• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Feb 8, 2019
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  1. Feb 13, 2019
    Ariana really did THAT. This is by far her most cohesive album to date and probably her best album yet.
  2. Feb 13, 2019
    thank u, next is a really solid pop album. It's catchy and heartfelt. Grande proves, once again, she has the formula to become the biggest artist in the industry.
  3. Feb 13, 2019
    aí eu disse, é... princesa do pop, aclamada, grammyada, #1zada... bad idea música da carreira e ghostin balada da carreira
  4. Feb 13, 2019
    Ariana Grande did what she could in time she had for "thank u, next". I still think the album has it's issues though. Songs like imagine, needy, NASA, bloodline, and ghostin are really good tracks. I still feel that it has undeniable issues though in which the songs feel very "empty" in terms of not having a lot of layers. Taylor Swift for "reputation" layered vocals and instruments toAriana Grande did what she could in time she had for "thank u, next". I still think the album has it's issues though. Songs like imagine, needy, NASA, bloodline, and ghostin are really good tracks. I still feel that it has undeniable issues though in which the songs feel very "empty" in terms of not having a lot of layers. Taylor Swift for "reputation" layered vocals and instruments to make a deep and layered production while Ariana prioritized shorter sessions at the cost of meh instrumentals and almost 0 vocal layering. I think it's a good album but is it as good as the critics lead on? No way. It's a step up from "Sweetener" but still fails to capture the magic that Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry can make. Expand
  5. Feb 13, 2019
    The fifth and best Ariana's album that she has made in all of her musical career
  6. Feb 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The different faces of a wonderful singer and actress, your transformations are wonderful .... just great MM ... your best MV so far !! But I am sure there will be more.. Expand
  7. Feb 13, 2019
    This was a great, cohesive effort by Ariana Grande and one of her best song-writing.
  8. Feb 12, 2019
    álbum excelente, bem trabalhado, explora bem os vocais de Ariana, coeso, e o melhor de tudo: foi concebido e produzido em apenas 5 meses.
  9. Feb 12, 2019
    The overall production and the cohesiveness of the album is excellent. Matured ariana lyrics and album as they said. One of her best!
  10. Feb 12, 2019
    Her most cohesive album to date. It does feel as a single body of work. Highlights include Imagine, Bloodline, Bad Idea.
  11. Feb 12, 2019
    love this album because she tries new sounds everytime. I love her so much.
  12. Feb 12, 2019
    This is her best body of work! Every song have great lyrical content, and they work together; they tell a story. Ariana Grande has shown her side of vulnerability, yet making it her own strength through these amazing songs!
  13. Feb 11, 2019
    O melhor álbum dela até hoje. As músicas são reais e verdadeiras, falam sobre situações ruins que ela conseguiu transformar em lindas músicas. Apaixonada.
  14. Feb 11, 2019
    Definitely one of her best body of work. Very cohesive and contains many messages
  15. Feb 11, 2019
    It definitelly has some stand-out moments but clearly looks like a rushed effort to cash in on thank u next going viral. I like needy and NASA but some of the tracks feel very iunderwritten, this album really doesn't look to great when you compare it to last years Sweetner
  16. Feb 11, 2019
    Ariana Grande triunfa mais uma vez e perpetua seu reinado no alicerce do pop, ao mesmo tempo se destacando como a maior de sua geração. "Thank U, Next" é um álbum poderoso, coeso e que traz o relato da vida conturbada de uma jovem que se encontra no auge de sua carreira e nas ruínas de sua vida pessoal.
  17. Feb 11, 2019
    This is by far Ariana’s best album: perfectly produced, deep lyrics and songs with the highes notes I’ve ever listened to (imagine), dopest beats (7 rings) and her most honest songs (ghostin). An iconic album for the future Queen of pop.
  18. Feb 11, 2019
    There is no denying that what Ariana does, she does well. There is nothing earth-shattering about this album. Generic pop fills and standard R&B samples fill Grande’s latest outing from start to finish, but I’ll be damned if you don’t find yourself nodding your head and tapping your toes. 7 out of 10
    Tracks to enjoy: “fake smile”, “ghostin”, & “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored”
    There is no denying that what Ariana does, she does well. There is nothing earth-shattering about this album. Generic pop fills and standard R&B samples fill Grande’s latest outing from start to finish, but I’ll be damned if you don’t find yourself nodding your head and tapping your toes. 7 out of 10
    Tracks to enjoy: “fake smile”, “ghostin”, & “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored”
  19. Feb 11, 2019
    Esse é apenas o melhor álbum da princesa do pop e vocês terão apenas que aceitar
  20. Feb 11, 2019
    This is undoubtedly Ariana's best work so far. Ghostin', In My Head, and NASA are my favorite songs from this album. I hope she continues releasing work like this and I think this album will be successful.
  21. Feb 11, 2019
    her best album. you can't chose your favorite one song from the album bc all the songs are wonderful. she slayed.
  22. Feb 11, 2019
    Her best album in my opinion! If you pay attention to lyrics you can see that the album has a story, Ariana and Pete’s story . It made me cry heavy tears, its truly a body of art !!
  23. Feb 11, 2019
    Thank U, Next indeed. Sweetener was absolutely dire and the fact that it won Pop Vocal Album at the 2019 Grammys over Reputation is shocking. However, I am expecting big things with this album. Ariana is back to making music that shows off her vocals. The album has a hip-hop R&B vibe to it sort of like 'Dangerous Woman'. Of course none of her albums will top that one but comparing it toThank U, Next indeed. Sweetener was absolutely dire and the fact that it won Pop Vocal Album at the 2019 Grammys over Reputation is shocking. However, I am expecting big things with this album. Ariana is back to making music that shows off her vocals. The album has a hip-hop R&B vibe to it sort of like 'Dangerous Woman'. Of course none of her albums will top that one but comparing it to Sweetener, it's clear that Grande can make good music in the span of 6 months. 7 rings is by far the most worst song on the album, a definite skip. In contrast songs like bad idea, needy, imagine and break up with your girlfriend are amazing along with the title track. Well done Ariana, this is what we want! Expand
  24. Feb 11, 2019
    Great vocals, fresh lyrics and an incredible set of instrumentals.
    Such a cohesive album with a journey that fits perfectly into Ariana's moment, saving Pop culture once again.
  25. Feb 11, 2019
    I think my favorite part of this album is that it is so personal, and that she took part in writing in every single song. Every time I think " this is her best album " she surprises me with her new body of work and changes my mind. This album is so cohesive in sound and really tells a story about what was going on in her life. If this isn't nominated for the 2020 Grammy main categories II think my favorite part of this album is that it is so personal, and that she took part in writing in every single song. Every time I think " this is her best album " she surprises me with her new body of work and changes my mind. This album is so cohesive in sound and really tells a story about what was going on in her life. If this isn't nominated for the 2020 Grammy main categories I will very shocked. Expand
  26. Feb 10, 2019
    Her strongest body of work to date. The vocals, lyrics, emotional connection are amazing and relation to Ariana's life is clear throughout. Exquisite.
  27. Feb 10, 2019
    her. best. album. PERIOD. I love the dark contrast from sweetener. They compliment each other very well
  28. Feb 10, 2019
    It's a perfect album. Ariana Grande is the new pop revolution
  29. Feb 10, 2019
    The album is nothing compared to Sweetener. Most songs are simply radio-friendly tracks that sound too mainstream despite their lyrical depth. Favourite tracks: imagine, needy, 7 rings, thank u, next
  30. Feb 10, 2019
    Great album! So many good songs on here. Generally better than Sweetener, although still not my favourite! Highlights for me include Bloodline, Ghostin and Break Up With Your Girlfriend Im Bored.

