
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Sep 22, 2014
    All but the most stuck-in-the-'90s shoegaze fans will see that Sway is an album that would measure up to almost any album made by the first wave of shoegazers. And by the current wave of revivalists, grave robbers, and crafty thieves as well.
  2. Alternative Press
    Sep 22, 2014
    The haze is fairly one-dimensional, but it's an engrossing path of melancholia. [Oct 2014, p.102]
  3. Sep 22, 2014
    Monotony in music can be boring, but it can also be comforting. That’s why Whirr works. Those warm swirls are medicinal.
  4. Sep 22, 2014
    In its winning attempt to paralyze you, Sway may have paralyzed itself.
  5. 70
    Some tracks are a tad too long and sometimes, it drags. It lacks life in certain key areas that you know the older sound of the band would have amped things up a notch. These time-stamps though, feel like part of a collective message.

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