
Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 19
  2. Negative: 6 out of 19
  1. Sometimes it's good bizarre. Other times it's bad bizarre.
  2. 40
    Their collaboration suggests a nice philosophical dissonance, but only in theory. In practice, Scream is nearly awful.
  3. The resulting dynamic is two distinct flowers from the sound garden that produce an only occasionally sweet-smelling bouquet.
  4. Mojo
    Scream has balls, Cornell vacating his comfort zone with admirable readiness. [Apr 2009, p.98]
  5. There are flickers of funky light on the lush old school soul of ‘Ground Zero’ and the Motown-esque ‘Other Side Of Town’, but for the most part it’s all depressingly castrated.
  6. 50
    Produced with a heavy hand by Timbaland, the third solo album from ex-Soundgarden and Audioslave singer Chris Cornell is strangely appealing in its elaborately empty efficiency.
  7. The problem with Scream isn’t that Cornell is too much of an artist to go pop, it’s that the fit is so unbecoming.
  8. Timbaland, who has sprinkled his hip-hop fairy dust on weaker voices, rinses away Cornell's inherent dirt and power, and compresses the godfather of grunge until he squawks.
  9. The new environment rejuvenates Mr. Cornell for good and bad: he sounds shallower than he was before but pithier too.
  10. 60
    Scream may be the most compelling train wreck of an album in recent memory.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 151 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 151
  2. Negative: 82 out of 151
  1. Oct 17, 2020
    Chris Cornell's voice does work well with Timbaland's production. This album has aged well.
  2. Aug 25, 2019
    If you can just analyze this album outside the perspective of a rock fan, you will love it. It's 2019 and sounds good even now, and I couldIf you can just analyze this album outside the perspective of a rock fan, you will love it. It's 2019 and sounds good even now, and I could say sounds better than when it was released. Full Review »
  3. Dec 9, 2014
    Nothing like his great first album, or his excellent Soundgarden or Temple of the Dog work, but this is soo much better than Carry On. AfterNothing like his great first album, or his excellent Soundgarden or Temple of the Dog work, but this is soo much better than Carry On. After hearing that this was a Timbaland album, and what with Carry On being rather uninspiring, I avoided buying Scream until last month - a good first impression and it continues to grow on me. Well worth it Full Review »