    -1 point for 7 Rings, don't really like it that much. Otherwise, fantastic!
  31. Feb 10, 2019
    The album is gorgeous and every songs are meaningful. My favorite song is "ghostin" .
  32. Feb 10, 2019
    Pode entar álbum do ano! Álbum impecável...vocais incríveis, sonoridade diferente e descolada...essa evolução da Ariana só prova o quanto ela é talentosa e versátil
  33. Feb 10, 2019
    Impersonal, Incomplete & Irritating. Ms Grande's Album feels off, at the first listen it sounds cohesive however this win gets lost amongst the various trap beats and repetitive lyrics. The 'bad girl' Persona Grande is desperately trying to convey fails to do it's job, perhaps in the next six months when she rushes to put out another Album Grande decides to go for another Character to play.
  34. Feb 10, 2019
    Perfeito, sem nenhum defeito! O álbum está impecável, desde samples até a voz maravilhosa e impecável que essa garota tem. Ver Ariana Grande crescer e se tornar essa artista extremamente lendária não tem preço!
  35. Feb 10, 2019
    ameeeeeei esse álbum, parabéns por carregar a indústria atual Ariana! Esse momento é seu
  36. Feb 10, 2019
    so... every single song in this album is so so so so so BEAUTIFUL. This album has a story, a message, a good production, and specially is Ariana's great voice. ON REPEAT!
  37. Feb 10, 2019
    Ariana Grande is on top of the world. The biggest artist currently delivers an amazing job with her fifth album, 'Thank U, Next', a masterpiece with zero skips. Influenced by pop and R&B artistas, Grande is about to become one.
  38. Feb 10, 2019
    I've looked through the critic's reviews of this album and I just cannot understand, after multiple listens through this record, the hype around this. Every. Single. Song. On. This. Album. Sounds. The. Same.

