• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Feb 8, 2019
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  1. Feb 8, 2019
    Ariana’s most cohesive album, plus the length is perfect. Ariana is going to reach the peak of her career with this project. This album was not charged up with vocals, instead she went for softer ones, which sound beautiful as well as the vocal layering.

    The production in this record is amazing (in almost every song). There was a mix between orchestral instruments and computerised
    Ariana’s most cohesive album, plus the length is perfect. Ariana is going to reach the peak of her career with this project. This album was not charged up with vocals, instead she went for softer ones, which sound beautiful as well as the vocal layering.

    The production in this record is amazing (in almost every song). There was a mix between orchestral instruments and computerised sounds. I will have to say in some tracks, that mix was a bit confusing. She went for a full pop/RnB album, which really suits her, however a few songs sound very similar and mainstream. Tbh, I was expecting better lyrics from this album, in some songs it was too repetitive. Yet, this is her most personal project.
  2. Feb 8, 2019
    Thank U Next is one of his best albums, and a special mention to Needy, NASA, Ghostin & Fake Smile #ag5
  3. Feb 8, 2019
    This album is MASTERFUL. Not only is the album Ariana's most thematically and musically cohesive, but it's also full of songs that stand up on there own. One of the best albums I've seen from a "popular" artist in a long time. Very personal.
  4. Feb 8, 2019
    "thank u, next" functions as the perfect counterpart to her highly experimental "Sweetener". While in the latter we see Ariana in her oddest yet melodic and harmonious self, the former works as a conductor for Ariana to claim back Control. Standouts such as "fake smile, "NASA", the brassy "bloodline" or her newest single "break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored", shows us what are the"thank u, next" functions as the perfect counterpart to her highly experimental "Sweetener". While in the latter we see Ariana in her oddest yet melodic and harmonious self, the former works as a conductor for Ariana to claim back Control. Standouts such as "fake smile, "NASA", the brassy "bloodline" or her newest single "break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored", shows us what are the consequences of breaking the heart of a woman in love who had poured everything into her art, yet getting very little in retribution. "thank u, next" is empowering, healing, independent, but must of all, a careless and fun to listen experience. Expand
  5. Feb 8, 2019
    Well, this one better than Sweetener and Dangerous Woman. I like the atmosphere on it. You can smile, laugh, and cry at the same time.
  6. Feb 8, 2019
    "This album is her best album so far, tied with Dangerous Woman. Vocals, the meaning of the lyrics, versatility..is so good" she gave us so good vibrations, it's her best cohesive album yet, I think she can get better and better than this, but is still a 10/10 album
  7. Feb 8, 2019
    With great sounds like R & B or trap, Ariana in these songs tells us the darkest moment of her life.
    She brought us what "Sweetener" did not do. A great album and without doubt one or the best of her career.
  8. Feb 8, 2019
    bop on bop on bop on bop on bop on bop on bop on bop on bop on bop on bop on bop.

    Highlights include ‘needy,’ 'bad idea,' ‘ghostin,’ and ‘thank u, next’.
  9. Feb 8, 2019
    Unbelievably overrated.

    Juvenile musings on a bankrupt world view and lifestyle that ends only in personal delusion and despair. There are some quality, musically uplifting moments (Breathin), some up down bounce and fun, but no amount of sugar and spice can save this album from the vapid, hollow ideology driving it all.

