voice. a true masterpiece, this is where aoty is delivered
  95. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. muito diferente do camila mas mesmo assim camila consegue manter sua essência e fazer um álbum totalmente honesto e verdadeiro. vocais impecáveis e músicas que nao enjoam fácil..... Expand
  96. Dec 6, 2019
    o álbum é ótimo, mostra como ela aprendeu a elevar sua qualidade em produção e composição, soa muito melhor e a frente que o camila. E é absolutamente incrível a forma como mantém suas raízes latinas com as batidas bem presentes em Liar por exemplo, talvez essa seja a marca que ela queira deixas, é um álbum ótimo
  97. Dec 6, 2019
    5 estrelas. Lindo. Quando se fala com o coração faz-se uma homenagem ao amor! A Camila está de parabéns.
  98. Dec 6, 2019
    an absolute masterpiece with absolutely no skips! each song is a step ahead from her previous debut album, and of course, we were left satisfied and not disappointed. QUEEN CAMILA STREAM ROMANCE FOR CLEAR SKIN
  99. Dec 6, 2019
    Amazing!!! This album is really good, can’t stop listening to it. It’s a masterpiece!
  100. Dec 6, 2019
    Amazing, a masterpiece. Everybody should take a moment to listen to it. It's brilliant. The lyrics, the identity, the melodies... it's just the most perfect thing.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Dec 16, 2019
    Cabello’s willingness to assist in [the music industry’s embrace of the “Latin” sound] caricature elsewhere distracts from the otherwise interesting Spanish-classical and Santana-esque riffs on Romance.
  2. Dec 12, 2019
    Throughout “Romance,” the pop machinery clicks cleverly and efficiently into place around Cabello’s voice. The productions tend to be sparse — spooky electronic sounds, an occasional acoustic or electric guitar, hefty but discreet drums — and even where the choruses ratchet up, Cabello’s voice often stays close and confiding.
  3. Dec 10, 2019
    Romance is a solid, sexually charged sophomore entry that places growth at center-stage and keeps us wanting more without going limp.