    I cannot make this up. For the most part, apart from maybe two or three songs scattered across this album, these tracks are not distinguishable from each other. They all include
    I've looked through the critic's reviews of this album and I just cannot understand, after multiple listens through this record, the hype around this. Every. Single. Song. On. This. Album. Sounds. The. Same.

    I cannot make this up. For the most part, apart from maybe two or three songs scattered across this album, these tracks are not distinguishable from each other. They all include trap-influenced production solely to chart, as you could stick any one of these songs on and not even know the difference between them.

    There are a couple of tracks on here which actually sound distinguishable and memorable, such as the lead single to this album, 'thank u, next', a lovely 90s, R&B throwback song with some of Ariana's most personal lyrics yet. Another highlight is the cut 'ghostin' which contains her strongest vocal performance on the album and the most laid-back instrumental, a refreshing break from the barrage of trap-influenced cut after trap-influenced cut. The track '7 rings', which I did not like prior to the release of this record actually sounds MEMORABLE here, which does say something about the sonic diversity of this record, as it contains some clean production and a pretty nice flow near the back end of the track, but apart from a couple of production quirks on a couple of different songs on here, these tracks are just totally forgettable.

    The album, as a whole, is not unlike 6ix9ine's 'Dummy Boy' record, released last year, in terms of PR. A mediocre album rushed because a certain artist is in the news, with as many 'bangers' it can fit in, so Spotify can spam their curated playlists with each one, and usually because of the buzz behind one particular single. It really does say something about this record that I remember more tracks off of **** DUMMY BOY than this piece of **** record.

    I mean seriously. Listen to the tracks 'make up', 'in my head' and 'break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored' and tell me the difference between those cuts. There is none. They sound exactly the same, and that is the core problem with this album.

    It really pains me to have to give this score, because I really like Ariana Grande, I think her music is some of the most eclectic and daring in mainstream pop music today, peaking with Sweetener, an album I really really liked, and this pales in comparison to albums like Sweetener and Dangerous Woman. At least those albums sounded like it had an artistic direction, or an actual music passion, this sounds like a cash-in album.

    This is a pointless record and I hate the fact I'll have to hear this over and over again on the radio and pop charts because of how popular this album will be.

    Shameful stuff, it's like Ariana and her producers weren't even trying.
  39. Feb 10, 2019
    legend, her best album, 0 skips wbk, no one else is doing it like this coming for 3 number 1 debuts first album ever to do that wbk her mind is just too powerful if you dislike this album, then you give nothing to society bye.
  40. Feb 10, 2019
    What are we even talking about? This album was just made up to use the success of Sweetener so Ariana and her label could make more money. It has 3/12 good songs (bloodline, the title track and fake smile. It's kinda useless and so disappointing that Ariana has to do this boring songs while she could make grat albums like Dangerous Woman. So, I gotta say, without a thank you... NEXT!
  41. Feb 10, 2019
    Easily her best and her most cohesive work yet. It's catchy and there are no skips despite its short production time and its short length. Great production, great melodies, great lyrics, and great vocals as always. The sound that she goes for in this album is more "organic" and "authentic", nothing is forced and it shows how she turned one of the difficult times in her life to a great workEasily her best and her most cohesive work yet. It's catchy and there are no skips despite its short production time and its short length. Great production, great melodies, great lyrics, and great vocals as always. The sound that she goes for in this album is more "organic" and "authentic", nothing is forced and it shows how she turned one of the difficult times in her life to a great work of art.