    Miserable, soulless candy..
  10. Feb 8, 2019
    The follow up to dangerous woman we needed. Sweetener was a decent album and all but this album completely overtakes it. The production is perfect and more evolved than her previous albums. This whole album is breathtaking, Ariana once again proves she can easily top her best work.
  11. Feb 8, 2019
    THIS IS IT. a modern masterpiece, a mix of pop, r&b, trap and hip hop... ariana shows that she is a great songwriter. this is an iconic album already. she did it.
  12. Feb 8, 2019
    thank u, next is definitely her best album. the lyrics are extremely personal and we do have a huge identification because someday we go through the same situations. it's different from everything Ariana did before, i loved it, it's authentic and very sticky. what's great about her as an artist is that she keeps on evolving every release, even with just a six month-interval from her fourththank u, next is definitely her best album. the lyrics are extremely personal and we do have a huge identification because someday we go through the same situations. it's different from everything Ariana did before, i loved it, it's authentic and very sticky. what's great about her as an artist is that she keeps on evolving every release, even with just a six month-interval from her fourth album "Sweetener". TUN is her fifth album and gave us pop masterpieces, album quality and "hip-pop" cohesion, but now with added global hits. this album will reach miles by sales and impact, and will probably stay long at the top, and we're here for it Expand
  13. Feb 8, 2019
    It's pretty good. I've never felt inclined to listen to a full AG record so I'm pleasantly surprised.

    It is reminiscent of Melodrama if Lorde made it with more mainstream elements — such as trap snares and an abundance of voice-shifting.

    By no means perfect, it falls into cliches at times, but thank, u next is a real enjoyable album
  14. Feb 8, 2019
    Es perfecto, el mejor album de ariana sin duda alguna, con canciones totalmente diferentes y una voz espectacular que nos deslumbra a cada uno de sus fans, realmente la amo y estoy super orgulloso de ella, ha pasado por tantas cosas que solo nos toca apoyarla con sus canciones que son tan arte!
  15. Feb 8, 2019
    A step up from her previous album "Sweetener" but still the production and the lyrics aren't even close to her vocal ability. There are lots of forgettable and filler track but also some deep cuts (Fake Smile, Needy, Ghostin)
  16. Feb 8, 2019
    Es una artista con todas las letras, se merece todo el éxito que tiene, la manera en que transmite sus sentimientos y los buenos productores hacen que su música sea arte.
  17. Feb 8, 2019
    each track has a good meaning behind it, gives me my everything/yours truly vibes and i love it!!!
  18. Feb 8, 2019
  19. Feb 8, 2019
    Ariana does a good job playing the femme fatale here, there are some emotionally devastating moments here that are unique and worthwhile additions to her discography, though the experimental flavor of Sweetener is missed. Not the evolution I was hoping for, but it seems this album was made more for "U".
  20. Feb 8, 2019
    Her worst album, it's so basic, monotonous and simple, I don't like Sweetener but it's better than this sh*t, where's the real Ari? where??? I miss her!!!
  21. Feb 8, 2019
    amazing album. Ariana showed her power and versatility. Each of her albums has its own sound and mood, and this is no exception
  22. Feb 8, 2019
    this album i-
    incredible as always, thank u for everything ari, i love u so much girl n im so proud of u, keep doing what u love!
  23. Feb 8, 2019
    It's just perfect. Her second best album (just behind Dangerous Woman) in my opinion. Thank you Ariana for blessing us with real pop music throught this years
  24. Feb 8, 2019
    her best album since Yours Truly . Cohesive, thought out, & brilliant . This album is on repeat with NO SKIPS at all. Ariana Grande did THAT!!!
  25. Feb 8, 2019
    Ultimate favorite: break up with your girlfriend, yeah, yeah, cause i'm bored. Along with thank u next. Well done, Ariana!
  26. Feb 8, 2019
    The album is really great, just some songs doesn't match of the others. some of 'em is really repetitve, but in general the album is actually good.
  27. Feb 8, 2019
    maybe it is my fav album;))) waiting for AG6
    i’m arianator from the 17 year and i really love her❣️
  28. Feb 8, 2019
    this is what should have been sweetener, this record is one of the best that Ariana could have made.
  29. Feb 8, 2019
    Best album of her entire career. There's not one song that deserves a skip. Outstanding.
  30. Feb 8, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Hare una breve critica a cada cancion desde mi punto de vista

    1. IMAGINE._ Abrimos el album con el single promocional, una balada mid-tiempo haciendo referencia a Mac y destacando la voz por encima del instrumental.

    2. NEEDY._ Aun recuerdo que el titulo dejo cautivados a muchos y la esperaban con muchas ansias, lamentablemente fue lo contrario cuando la escuchamos; pues es otra balada mid-tiempo con influencias R&B, repetitiva tanto la lirica como el ritmo.

