
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Mar 30, 2016
    This record feels a little too brief, especially trailing off at the end. But if the chief complaint about a Young Thug record is that he’s too focused, it shows he’s honing in on that perfect blend that will launch him into the stratosphere.
  2. Mar 30, 2016
    Every song justifies its spot: the Allen Ritter-produced "Drippin'" serves as a standout, exhibiting a staccato delivery and manic yelling, both of which are new to his already vast sonic vocabulary.
  3. Mar 30, 2016
    Young Thug's extensive catalog is spotted with dynamic moments and this project seems to forgo such progressiveness. The range is still there, but sectioned into neatly packaged offerings.
  4. Mar 30, 2016
    The tape plays like a final installment, going out with a bang and saving some of the series' best for last.
  5. Apr 1, 2016
    His delivery is somehow still getting better, and Slime Season 3 succeeds as an exercise in discovering just how elastic syllables are.
  6. 75
    Slime Season 3, while still with its flaws, is the perfect introduction to those wondering just where the hell popular hip-hop has come, gone, and will soon go in the snowballing south.
  7. Mar 31, 2016
    Although Young Thug moves away from exploring emotional pain, SS3 is still very much informed by introspection.
  8. 75
    This isn’t one of the standout tapes in Thug’s ever-expanding discography. But, as always, it signifies development, progression--most of it accessible on "Drippin’".
  9. Apr 1, 2016
    Slime Season 3 is as celebratory, emotionally rich, and life-affirming as a good funeral should be but never is. And this isn’t the end; it’s only the beginning of a brand new chapter.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 50
  2. Negative: 4 out of 50
  1. Mar 31, 2016
    Might be his most cohesive project to date in his young career. This third installment continues with a similar sound to his Slime SeasonMight be his most cohesive project to date in his young career. This third installment continues with a similar sound to his Slime Season series, while offering a taste of Young Thug's willingness to experiment with vocals and delivery - as evident on 'Drippin'. Also provides clever/witty bars (similar to his idol Lil Wayne) on tracks like 'With Them' and 'Problem'. Full Review »
  2. Apr 11, 2016
    Young Thug is genius. His cadences and wordplay are unbelievable. His beat selection is always on point. This mixtape is incredible. The mostYoung Thug is genius. His cadences and wordplay are unbelievable. His beat selection is always on point. This mixtape is incredible. The most noteworthy tracks are With Them,Digits,Memo,Worth It, Problem, and Tattoos. Young Thug releases songs with unbelievable replay value. Full Review »
  3. Apr 3, 2016
    Impressive evolution from Young Thug. The Slime series and I'm Up delivers an incredible strike from the Atlanta rapper, proving to be inImpressive evolution from Young Thug. The Slime series and I'm Up delivers an incredible strike from the Atlanta rapper, proving to be in constant technical growth since his "Barter 6" debut. Full Review »