    There is something special about the making of this album; despite the recent struggles she faced, she managed to put out a great album in a short amount of time, which also serves as a healing process and a bonding moment for her with everyone involved.
  42. Feb 10, 2019
    The album is a moment of self-healing and discovery of her sound for Ariana Grande. 'sweetener' was a great pop record that highlights the positivity and rainbows in life, however, it feels like this album is where Ariana finally acknowledges her problems and faces them head-on. Lyrically, the album is not only miles better than 'Dangerous Woman' or 'My Everything', but it feels like she'sThe album is a moment of self-healing and discovery of her sound for Ariana Grande. 'sweetener' was a great pop record that highlights the positivity and rainbows in life, however, it feels like this album is where Ariana finally acknowledges her problems and faces them head-on. Lyrically, the album is not only miles better than 'Dangerous Woman' or 'My Everything', but it feels like she's genuinely singing the songs from her perspective. "ghostin'" is a great example of her singing from her raw emotions. Production-wise, it's a great, great pop album influenced with her usual trap and R&B which seems to be her personal style nowadays. Definitely worth a listen, this is the Ariana Grande - the pop star at the peak of her powers recording this album. Expand
  43. Feb 9, 2019
    Seis meses atrás, Ariana Grande provava para o mundo que havia encontrado sua identidade e que era sim uma das grandes popstars
    da atualidade (sendo a principal de sua geração) com o ótimo Sweetener. Hoje, após o lançamento de mais um disco, a teoria se confirma! No entanto, não de uma forma tão positiva quanto o álbum antecessor. Com a produção impecável e limpa de Max Martin, além da
    Seis meses atrás, Ariana Grande provava para o mundo que havia encontrado sua identidade e que era sim uma das grandes popstars
    da atualidade (sendo a principal de sua geração) com o ótimo Sweetener. Hoje, após o lançamento de mais um disco, a teoria se confirma! No entanto, não de uma forma tão positiva quanto o álbum antecessor. Com a produção impecável e limpa de Max Martin, além da voz perfeita de Grande, Thank U, Next se consolida como um registro pop, com os dois pés fincados no hip-hop - Assim confirmando uma tendência mundial desta década, de que "o trap é o novo pop". Liricamente, as faixas são um tanto rasas e sem inspiração. Os singles, apesar de conquistarem o topo das principais paradas musicais, são fracos se comparamos com outras canções da mesma artista, como No Tears Left to Cry e Into You. Principalmente 7 Rings - talvez uma das piores canções de Grande.
    De forma geral, o disco tem seus momentos de brilho e que consolidam o talento de Ariana Grande.
  44. Feb 9, 2019
    this album is a musical jewel, it is perfect from beginning to end and it really is seen in the work of Ariana
  45. Feb 9, 2019
    Her best and most cohesive body of work. R&Biana is here to stay. Personally it might be the best album of 2019 but we're only 2 months in.
  46. Feb 9, 2019
    This album is Ariana Grande's best work so far. Each song compliments each other with it's outstanding production, lyrics with meaningful messages, and Grande's immaculate vocals. Thank u next tops Grande's previous albums in my opinion due to no features from other artists, making this album a strong solo effort.
  47. Feb 9, 2019
    the first time i heard it it disappointed me bc every song sounded like the same, n there are two various beginnings: 1) music 2) some plp say somethin that aint a good beginning imo, but most ppl like it. however, i listened to it a few more times n then i began to love it. theres a reason why there are so many tun—songs in the charts. every song has such a personality n lil story. thethe first time i heard it it disappointed me bc every song sounded like the same, n there are two various beginnings: 1) music 2) some plp say somethin that aint a good beginning imo, but most ppl like it. however, i listened to it a few more times n then i began to love it. theres a reason why there are so many tun—songs in the charts. every song has such a personality n lil story. the beats are pretty wonderful (tho i like the unrealeased snippet of needy waaay more than the actual version). tbh it ain't my favorite album bc nothin will be able to beat dangerous woman i guess, but I'm glad for the future Expand
  48. Feb 9, 2019
    From beat, lyrics, projection, vocals - it is perfection. The album that Pop needs.
  49. Feb 9, 2019
    Not her best but surely a good pop album. Fake Smile, Needy, 7 Rings and Bloodline are the highlights.
  50. Feb 9, 2019
    this album is a mix of trap music and the classic Ariana's pop music, the musics is so harmonics and i'am very greatful for this album.
  51. Feb 9, 2019
    i love the fact that this album is a story telling, and the track-list is so perfect. i feel this album is so personal and honest and maybe can help people going through some things like she did.
  52. Feb 9, 2019
    It is so hard to believe how an artist can work on such a masterpiece as 'Thank U, Next' in 6 months, and put it out less than a year since her last album, but Ariana did it, The best part od this album is that Ariana produced and wrote it with her real friends, it makes it even more special.
    The best album of her entire career. You go Ariana!
  53. Feb 9, 2019
    the best! definitely tops dangerous woman, there are vibes for everyone. i highly recommend it.
  54. Feb 9, 2019
    Thank You,Next makes up for every failure Sweetener made last year,this time the experimentation was succesfull,the album is very varied but manages to remain cohesive,a total success in my opinion
  55. Feb 9, 2019
    Melhor álbum da carreira da Ariana Grande. Um álbum com batidas poderosas e obscuras, mas ao mesmo tempo cheias de luz. Até que enfim um álbum melhor que o famigerado "Dangerous Woman".
  56. Feb 9, 2019
    It is the most cohesive between Ariana's works. It makes perfect sense. It's not perfect, like Sweetener, but better than this one. Ariana is following the right path, in my opinion, that is leading her to the best version of her music that she can have. Again, like in Sweetener, there are some tracks better than others, but there is less difference here. And I love it.
    Well done, Ari.
    It is the most cohesive between Ariana's works. It makes perfect sense. It's not perfect, like Sweetener, but better than this one. Ariana is following the right path, in my opinion, that is leading her to the best version of her music that she can have. Again, like in Sweetener, there are some tracks better than others, but there is less difference here. And I love it.
    Well done, Ari.

