• Record Label: Lava
  • Release Date: Oct 26, 2004
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 131 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 69 out of 131
  2. Negative: 57 out of 131

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  1. Jun 26, 2013
    I give this a three because I like "Shut Up". The rest of the songs suck hard and sound emo-like (not that "Shut Up" is not emo-like). This is really a album, but they did make ONE good song.
  2. RudyS.
    Apr 4, 2008
    Still not getting any better.
  3. LimSH
    Sep 16, 2007
    Every single of this album is a whiny piece of shit. One wonders when will this band ever grow up. This album is a perfect example of bubblegum pop and rock wannabe. It has absolutely no taste in music other than just to grab teenagers attention by the very typical rants with added rhythm just to turn it into a song. Simple Plan is not a band to listen to if you wish to grow up even a day Every single of this album is a whiny piece of shit. One wonders when will this band ever grow up. This album is a perfect example of bubblegum pop and rock wannabe. It has absolutely no taste in music other than just to grab teenagers attention by the very typical rants with added rhythm just to turn it into a song. Simple Plan is not a band to listen to if you wish to grow up even a day older. This band is so whiny you'd wish you could reach them and burn the hell out of them! They are simply an annoying group of teenagers that MTV picked and was put together for sake of profit making. Listen to them and it'll make you a very typical tasteless teenager. Expand
  4. BobR
    Jul 30, 2007
    I like bands that make music. This band does not make music. Chuck Norris should round house kick them.
  5. pauld
    Jul 15, 2007
    1 word for this band ....... SHIT!
  6. kylem
    Dec 24, 2006
    Can these little kids stop making such a racket? Honestly there guitarists can play but 2 chords, there drummer is horrible with no creativity, all they sing about is how much there lives suck even though there folks were probably rich, and most of the members still live with there parents. The singer holds his nose when he "sings"(whines). Complete sell outs, only reason 13 year old Can these little kids stop making such a racket? Honestly there guitarists can play but 2 chords, there drummer is horrible with no creativity, all they sing about is how much there lives suck even though there folks were probably rich, and most of the members still live with there parents. The singer holds his nose when he "sings"(whines). Complete sell outs, only reason 13 year old girls buy this is because the think there hot, any band that makes money off appearance is BAD. They need to grow up, once they hit puberty they can start trying to make music again but for now with songs "I'm just a kid" you'd think they need to. Expand
  7. BobbyK
    Dec 20, 2006
    For the love of everything holy, strip Simple Plan of their guitars RIGHT NOW
  8. josak
    Dec 1, 2006
    I'm a nice person, but I hate this band with a fucking passion. Easily one of the worst band's I've ever listened to, right along side Nickelback. Everything from the whiny-ass vocals to the shitty guitar riffs. How can anyone stand this crap? I just don't get it.
  9. FarQueue
    Aug 28, 2006
    Wannabe Emos. Need I say more. (shudders)
  10. AntonioR
    Aug 15, 2006
    A very bad pop-punk band
  11. maxpower
    Apr 24, 2006
    I have always hated Simple plan, there instrumentals suck, their singer sounds like hes singing with his head stuck up his own as wah waah wah.. Their lyrics blow so badly and all they do is bitch and moan. Id have to say they are my least favorite band of all time. Im not going to list any rock or punk bands to listen to for real music because im guessing if your already listening to I have always hated Simple plan, there instrumentals suck, their singer sounds like hes singing with his head stuck up his own as wah waah wah.. Their lyrics blow so badly and all they do is bitch and moan. Id have to say they are my least favorite band of all time. Im not going to list any rock or punk bands to listen to for real music because im guessing if your already listening to this shit your a brainwashed 13 year old girl.. omGzorra SP are tehH RoXZor!?! ;{}. They are about as rock as a steaming dog turd freshly plopped on the slowly dying grass that is the music scene. Expand
  12. PeterU
    Apr 5, 2006
    This album is defintiely not as good as some people might lead you to believe. Most of the people rating them with high scores are young teenagae girls that have comments such as,"they rox hard! and best band eva......although that might really be what they thought of it one must question the validity of these statements. This album, and simple plan in general are in no way punk or rock. This album is defintiely not as good as some people might lead you to believe. Most of the people rating them with high scores are young teenagae girls that have comments such as,"they rox hard! and best band eva......although that might really be what they thought of it one must question the validity of these statements. This album, and simple plan in general are in no way punk or rock. If you think this is rock....well then maybe you should go listen to something that is really rock. All 11 tracks sound oddly similar and mostly talk of the same types of angst and problems that we are oh so familiar with. If you enjoy real rock or punk, dont buy this album, let alone listen to any of simple plans music. Simple plan is a medicore punk band at best. Expand
  13. jamesb
    Apr 2, 2006
    Where's the time machine when you need it.
  14. GregD
    Feb 6, 2006
    I gave them a one simply due to the fact that they got this album released somehow; otherwise it's a zero. I have a simple plan for them. Stop. Making. Music.