    3. NASA._ Este es el pop que hacia tanta falta! Es fresca, es divertida, es pegadiza y sobre todo la letra es tan hermosa: "Yo seria el universo y tu mi NASA". Personalmente es mi favorita del album.

    4. BLOODLINE._ Side To Side y 7 Rings tuvieron un hijo y lo llamaron Bloodline, los sax en el trasfondo resaltan mucho sin atosigar. La canción sera single si o si, promete ser un himno del verano.

    5. FAKE SMILE._ Tomando un viaje por el tiempo nos remonta a la epoca de My Everything, una balada con un coro electrizante y de sorpresa mete una pequeña estrofa rapeada la cual es imposible olvidarla.

    6. BAD IDEA._ Girando la perilla drasticamente al genero urbano nos topamos con Bad Idea. Tiene un ritmo vibrante y va totalmente acorde al album, siendo una de las favoritas.Lastimosamente la era pretende ser corta, de lo contrario seria single seguro.

    7. MAKE UP._.....thank u, next. No, no es que sea mala pero no destaca del resto del album, es una mezcla de sonidos dulces con un trap improvisado el cual no logra convencer a la primer reproducida.

    8. GHOSTIN._ Estaba esperando este momento, llegar a la balada sin depender de algun ritmo en particular, solo relajarnos con un fondo muy sutil mientras disfrutamos la voz de Ariana la cual es la protagonista en esta hermosa cancion.

    9. IN MY HEAD._ Neutral, la canción se pierde si es la primera vez que la escuchas no pretende ser recordada por su coro, por su instrumental o por su letra, es tan solo meh...

    10. 7 RINGS._ El segundo single del album con influencias R&B, trap y hip-hop, no hay mucho que decir, su objetivo era ser exito y lo consiguio. ¿Quien no ha verseado "I want it, i got it"?

    11. THANK U, NEXT._ Lead single, primer #1 en la carrera de Grande era imposible no conseguirlo. Pop fresco, pop moderno y el mismo nombre que lleva la quinta era.

    12. BREAK UP, WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND, I'M BORED._ Normalmente me gusta despedir un album con alguna balada, con alguna canción muy personal, sin embargo esta vez difiero pues si nos basamos en el tracklist empezamos agradeciendole a un amor y terminamos convertidos en un corazon frio despues de todo el viaje que tuvimos en el disco, antes llorabamos por un ex, ahora nosotros mandamos.

    RESUMEN: El album como mencione tiene un proposito y lo cumple mientras lo vamos escuchando, empoderarnos, subir nuestro ego y sentirnos inalcanzables. Las letras que acompañan las baladas rompen ese "femme fatale" y lo balancea perfectamente.
    Para ser un album que salio con tanta prisa he de decir que es ya de mis favoritos. Seas o no fan, alguna de estas canciones se te quedarán grabadas.