    Fav tracks:
    1) 7 rings
    2) imagine
    3) break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored

    My score: 8,7/10 (9/10 for metacritic)
  57. Feb 9, 2019
    This just isn't a good album, it was rushed and lacked cohesiveness, try again later, gather your ideas properly Ariana
  58. Feb 9, 2019
    I think this album is Ari's best work (at least until now). The emotion, the urban field made me crazy for this album
  59. Feb 9, 2019
    her most personal, emotional and crude album. that's a masterpiece. this songs are deep and cohesive. ariana did THAT
  60. Feb 9, 2019
    I found a wonderful album, I think it's the most personal album of ariana and I identified myself a lot
  61. Feb 9, 2019
    Amzing! Ariana show us a new type of music, thank u, next is very good album and it deserve a score up to 80 like sweetener and Yours Truly
  62. Feb 9, 2019
    Esse álbum trás uma mistura de elementos R&B, hip-hop, pop que faz dele diferente dos trabalhos que Ariana vinha apresentando no passado, que é selado com vocais impecáveis e letras muito pessoais
  63. Feb 9, 2019
    Well well, miss Ariana Grande delivered us a confident solid record proving again that she's versatile, powerful and she knows it.
  64. Feb 9, 2019
    This album is brilliant. Her second best album after Dangerous Woman in my opinion. A major improvement over Sweetener now that Pharrell is gone.

    The album starts out with a pop/r&b ballad called Imagine that I was not fond of when it first came out, but it grew on me now I love it. My favourite songs are Fake Smile, Bloodline, Ghostin and Bad Idea. The whole album is just so amazing.
    This album is brilliant. Her second best album after Dangerous Woman in my opinion. A major improvement over Sweetener now that Pharrell is gone.

