• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Feb 19, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Feb 18, 2016
    They've honed their sound even further, zeroing in on a vintage-inspired, '60s soul aesthetic.
  2. 70
    It may take a leap of faith, and it’s hard to imagine how convincingly Lake Street Dive can pull off this slick, immaculately produced studio album on stage, but once you let yourself go with the disc’s flow, it’s tough not be engaged by the sheer vivacity and likeability of a set that sounds like it was plucked out of a time capsule.
  3. Mar 30, 2016
    Side Pony is a solid starting point for anyone who has yet to discover the band.
  4. Feb 18, 2016
    Side Pony is a confident, expertly played statement from a band that’s been honing its approach for more than a decade, and it clearly shows that Lake Street Dive is ready to make itself known to whatever audiences have yet to succumb to its many charms.
  5. Magnet
    Feb 18, 2016
    It's not until the third or fourth [listen] that you hear how smart it is. How organic. How rich in nutrients. How thoroughly these conservatory grads are digesting their jazz/pop/soul influences and squeezing them into something unforgettable. [No. 128, p.58]
  6. Feb 19, 2016
    Their experimentation reaps triumphant results.
  7. Feb 24, 2016
    At times, Side Pony can be a bit too breezy or precious for its own good (lullaby-ballad “So Long” strikes a lot of good poses but is astoundingly forgetful given what it’s surrounded by), but at the end of the day, it’s hard to argue with a group that merges so many instruments together to form a sound that feels like warm sunshine on a summer day.
  8. Feb 19, 2016
    The retro vibe rules, captured with gleaming accuracy by producer Dave Cobb, Nashville’s roots-music it-guy (Chris Stapleton, Jason Isbell). If it sometimes feels a bit calculated, it's still pretty irresistible.
  9. Feb 19, 2016
    Far more effective over the long haul are songs like the loud, bluesy “I Don’t Care About You,” the gentle mid-tempo soul ballad “How Good It Feels,” and the gospel-inspired “Close To Me.” And yet none of those immediately leap out like “Side Pony,” a song that lodges so deeply in the head that after hearing it once it’s impossible to see those two words side-by-side without singing them.
  10. Feb 18, 2016
    Like most LSD songs we’ve come to love since the band’s rise in popularity around 2011, Side Pony is packed with tunes you’ll want to sing along to before you know any of the words. But there’s also more sonic muscle here.
  11. Uncut
    Feb 18, 2016
    While the arrangements are loaded with clever touches, the LP comes off like an exercise in technique, preventing Price from reaching the transcendent moments she's clearly capable of. [Mar 2016, p.76]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Feb 22, 2016
    Lake Street Dive's previous release, Bad Self-Portraits was a perfect album, and this one, Side pony, is just as good. Every song isLake Street Dive's previous release, Bad Self-Portraits was a perfect album, and this one, Side pony, is just as good. Every song is memorable (my favorite right now is Side Pony) and the pacing of the album as a whole is outstanding. Plus, if you can see them live, they are even better than their recordings. They should be the biggest thing in pop music today. Full Review »