  15. TylerD
    Dec 31, 2005
    My question still hasn't been answered. Why do Simple Plan still create what they call music? ALL of their songs mean the exact same thing, but in different words. We get it, SP, we don't understand you. And I'll admit that I don't either. They think they're punk whether they admit it or not, their music is ear poison, and as I said before, all of their songs mean My question still hasn't been answered. Why do Simple Plan still create what they call music? ALL of their songs mean the exact same thing, but in different words. We get it, SP, we don't understand you. And I'll admit that I don't either. They think they're punk whether they admit it or not, their music is ear poison, and as I said before, all of their songs mean the exact same thing. All of their fans must be nuts. How could you like such a band? Honestly. And the fact that they act like homosexuals doesn't help the fact any. Honestly, Simple Plan, give up. 90% of the world hates, or should hate you. And I'm part of that 90% in the "hates" category. Expand
  16. rogerroger
    Nov 28, 2005
    I really thought nickelback would remain at the top of my list of "worst songwriters of all time" but i was wrong. I thought nickelback had the crown. I really did. This just goes to show that anything is possible.
  17. Anonymous
    Oct 9, 2005
    I've noticed that a lot of Simple Plan's songs have similar themes to some songs by The Offspring. The difference is that Simple Plan sound more like whiny little boys than musicians who can take full advantage of their musical premises and themes. "Welcome To My Life" is the most pathetic attempt to sound cool I've ever heard ("No you don't know what it's like to I've noticed that a lot of Simple Plan's songs have similar themes to some songs by The Offspring. The difference is that Simple Plan sound more like whiny little boys than musicians who can take full advantage of their musical premises and themes. "Welcome To My Life" is the most pathetic attempt to sound cool I've ever heard ("No you don't know what it's like to be like me..." what, rich, famous and good-looking? Please.) and "Shut Up" is not too far behind. Expand
  18. Andrew
    Sep 21, 2005
    "How could this happen to me" is the music of the angels
  19. Andr-drum-punk
    Aug 14, 2005
    wtf is this CRAP!!!!! whoever listens to this trash is not a true punker..go listen to classic punk like the ramones, clash, sex pistols etc or even more recent stuff from green day who btw could kick theyre ass. Even sum 41 are better than these jokers..
  20. DaveB
    Jul 29, 2005
    "Poser Punk" is a genre that must die. This CD is proof. What a disgrace...connect the dots teenage angst from a bunch of priveldged upper middle class clowns with too much time on their hands. Their silly spiked hair, make-up, and black tee shirts does NOT fool me. Wake up kids...this isnt real music.
  21. ClaireM
    Jul 28, 2005
    This CD has spawned three of my least favorite songs of all time. "Untitled" is probably the most horrificly sung song I have ever had the misfortune to hear. I could write a better song simply by not writing one at all. And I could come up with a better title. "How could this happen to me???" Because you deserved it, Bouvier.
  22. MattB
    Jul 21, 2005
    This is by far one of the worst albums I have ever lisented to. The lyrics are riddled with old cliches about be a winney teenager wanting to kill themselves. Simple plan sucks. period
  23. Craig
    Jul 8, 2005
    Dreadful. Riddled with Cliches and tons of bitching. This is terrible. How in the world does this cd have the same score as the latest Oasis cd?
  24. SeniorBowWowSmith
    Jul 6, 2005
    Simple plan sucks... end of story
  25. MartyC
    Jun 1, 2005
    Worst Cd ever. The lack of originality, talent just general listenability, still not getting any better is what the album should be called
  26. Peck
    Apr 17, 2005
    How can you people manage to write a 'review' when you are already yelling at your parents and cutting your wrists with a butterknife? These guys need a swift kick in the balls (if they have any).
  27. hayleys
    Feb 10, 2005
    i'm a girl, i'm 18 i'm not a poser, i have no troubles, i'm happy in life therefore i must be sane of mind and i don't indulge in all my woes.....like me not getting enough pocket money....boo hoo simple plan are shit shit shit
  28. Daniel
    Feb 4, 2005
    This CD is pure garbage. This kind of music is only good for reinforcing doubt and lack of confidence. All they do is whine about there lives and the problems they have; nobody cares grow up! Oh wait somebody does care, girls between 12 and 15 who have nothing better to do, but cry about how bad there lives are. This CD is trash!
  29. Sean
    Jan 30, 2005
    Teen angst by numbers. What utter tosh.
  30. mickt
    Jan 29, 2005
    can someone please take these people off the radio, their poisoning my ears

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Individually, the songs are catchy, but as they pile up over the length of the album, it's impossible not to wonder whether the singer's endless complaints didn't drive everyone away. [8 Nov 2004]
  2. Despite the overwrought angst, Still Not Getting Any... is a hard-to-deny collection of bubblegum punk
  3. Blender
    Every song has hooks so polished you can see your reflection in them. [Dec 2004, p.142]