    The album starts out with a pop/r&b ballad called Imagine that I was not fond of when it first came out, but it grew on me now I love it. My favourite songs are Fake Smile, Bloodline, Ghostin and Bad Idea. The whole album is just so amazing. I'm so proud!
  65. Feb 9, 2019
    The mega pop superstar of this generation has done it again. This album is like the dark side of her fourth album "Sweetener" and it's honestly incredible. "thank u, next" showcases her versatility on how she can go Pop to R&B/Soul in just a minute (with Pop elements, of course) and it's amazing. It's great how this is almost different that her previous albums, it gives us new vibes. AndThe mega pop superstar of this generation has done it again. This album is like the dark side of her fourth album "Sweetener" and it's honestly incredible. "thank u, next" showcases her versatility on how she can go Pop to R&B/Soul in just a minute (with Pop elements, of course) and it's amazing. It's great how this is almost different that her previous albums, it gives us new vibes. And this is great, because no one would always hear the same music from the same person. This truly shows how talented this petite girl is, and no doubt her success will mark a history in the industry of music. Expand
  66. Feb 9, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. erhthcfbbrggsfsdfefresfdsgrbsbsvavegvxfbsbsgvzvwgewdvsfbscvsfbsbsbfsbfbfsbfbdf amazing Expand
  67. Feb 9, 2019
    O álbum está completo de músicas que soam da melhor forma e Ariana mostrou que merece estar no mesmo patamar de grandes artistas, suas músicas mostram como ela está se mantendo forte nos últimos anos com os trágicos incidentes. AOTY
  68. Feb 9, 2019
    о боже!!!!!!!! это что-то. я влюблена в неё и её творчество. Она богиня всего мира
  69. Feb 9, 2019
    This album is a disaster from start to finish. There was no effort put into this, the lyrics are horrible and childish. The melodies are just lame and overused. This is the type of album an artist (let me use that term loosely, since Miss Grande is certainly not an artist) puts out just to quickly fill up the bank account. No passion was put into this, there's no soul in this album. A veryThis album is a disaster from start to finish. There was no effort put into this, the lyrics are horrible and childish. The melodies are just lame and overused. This is the type of album an artist (let me use that term loosely, since Miss Grande is certainly not an artist) puts out just to quickly fill up the bank account. No passion was put into this, there's no soul in this album. A very weak, desperate and cringy project. Expand
  70. Feb 9, 2019
    I'm probably rating this a tad high but it's only because I thought she would never recover from the disaster of Sweetener. She's back on track with this record. Next time she should lose cheap radio sells like 7 rings and go for more like ghostin. The emotional complexity should be there throughout her next record instead of just a couple of tracks. I would also say Max Martin seems toI'm probably rating this a tad high but it's only because I thought she would never recover from the disaster of Sweetener. She's back on track with this record. Next time she should lose cheap radio sells like 7 rings and go for more like ghostin. The emotional complexity should be there throughout her next record instead of just a couple of tracks. I would also say Max Martin seems to have climbed out of the hole he dug for himself with the horrifying reputation by tswift. I gave Dangerous Woman the same rating but this was more an 8.5 than a 9. DW will for a while be her creative peak. Thank u, next comes close but she can do better. Expand
  71. Feb 9, 2019
    This album is a perfect storm with a rainbow inside. Repetitive production with a great songwriting isn't a good combination. Sounds like a lost and weak twin of the prodigious 'sweetener'.
  72. Feb 9, 2019
    those trap beats are just trash, the whole album sound the same and nothing is original, real music really die, this girt has no artisty she just release a trash album and she's miliking her ex death on time
  73. Feb 9, 2019
    La inclusión del R&B en Ariana es una combinación sencillamente perfecta. Su mejor álbum con diferencia.
  74. Feb 9, 2019
    Ariana showed her power and versatility, This album is amazing! Strong lyrics, amazing sound
  75. Feb 9, 2019
    It's awful, that's all. Since when have songs about **** become art and masterpiece? What's wrong with you guys? The most overrated album I've ever heard in my life
  76. Feb 9, 2019
  77. Feb 9, 2019
    Ariana set the bar really high this year with such a spectacular album. The hype culminating to its release was well deserved as it exceeded expectations, mine went past the stratosphere. It reminds me vividly of 24K Magic and I'm unashamedly a stan for the excellent artist behind it--a short collection of songs that deserve every attention it gets. Angelic melodies are spread throughoutAriana set the bar really high this year with such a spectacular album. The hype culminating to its release was well deserved as it exceeded expectations, mine went past the stratosphere. It reminds me vividly of 24K Magic and I'm unashamedly a stan for the excellent artist behind it--a short collection of songs that deserve every attention it gets. Angelic melodies are spread throughout the album with Needy, Fake Smile and the title track holding the reins; the rest as elite passengers with the whole lot serving spellbinding entertainment for everyone that's in for a ride. Expand
  78. Feb 9, 2019
    The album we all deserve. Ariana's voice hits the highest notes and the lowest softest notes. We can her the pain, her growth, her attitude, her opinion on everything. This is what a true artist sounds like.
  79. Feb 9, 2019
    aoty!! The 'thank u, next' album is her best work to date, some can call it her "magnum opus".
  80. Feb 9, 2019
    this album is great, it shows that Ariana does not stand still and is growing in the music industry,and not only music, but she herself. Ariana shows how strong she is and that she can achieve anything she wants. She really grew up after the fourth album of sweetener.
  81. Feb 9, 2019
    Grande’s best album lyrically and production wise. Her most cohesive project yet.
  82. Feb 9, 2019
    The best album made by Ariana Grande. Experienced all kinds of painful things, she finally give us a excellent album.
  83. Feb 8, 2019
    Her best album along with Dangerous Woman. Lyrics are slightly generic and boring but capture the overall emotion in the songs well. Production is excellent but is a bit repetitive but overall all the songs are spectacular, with 0 skips. A huge improvement from her previous effort, Sweetener. Best songs for me were 'imagine', 'NASA', 'needy', 'ghostin' and 'bloodline'. Worst songs for meHer best album along with Dangerous Woman. Lyrics are slightly generic and boring but capture the overall emotion in the songs well. Production is excellent but is a bit repetitive but overall all the songs are spectacular, with 0 skips. A huge improvement from her previous effort, Sweetener. Best songs for me were 'imagine', 'NASA', 'needy', 'ghostin' and 'bloodline'. Worst songs for me were 'in my head' and 'make up'. Expand
  84. Feb 8, 2019
    Such a cohesive piece of work for the pop elite Ariana. She injects so much honesty into the attitude and swagger she brings into the table, without coming off arrogant. As appropriate as the title is, she's all so grateful to be here, to be a performer, to be the time's best, and to be following her own rules. I love this album and it hasn't stopped being on repeat.
  85. Feb 8, 2019
    una mala experiencia musical, muy repetitivo el álbum y sobre todo ella ya no se esmera en hacer bien su música.
  86. Feb 8, 2019
    Probablemente este sea el segundo mejor álbum de Ariana Grande, solo superado por el increíble Dangerous Woman.
  87. Feb 8, 2019
    This album is just perfect. After Sweetener, I did not think that this album was so well produced, it shows the dedication that Ariana and her team had in the creation and adhesion of this. Each song has something special, the Album tells you a story. The darkest part of Ariana. A vulnerable Ariana that tries to leave after all the **** she has gone through. It is beautiful and deep. Perfect.
  88. Feb 8, 2019
    Her most ambitious and cohesive album to date. An incorporation of hodgepodge of music genres ranging from hip-hop/trap, R&B, bubblegum pop, rock, classical and ballad. Every song is amazing on its own and had amazing chops and breakdowns. She finally found her sound and style.
  89. Feb 8, 2019
    not a huge fan of Ari but must admit that TUN is MUCH BETTER than Sweetener.
  90. Feb 8, 2019
    Her best album since Dangerous Woman