  31. Feb 8, 2019
    Albúm da carreira, músicas cheias de sentimento que ela consegue transmitir pra quem ouve. É PURA EMOÇÃO, MARAVILHOSO.
  32. Feb 8, 2019
  33. Feb 8, 2019
    This is undoubtedly her best project to date. It has everything from airtight bangers to some of her most vulnerable ballads. It is not only her most cohesive album sonically, but also best album lyrically.
  34. Feb 8, 2019
    A definitive step-up from last August's "Sweetener", "thank u, next" is an enjoyable record, and it makes the best out of big productions and Ariana Grande's airy beautiful vocals. The record opens up with one of Ariana's best songs (probably ever), 'imagine' that features her singing over an R&B beat and then hitting whistle notes she hadn't done in a while. The album then moves on toA definitive step-up from last August's "Sweetener", "thank u, next" is an enjoyable record, and it makes the best out of big productions and Ariana Grande's airy beautiful vocals. The record opens up with one of Ariana's best songs (probably ever), 'imagine' that features her singing over an R&B beat and then hitting whistle notes she hadn't done in a while. The album then moves on to great tracks, such as the previously teased 'needy' which sees Grande confessing her insecurities, and 'bloodline' which is a very fun cut, great for playing at parties, that almost sounds like a sequel to 'Side to Side', her collab with Nicki Minaj from "Dangerous Woman". Another great song is 'bad idea', which builds and breaks and ends... right until it is revived into a very well-placed instrumental outro that strikes all the right strings. The absolute highlight would be 'ghostin': Ariana gets really personal, and sings in a very tender manner, giving the listener a piece of her mind, and it's then, when she's most vulnerable and authentic, that she is at her best. The singles '7 rings' and 'thank u, next' wouldn't have been this consumed and this big if they weren't as great as you'd think, and the closer, 'break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored' is a song made while being in the same mindset: making a good radio-ready hit. However, "thank u, next" misses at some points, like on tracks like 'make up', 'fake smile'. 'in my head', which are lyrically weak and sonically redundant, and 'NASA', which would've been better had its chorus not been this repetitive.
    All in all, "thank u, next" is a really solid collection of 12 very-well produced songs that manage to leave a good trace in the american singer's catalog.
  35. Feb 8, 2019
    GOD, how she can do that? Two album in 6 months. Also Sweetener is Sweetener. And thank u, next is just a holy bop. I live for this. Just beautiful and well done. She is the best.
  36. Feb 8, 2019
    Não tenho muito o que dizer , o álbum esta impecável cheio de hinos dançantes e hinos pra chorar e rebolar a raba ! Prefeito do começo ao fim assim como seus álbuns anteriores . Ariana se superando mais uma vez e se mostrando digna de todo sucesso que possui
  37. Feb 8, 2019
    Ariana is the queen of pop. She saved pop music and everything she puts out is simply perfect. She deserves like 100 grammys.
  38. Feb 8, 2019
    This album represents a significant change in music culture. It's vulnerable lyrics accompanied by hard-hitting beats result in beautifully produced and written songs. Songs are catchy yet deep. Ariana lived up to the hype through this album and brought fans something new and addictive. Thank you, next is one of the best albums of 2019 so far, and definitely Ariana Grande's best album to date.
  39. Feb 8, 2019
    really ariana shows how important it is for the industry and delights us with this great work, one of her best albums without a doubt.
  40. Feb 8, 2019
    Ariana mais uma vez trouxe um álbum impecável, Thank U, Next é doce porem ousado, músicas maduras, uma ótima produção, um passo acima do também ótimo "Sweetener", Ariana mostra cada vez mais sua versatilidade e crescimento no meio musical.
  41. Feb 8, 2019
    Obviously, her best album! Ariana finally found her style and she's coming to break the rules.
  42. Feb 8, 2019
    I just love every single song.The best album to listen to.Ariana did her best.
    Thank you,NEXT :)
  43. Feb 8, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's incredible how Grande came growing in each album and with thank u, next wasn't different. A mix of feelings, like passion, love and unapologetic results in a incredible album. Congrats, Ariana. Expand
  44. Feb 8, 2019
