• Record Label: Mona
  • Release Date: Jun 7, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. 60
    All in all, the album feels like the slightest bit bloodless, the older, wiser Lerche a little less than the yearning teenager we once knew.
  2. Jun 29, 2011
    Lerche's pretty falsetto around an unexpectedly funky beat before blossoming into a harmonious choral chant that evokes the kind of hard-won joy depicted at the end of movies, where people with tear-stained but smiling faces sway back and forth with their arms around each other.
  3. Aug 29, 2011
    For new fans, this is a pretty good introduction. For fans who already own all his previous work, it's more of the same, but so well-crafted that they probably won't mind.
  4. Jun 6, 2011
    For all the mission-statement confidence that its title exudes, Sondre Lerche sounds strangely divided: It's too pristine and too scattershot.
  5. Aug 8, 2011
    He's proved over six albums that he's adept at writing a tune that's catchy without being superficial. He spends a little too much time here doing that, which is why Sondre Lerche, while not a bad record, plays like a safe one.
  6. Jun 29, 2011
    Now a dependably intriguing wordsmith, he still shows no shortage of unusually intelligent quirks.
  7. Jun 8, 2011
    This eponymous release is as flavorless as its moniker-in spite of the notable piano, string, and accordion flourishes, the rest of the mostly subdued bunch isn't all that memorable, with the possible exception of the closer, "When The River," which gets its laid-back groove on and ends up making a pretty impressive showing with dramatic synths, echo-y vocals, and jangly guitar.
  8. Under The Radar
    Jun 6, 2011
    In the end, the comfort if a Sondre Lerche album is what also makes it forgettable. [May 2011, p.79
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  1. Positive: 1 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. Sep 10, 2014
    Ever since Norwegian wunderkind Sondre Lerche dipped his foot on the US shores to test his genius here in the land of the generic andEver since Norwegian wunderkind Sondre Lerche dipped his foot on the US shores to test his genius here in the land of the generic and commercial, he's been outdoing himself, acquitting himself more than honorably, despite a tenuous early grasp of the English language. He certainly made his mark with his instant classic Heartbeat Radio, the lyrics of which indeed are the most brilliant things to have made their way into popular music since the words of James Mercer or Colin Meloy or even David Bowie. This, his self-titled album following this masterpiece, is another piece of heaven come to earth to grace those few who would deign give it a listen. Here, though, Lerche eschews his characteristic assiduousness with melody and hooks for a whirring and trip-skipping sound that is stunningly modern and refreshingly unique, generally waiting til the last moments of the song for any welcome bombasts. In short, another success for this Norsk protégé of enormous potential and talent. Full Review »