
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. The coolest thing about this mess of orgiastic sound is that it's totally possible to envision it being played live; it feels present, inside your skin, under your muscles, and inside your veins. Shadow Temple is physical music that evokes the spirit world; it rocks, but it soars too; creating a soundtrack for some kind of apocalypse.
  2. Intentionally or not though, the vibe here tends to conjure more of a '71 than '01 frame of references, working up a slightly discordant, cacophonous sound that brings to mind everything from the Kosmiche synth-klang of early Cluster to the Industrial scree of late Faust.
  3. 74
    It is clear that Prince Rama is a band with aural purpose, and that makes it a welcome swell in an undertow of strangeness in which underground music is presently trapped.
  4. There aren't many hooks on this record, and the tempo shifts are sometimes subtle, so it can feel overwhelming-- kind of a constant onslaught of sound. This is a taste issue, but if you require a respite now and again, it might be a difficult listen.
  5. Dec 13, 2010
    The most admirable thing Prince Rama does consists in its strangeness. The energy of this album is thrilling, though it's not for everybody.
  6. Although technically their fourth album, Shadow Temple is Prince Rama's major bow in front of the increasingly intense glare of the online indie music press. But rather than withering from the mounting pressure, the band has forged an incredibly assured record that plays by its own rules and succeeds in creating its own unique world.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 2
  2. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Oct 26, 2011
    Back in 2010 Prince Rama were a trio and with a little help from Avey Tare and Deakin of Animal Collective they made a very solid album.Back in 2010 Prince Rama were a trio and with a little help from Avey Tare and Deakin of Animal Collective they made a very solid album. Recorded in a presumably haunted church, Shadow Temple triumphs in creating an atmosphere of ambiguity: these chants give both a feeling of extrication and oppression. The recordâ Full Review »
  2. Jan 5, 2011
    This album is so much fun to listen to. It's a mix of psychedelic music and goth-like female vocals. It all comes together in such a hipThis album is so much fun to listen to. It's a mix of psychedelic music and goth-like female vocals. It all comes together in such a hip way. If you like the band Sleigh Bells, you will love this band also - and even moreso because it simply sounds better. Get it. You won't regret it. Full Review »