    i can't stop screaming oh god i love this woman so much, she's incredible! i just don't have words to describe how much i love her AAAAAAAAA
  45. Feb 8, 2019
    The most cohesive effort yet from an artist finally reaching her sonic potential. The production from tbhits really shines on Ariana's fifth, creating a mature, often dark sounds that develops through the album. The album feels intensely personal but still manages to be much more relatable than her previous albums, especially Sweetener. The album shows tremendous growth as it explores theThe most cohesive effort yet from an artist finally reaching her sonic potential. The production from tbhits really shines on Ariana's fifth, creating a mature, often dark sounds that develops through the album. The album feels intensely personal but still manages to be much more relatable than her previous albums, especially Sweetener. The album shows tremendous growth as it explores the artist's pain through past relationships on the road to finding herself again. Expand
  46. Feb 8, 2019
    Ariana finally opens her heart to write and create an album , we stan ! This is so Ariana album i've listened so far. she is experimenting with different genres and vocal base and so on which is truly amazing. SHE IS THAT **** !
  47. Feb 8, 2019
    Ariana is absolutely the new princess of pop! And that album is a really masterpiece!!
  48. Feb 8, 2019
    Os vocais estão IM-PE-CÁ-VEIS (como sempre em todos os álbuns). A Ariana cresceu muito, ela ama o que faz, e verdadeiramente entrega sempre música de qualidade. Me sinto lisonjeado com esse álbum! Obrigado por tudo, Ariana!
  49. Feb 8, 2019
    Este álbum foi tão bem trabalhado e eu tenho o prazer de parabenizar Ariana e sua equipe por esse trabalho magnífico.
  50. Feb 8, 2019
    Hermoso álbum, me encanta toda esa luz que dijo que le metería, ya que son canciones con un fondo triste y ella hizo la manera perfecta de que este álbum sea genial. Felicidades Ari❤️
  51. Feb 8, 2019
    this is her best album to date. from the bass and synths backing the harmonious vocals, to the excellent delivery. this is a work of art! the cohesion of the album is absolutely brilliant
  52. Feb 8, 2019
    com certeza ariana fez seu melhor álbum em um dos piores momentos de sua vida. o fato da mesma ter participado de toda a composição do álbum o faz muito especial pra ela e para os fãs, sem mencionar a qualidade da produção de cada faixa, junto com seus vocais claros e lindos.
  53. Feb 8, 2019
    This album shows how mature Ariana has become in the last months. She's learned how to accept the pain and turn it in something beautiful.
  54. Feb 8, 2019
    Has an undeniable groove and confidence to it, but the best songs on the album are those that have already been released. So, in that regard I was a little disappointed. Overall, I'd put it behind "Sweetener," but still a good album.
  55. Feb 8, 2019
    Perfect! The voice, music and tracklist are beauty! I loved this album! Ariana is the new Princess of the POP.
  56. Feb 8, 2019
    This is miles better than her previous album "Sweetener" but some parts of this album feel inauthentic and superficial. Highlights are: "needy", "fake smile", "ghostin" and "in my head". Lows are: "make up", "thank u, next", "7 rings" and "nasa".
  57. Feb 8, 2019
    o álbum mais completo de toda a discografia da ari, mesmo que com menos duração. uma surpresa! ari atingiu seu ápice com o cativante e apaixonante thank u, next.
  58. Feb 8, 2019
    Dangerous Woman still remains her peak album. boring and repetitive. thank u next
  59. Feb 8, 2019
    The best Album ever of her carrer. Just Amazing. Congratulations Ari, great work.
  60. Feb 8, 2019
    Princesa do pop faz assim né mores. Diferente de todos os trabalhos da carreira e ainda assim consegue manter uma consistência incrível em todas as faixas. Mixagem perfeita, sonoridade maravilhosa, grande como somente Grande conseguiria fazer. Não posso dizer que é o álbum da carreira pois acredito que Ariana ainda vai nos surpreender muito. ARTISTA DE VERDADE!
  61. Feb 8, 2019
