
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. The freeform mish-mash of sounds, scratches, samples, styles and lyrical themes is far too much of a mixed bag to have a wide appeal.
  2. Mojo
    Far from sounding like the future, however, Situation is valiantly old school in its belief that the best rap is cultural commentary, poetic and from the heart--the modern blues basically. [Nov 2007, p.108]
  3. Situation is a cool, collected set of songs from the veteran Canadian rapper, but you shouldn’t be expecting anything revolutionary--at least, not from the music.
  4. Q Magazine
    Situatiion finds him returning to his roots, growling out stories like a hip-hop Tom Waits within the framework of an album very loosely inspired by momentous events of 1957, most effectively on the sinuous 'Lipstick.' [Dec 2007, p.112]
  5. Spin
    It's never sonically engaging enough to stand out amid a rack of backpacks. [Dec 2007, p.112]
  6. There are isolated moments of beauty--the spare piano loop of 'Ho-Boys,' though nothing new, is evocative and effective--but little sticks in the mind or stimulates the emotions.
  7. The Wire
    15 tracks of raspingly dry boilerplate hiphop, whose moods and references are pretty much (all) the Americans ones you'd expect. [Nov 2007, p.51]
  8. His ambition’s got the better of him this time, though: it’s tough to care about the overarching (and admittedly interesting) theme when the component songs aren’t satisfying themselves.
  9. Uncut
    Buck 65 returns to abstract hip hop, but injects it with cool, psych jazz and '70s cinematic funk. [Dec 2007, p.86]
  10. Under The Radar
    He's still not the smoothest MC in the world, continuing to hurt his flow by cramming too many words into his verses, but his rhymes are sharp and his references prove he did his homeowrk. [Fall 2007, p.87]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. LaceaC.
    Feb 1, 2008
    Maturity, that's about it.
  2. CarlS.
    Dec 3, 2007
    Yet again, Buck 65 makes an awesome album. He is utterly unique, so I could understand why some might not dig his sound. I, however, think he Yet again, Buck 65 makes an awesome album. He is utterly unique, so I could understand why some might not dig his sound. I, however, think he is one of the most talented artists rapping right now. I just can't get enough Buck 65. My favorite track right now is 1957. Clever. Full Review »
  3. JohnG.
    Nov 9, 2007
    Fantastic lyrics and beats. Old-school in it's rawness. Buck 65 is one of a kind.