    It may sometimes feel like there are too much yuh’s or that the track’s production isn’t good, but overall it is an interesting, fun album. Best songs: 7 rings, buwygib, make up and bloodline.
  91. Feb 8, 2019
    Sem dúvidas um dos melhores álbuns da Ariana de longe!
    Dangerous Woman pra mim continua sendo o melhor porém Thank u, next não está nada longe hein? Ícone futura rainha do pop! Artista da geração
  92. Feb 8, 2019
    ariana's new album is clearly her best one; the most genuine, vulnerable and personal one too. during the listening, you can see how all the songs are conected, and how do they follow an order to explain the whole "history" behind the lyrics. she jus proves once again that she is ARIANA GRANDE and she runs pop!
  93. Feb 8, 2019
    Nada a declarar. Simplesmente um dos melhores trabalho da Ariana desde o Dangerous Woman. Album perfeito, só tem hinos e nenhum escoro e rapper escroto e nem em DJs. A última pá que faltava pra enterrar a carreira da Selena Gomez kkk bjs.
  94. Feb 8, 2019
    The year did not even begin right and American singer Ariana Grande released her fifth studio album called Thank u, next. An album full of confident lyrics and empowered, left of different beats and sounds ... like Trap, R & B, etc ... TUN (Thank u, next) is a masterpiece and she was successful in releasing this album after conquering her two # 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.
  95. Feb 8, 2019
    She is here knowing what she is doing. The meaning of the lyrics, the production, the vocals, and everything are amazing.
  96. Feb 8, 2019
    Personal and a hug for your soul! Each track of this album is there and must be there, there are no words to describe what Ariana did here! It is just awesome! I have only one more thing to say: Thank U, Next ****
  97. Feb 8, 2019
    Temos aqui o álbum mais coeso dela e também o mais tocante e pessoal também, cada música é um sentimento diferente ainda mais pra quem conhece tudo pelo que ela passou. Destaque para bloodline que é uma música bem pop farofa com cara de hit
  98. Feb 8, 2019
    Best album of the year . Ghosting so emotional and powerful. Ariana you deserve the whole world. Thank you , next. Period.
  99. Feb 8, 2019
  100. Feb 8, 2019
    Another Masterpiece was released today by the one and only miss Ariana Grande. Her most personal album to date, "Thank U, Next" stands as a beautiful work of art with a tangible theme of duality. From the very first song "imagine," Grande sings about a sweet, imaginary world of innocent intimacy with the love of her life, yet from her touching, woeful tone it can be deduced that all thisAnother Masterpiece was released today by the one and only miss Ariana Grande. Her most personal album to date, "Thank U, Next" stands as a beautiful work of art with a tangible theme of duality. From the very first song "imagine," Grande sings about a sweet, imaginary world of innocent intimacy with the love of her life, yet from her touching, woeful tone it can be deduced that all this bubbly fantasy is nothing but a painfully elusive dream that leaves no traces in reality.