    Charles Darwin once said that "it's not the strongest that survives, nor the smartest, but the one that best fits the changes", and Ariana Grande proves that quotation in her new album. After the moderate success of her "sweetener" deep and pop singles, the singer aims at higher targets by diving into trap and hip-hop influences (the rhythms of the moment, replacing the chart-climbers popCharles Darwin once said that "it's not the strongest that survives, nor the smartest, but the one that best fits the changes", and Ariana Grande proves that quotation in her new album. After the moderate success of her "sweetener" deep and pop singles, the singer aims at higher targets by diving into trap and hip-hop influences (the rhythms of the moment, replacing the chart-climbers pop hymns), even though she appears to have given up of her characteristical musicality and vocals, wagering on almost monochromatic beats throughout the album. On the other side, though, Ariana is able to sound personal and confident in the middle of so many insipid tracks. Maybe the short period of time between the release of "sweetener" and "thank u, next" may classify the two works as complementary to each other, like a double record. If so, in "sweetener" Grande sowed the ground unpretentiously, to rip her gold nuggets ("7 rings", "NASA", "fake smile" and "bloodline") in "thank u, next". The album is undoubtedly a blast - analyzing its first viral singles, and of course it's great that women are topping the charts around the world, but it's kinda sad that Ariana had left the purpose of her songs behind and wagered on a warm, forgettable and filling-stuffed album to be able to be so popular. Expand
  62. Feb 8, 2019
    Best album ever !! Ariana run pop ❤️❤️ Thank u, next showed how mush you are the new queen of pop . I hope they catch more than 90 !!
  63. Feb 8, 2019
    nunca me había gustado tanto un álbum de Diosariana desde my everything, estoy calvo es iconico .
  64. Feb 8, 2019
    perfeito, sem defeitos, 0 defeitos, melhor que o álbum anterior, sempre melhorando e fazendo o melhor
  65. Feb 8, 2019
    A record truly focused on capturing the power of music. What an incredible woman and what an incredible record. Astounding job!
  66. Feb 8, 2019
    Felizmente mais uma bíblia ariana nunca decepciona em questão de vocal/tudo
  67. Feb 8, 2019
    Uma verdadeira bomba. Ariana deveria ter focado no álbum anterior e feito dele algo memorável. Esse novo parece uma B-SIDE do anterior cheio de musicas descartáveis.
  68. Feb 8, 2019
    This album is amazing! Strong lyrics, amazing sound, and the album has no skips
  69. Feb 8, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este é a primeira proposta adulta que a Ariana dá a seu público, em quase 6 meses de lançamento do seu quatro-álbum, ele trás uma versatilidade como nunca, para mim este é o melhor álbum de uma artista neste período de 3 anos. Expand
  70. Feb 8, 2019
    god is a **** woman and i can prove it, the best album so far, i **** love u Ari
  71. Feb 8, 2019
    This album truly defines who Ariana Grande is. This album is Ariana Grande, her sound, her voice, and lyricism. Her best album to date!
  72. Feb 8, 2019
    her best album so far. Every song is a masterpiece, i am really proud of her
  73. Feb 8, 2019
    sabe o que? sem defeitos HAHAHHA chora haters, vcs prometeram o fracasso
    um álbum coeso, bem produzido, cheio de hits (dois #1 billboard hot 100)
  74. Feb 8, 2019
    não tem como escolher uma faixa predileta nessa bíblia sonora, muito obrigado ariana por lançar o melhor álbum pop em séculos, surrou o dw sem dó e foi perfeito para suceder o sweetener. ariana maior ato pop vivo e quem discordar não tem credibilidade
  75. Feb 8, 2019
    Impecável! Incrível como ela conseguiu fazer tanta música boa num espaço de seis meses.
    "Young Ariana run pop" e eu estou aqui pra ouvir e reverenciar! Grande artista e voz de sua geração! Quaisquer elogios são pouco pra enaltecer Ariana Grande. Que voz! Que voz! Que voz! Imagine, NASA, Bloodline e Ghostin, minhas favoritas!
  76. Feb 8, 2019
    Har best album yet. She is here knowing what she is doing. The meaning of the lyrics, the production, the vocals, and everything are amazing. My wig was found dead.
  77. Feb 8, 2019
    Ariana makes another good album just as she always does. This album is different from her previous works, focusing on trap beats and sophisticated rhythms instead of colorful melodies, which is a nice try. Some melodic tracks, however, like needy, imagine and ghostin are still my favorites. Unlike Sweetener, Yours Truly and My Everything, none of these songs is a skip(Dangerous Woman isAriana makes another good album just as she always does. This album is different from her previous works, focusing on trap beats and sophisticated rhythms instead of colorful melodies, which is a nice try. Some melodic tracks, however, like needy, imagine and ghostin are still my favorites. Unlike Sweetener, Yours Truly and My Everything, none of these songs is a skip(Dangerous Woman is really good). The album is personal, meaningful, impressive and cohesive. Production is enjoyable most of the time. Her vocal is great as always. Lyrics are intriguing and progressing compared to her other albums. Can't wait for another album!!!
