• Record Label: Mercury
  • Release Date: Mar 10, 2009

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
  1. Enjoying Slipway Fires requires a suspension of disbelief, a conscious separation between the band's past and the somewhat ludicrous present.
  2. Between the two best tracks that bookend the UK quartet's third LP struggles an album slighter than the last, which was already thinner than the first.
  3. Slipway Fires is preposterous, and in a way I actually wish I liked it more.
  4. An edgy rock album, reminiscent of Razorlight’s great debut, had been promised but is nowhere to be heard.
  5. Mojo
    On 'North London Trash,' 'Burberry Blue Eyes,' 'Hostage Of Love' and the histrionic 'Blood For Wild Blood,' Razorlight have matured beyond bubblegum rock and may yet answer Borrell's prayers for immortality. [Dec 2008, p.100]
  6. Just when you think the album is sinking into mediocrity, Borrell and company respond with two of the best tracks they have ever put their names to.
  7. In simple terms, then, the third Razorlight album is utter, utter cobblers.
  8. Despite the grand aspirations and the faux-profound statements peppered among these 11 tracks, Razorlight’s third album falls short of anything they’ve previously done.
  9. Most of the time, the lyrics are vague and unformed, and when they aren't, the band's lyrical details seem too singularly British to translate.
  10. 40
    Too bad the performances are so lamely tossed-off. Borrell's quavering vocals feel showy and shallow, while the quartet's glossy guitar pop could come from any crew of faceless studio hacks.
  11. It aims at U2, but winds up a ringer for their less-celebrated countrymen.
  12. 60
    If the odd clunker remains ('Hostage Of Love' could be a Meatloaf out-take) Slipway Fires largely sees a return to the introspection of debut album "Up All Night."
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 20
  2. Negative: 6 out of 20
  1. Apr 23, 2012
    After 2 pretty solid albums and a progression from Indie band to chart toppers Razorlight seemed to have fallen between 2 stools on this one.After 2 pretty solid albums and a progression from Indie band to chart toppers Razorlight seemed to have fallen between 2 stools on this one. They haven't built on the slickness of their "Razorlight" album, neither have they reverted back to their alternative Indie style. This is it's record with mostly mid tempo soft rockers. There are 2 or 3 good songs on this but for more than half the time it's an effort to stay awake. Johnny B takes his self indulgence to new levels here. Full Review »
  2. DJC
    Jun 21, 2009
    I'm surprised how poorly this record was received they have made a very good album here. Sure, just as their last album was not war this I'm surprised how poorly this record was received they have made a very good album here. Sure, just as their last album was not war this is not the Joshua tree, but wire to wire is as soulful as tabloid lover is catchy (maybe a little cheesy but hey) it really boils down to a good record that is not getting the praise that it deserves. Full Review »
  3. DaanK.
    Feb 13, 2009
    The best album of Razorlight!