
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Magnet
    Feb 20, 2015
    These tunes would work better if the influences weren't so obvious. [No. 117, p.55]
  2. Mojo
    Feb 2, 2015
    Hayes's new-found prolificacy certainly hasn't exhausted his gift for timeless pop. [Feb 2015, p.91]
  3. Jan 20, 2015
    He certainly manages to squeeze a lot of words in to this mercilessly concise album. Sometimes the results are touching, sometimes they are perplexing.
  4. Jan 20, 2015
    Slurrup is the unmistakable product of Hayes’ peculiar personality, infusing songs that feel like lost '70s classics with dispiriting images of stardom unattained.
  5. Q Magazine
    Jan 12, 2015
    Slurrup follows last summer's Korp Sole Roller and tones down the ornate arrangements for a more straightforward '60s British beat boom approach. The problem is it makes him sound pretty ordinary. [Feb 2015, p.110]
  6. Jan 12, 2015
    These songs were written on the guitar, not the piano, and at their best--“Outhouse,” “Fight Magic With Magic”--their inspirations might come from Big Star, or the Who, or the Byrds. At their weakest, they suggest ’60s garage rock as only a set of anonymous mannerisms.
  7. Uncut
    Jan 12, 2015
    There's nothing revelatory here, but it's good to see Hayes being so productive. [Feb 2015, p.77]
  8. Jan 12, 2015
    All in all, Slurrup is a smile-inducing reminder that it's too easy to pigeonhole him as just a master craftsman--and that Hayes' pop is arguably even more potent when it's not quite as elaborate.
  9. Jan 12, 2015
    More than once, Slurrup is reminiscent of albums by comedian/musician Matt Berry (surely a fan)--but Hayes comes across as too earnest to quite make the funny stuff work.
  10. Jan 12, 2015
    Here, short sharp songs such as Get It Right could be about love or the perfectionist’s creative process; likewise Fokus, another deliriously pacey romp.

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