    Personal Rating:
    fake smile:8.5/10
    bad idea:10/10
    make up:7.5/10
    in my head:10/10
    7 rings:9/10
    thank u, next:9.5/10
  78. Feb 8, 2019
    her best work to the date. With this album Ariana really defines herself as the pop princess she is.
  79. Feb 8, 2019
    A sonically produced album. Not just with her vocals and harmonies, Grande really upgraded from our bubblegum pop girl to a matured pop star of today. Overall, it was a cohesive album perfectly refined by Martin, Ilya, Brown and its other producer.
  80. Feb 8, 2019
  81. Feb 8, 2019
    A cada ano que se passa, Ariana evolui artisticamente e consegue mostrar muito bem isso, um dos melhores álbuns dela, forte e independente.
  82. Feb 8, 2019
    This album is her best album so far, tied with Dangerous Woman. Vocals, the meaning of the lyrics, versatility..is so good, even haters are listening to it.
  83. Feb 8, 2019
    This album is literally her best, most genuine, vulnerable yet confident body of work she's ever released and I love it! It's beautiful both sonically and lyrically. Love the direction she's going in. It wildly exceeded my deepest expectations. No song deserves to be skipped. Every single one tells a story and it's visible that with this project Ariana has something to say as befits a trueThis album is literally her best, most genuine, vulnerable yet confident body of work she's ever released and I love it! It's beautiful both sonically and lyrically. Love the direction she's going in. It wildly exceeded my deepest expectations. No song deserves to be skipped. Every single one tells a story and it's visible that with this project Ariana has something to say as befits a true artist and a huge pop star that she is. I love the fact that she's been exploring her sound and trying to find what suits her best and that's she's left all these cute pop songs she used to make to focus on more mature ones in which she's covering the subjects she's passionate about and she wants to talk about without being afraid of what would people think. That's how you know somebody is a true artist and a star. With that being said, Ariana Grande is undoubtedly at the peak of her game and she doesn't seem to change it. Amazing job! Congratulations! Expand
  84. Feb 8, 2019
    Thank u, next is one of Arianas best albums to date. After I gave Sweetener a mediocre rating, even though it was accompanied by some of her best music (god is a woman, breathin', no tears left to cry), I must say that I am absolutely blown out of the water. The fact that its been released only months after Sweetener and it shows this much growth is outstanding. The production andThank u, next is one of Arianas best albums to date. After I gave Sweetener a mediocre rating, even though it was accompanied by some of her best music (god is a woman, breathin', no tears left to cry), I must say that I am absolutely blown out of the water. The fact that its been released only months after Sweetener and it shows this much growth is outstanding. The production and cohesiveness throughout its entirety is nothing more than excellence, which is a huge improvement from sweetener.
    Thank u, next stands along with Dangerous Woman as her best work and for very good reasons. Thank u, next does not have a single skip. Stand out tracks for me are bloodline, bad idea, needy, ghostin and 7 rings. Every single song on this album has a solid beat and instrumental and I have to give props to the producers. Adding to that, Ariana delivers solid lyrics and vocals that only adds to the excellence. The only weakish track for me is NASA but even then, I can listen to the whole thing without skipping. I was expecting something great from this album and she absolutely delivered. 10/10 from me.
  85. Feb 8, 2019
    There's still more room for Ariana Grande to grow. Thank U, Next is a fusion of all her previous works but with distinctive production. No hesitation were noticed in her utterance this time. All vulnerabilities and resilience she had exposed to this album are dazzling thoroughly.
  86. Feb 8, 2019
    O álbum é incrivel, produzido, digno e um dos melhores álbuns dela, amo....
  87. Feb 8, 2019
    Thank You, Next
    7 Rings
    Fake Smile
    Bad Idea