    Continuing with this theme, Grande sings in her gorgeous song "Needy" about being obsessive and loving too much; however, later she comes back with songs like "Bloodline" and " 7 rings" displaying more sense of independence and confidence in what she wants in life and what she aspires to get as a powerful woman who has learned both from the ups and downs of life and doesn't need any partner to find her way through.

    Furthermore, this album has clearer messages of personal growth and self-discovery than her previous work "Sweetener." Her impeccable vulnerability in this album is what allows this work to be more convincing, making it easier to connect with her audience on a deeper level. Overall, Queen Ariana Grande has proven multiple times that she hasn't come to play, and this album has only raised the bar for her. It is absolutely exciting to see how her career is going to evolve from here, but for now, it is only suitable to celebrate this sublime music.

Universal acclaim - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Feb 25, 2019
    Occasionally, rarely, a record comes along that restores our faith. If this is the future of pop-music, then sign me up.
  2. Feb 20, 2019
    thank u, next builds on Sweetener by switching modes of scale. It’s less about looking at the world than being by yourself, more focused on the textures of memory than our actions stemming from it. ... thank u, next is also Ariana’s most stunning vocal album.
  3. Feb 19, 2019
    [7 Rings] is a hit, but isn’t actually all that great, using Rodgers and Hammerstein’s My Favourite Things as its sing-song musical base. The rest of the album remains of interest for its evolutions in sound, delivery and attitude.