    In My Head
    Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored

    Least Fav
    Make up
  88. Feb 8, 2019
    Ariana trouxe, um album completo, consolidado, com atitude e mostrando sua realidade, seja na produção da música com os amigos ou seja na divulgação, ela vem cada dia mostrando que veio pra ficar na indústria
  89. Feb 8, 2019
  90. Feb 8, 2019
    Incredible! We stan queen of pop! The production are invincible like every song is amazing.we-
  91. Feb 8, 2019
    Ariana’s most personal album yet, the production and the vocals are breathtaking. Every song is just amazing and tells a story. The album includes happy tracks about self love such as ”thank u, next” and ”7 rings” but also personal ballads such as ”ghostin”. Definitely her best work yet, it’s simply breathtaking.
  92. Feb 8, 2019
    the album is really great the album is very cohesive and its really her best album and i think she really prove to the gp that she's a main pop girl now she really snapped on this one overall it has great bops and it all really works together, some songs could've been edited a little bit but im gagged and this is really her best album, theres not one skip on the album even if i hate somethe album is really great the album is very cohesive and its really her best album and i think she really prove to the gp that she's a main pop girl now she really snapped on this one overall it has great bops and it all really works together, some songs could've been edited a little bit but im gagged and this is really her best album, theres not one skip on the album even if i hate some of the songs you cannot listen to the album without those songs shes now really proven that she can change her style and she isn't just bubblegum pop anymore, that being said she still needs to work a bit harder to hit the 10 for me and to have a chance at competing with the big dogs but overall outstanding work. Expand
  93. Feb 8, 2019
    O álbum é impecável, bem produzido e adapto a todos os gostos, muitos vão amar e odiar ao mesmo tempo. O que posso dizer por mim é que: É um álbum que dá pra ouvir completo, sem pular nenhuma faixa.
  94. Feb 8, 2019
    Her best album to date, lyrically and conceptually and her amazing harmonies. its also her most cohesive body of work. Loved it!
  95. Feb 8, 2019
    thank u, next is definitely her best album. the lyrics are extremely personal and we do have a huge identification because someday we go through the same situations. it's different from everything Ariana did before, i loved it, it's authentic and very sticky. what's great about her as an artist is that she keeps on evolving every release, even with just a six month-interval from her fourththank u, next is definitely her best album. the lyrics are extremely personal and we do have a huge identification because someday we go through the same situations. it's different from everything Ariana did before, i loved it, it's authentic and very sticky. what's great about her as an artist is that she keeps on evolving every release, even with just a six month-interval from her fourth album "Sweetener". TUN is her fifth album and gave us pop masterpieces, album quality and "hip-pop" cohesion, but now with added global hits. this album will reach miles by sales and impact, and will probably stay long at the top, and we're here for it Expand
  96. Feb 8, 2019
    One of the best pop albums in the music history that is very powerful to have many personal issues about anxiety, grieving, breakup and many more. I have so much respect for her. This is what the world wants!
    Thank you for saving an another year, Ariana Grande.
  97. Feb 8, 2019
    Girl, I'm gagged. This chick is giving me life and I'm feeling my oats! I've loved ghostin.
  98. Feb 8, 2019
    she has matured so much ... you can feel the pain and the power in those songs ... bloodline and bad idea are in her top 10 bops of all time ... lyrics are on point ... she showed us the she is not here only for her high notes she is here to stay and to be queen... she slayed once more!! gratz bae
  99. Feb 8, 2019
    Amazing! The 'thank u, next' album is her best work to date. She explored some new music styles and i'm so proud of her.
  100. Feb 8, 2019
    this album is breathtaking.Every song is just amazing.My faves are ghostin,needy and buwygf,ib..she tops herself every time.WAY TO GO ARI

Universal acclaim - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Feb 25, 2019
    Occasionally, rarely, a record comes along that restores our faith. If this is the future of pop-music, then sign me up.
  2. Feb 20, 2019
    thank u, next builds on Sweetener by switching modes of scale. It’s less about looking at the world than being by yourself, more focused on the textures of memory than our actions stemming from it. ... thank u, next is also Ariana’s most stunning vocal album.
  3. Feb 19, 2019
    [7 Rings] is a hit, but isn’t actually all that great, using Rodgers and Hammerstein’s My Favourite Things as its sing-song musical base. The rest of the album remains of interest for its evolutions in sound, delivery and attitude.