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The  Beginning Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 109 Ratings

  • Summary: The album following The E.N.D., The Beginning is the sixth studio album from the hip-hop, dance-pop quartet.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 19
  2. Negative: 4 out of 19
  1. 83
    The Peas may not have dramatically outdone themselves this time, but they've succeeded at keeping the good times rolling yet again.
  2. Dec 7, 2010
    While the title of the Peas' newest album, "The Beginning," might suggest a retreat from this everything-to-everyone agenda, it's everything but.
  3. Dec 7, 2010
    You can probably imagine what it sounds like: minimalist drum machine beats, techno-lifted synth pulses, plinky keyboard hooks, retro-fitted hip-hop callbacks, pitch-shifted vocals, and songs that chain your brain to the furnace and beat you over the head with their cursed affability.
  4. 50
    Consider it a musical Snuggie for tottering Valley party girls--it will feel marvelous in the cold, drunken and lonely hours of the night.
  5. Dec 14, 2010
    Like the Double Down monstrosity, the first bite is an odd mix of tasty and disgusting, but by the end of it you just feel ill and ashamed.
  6. Dec 7, 2010
    The Beginning is a depressing listen, not because the music's that bad, but because it implies that even the most successful pop producer on the planet can't afford to indulge in anything that might be construed as intelligent or interesting, lest the masses run away screaming in terror.
  7. Dec 7, 2010
    The Beginning's shameless hit-mongering and MOR club stance gives this set about as much oomph as Cher's Believe.

See all 19 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 43
  2. Negative: 11 out of 43
  1. Jan 29, 2011
    I wonder if people ever even read reviews, and then read other people's critiques, I doubt that they ever condescend against the Black EyedI wonder if people ever even read reviews, and then read other people's critiques, I doubt that they ever condescend against the Black Eyed peas, You people obviously need to see the line between grading someones music and just pure bad-mouthing them, its bad music? WHY? What happened to logic these days? Those reviews you see are trimmed down to be short but you can read full reviews and understand, saying an album or music is bad goes beyond saying "you dont like it" I dont know why Metacritic ever bothered putting in a user score system when everyone who grades it are completly unfair, illogical, and not objective. Expand
  2. Apr 7, 2011
    I thought this album was alright it didnt have much meaning to it like the last album they brought out (The E.N.D.) and its a big downer thatI thought this album was alright it didnt have much meaning to it like the last album they brought out (The E.N.D.) and its a big downer that they werent able to make great songs like in the last album.
    they really changed from hip hop to a bit of techno for a change ,i really liked the song "Someday" it has some meaning to me.
    This album wasnt very good to be honest i wish they went more hip hop instead of technowise they should'nt have done that ,they needed more inspiration in this album but they failed (just being honest).
  3. Dec 2, 2010
    I have to disagree with what seems to be the majority of reviews associated with this album. The album receives attacks addressing its cheesyI have to disagree with what seems to be the majority of reviews associated with this album. The album receives attacks addressing its cheesy demeanor. Thats the black eyed peas, if you've listened to any other track off this album, you'd notice that their brilliant cheese is very common. It's hard to distinguish which songs will become singles, since the whole album feels like one. The constant nagging on how the black eyed peas have lost their soul with Fergie and mainstream attention is prime example of opinion conformity. They've merely addressed what mainstream music craves. Delicious beats that literally force your body to get up and start dancing. While you're dancing you feel the words. You feel the delicious cheese coursing through your veins. Collapse
  4. Jun 26, 2011
    Not as good as THE END but it continues its traditions of euro-dance very well and very cohesive tracks.
    A good try but not great.Standout
    Not as good as THE END but it continues its traditions of euro-dance very well and very cohesive tracks.
    A good try but not great.Standout tracks like Light Up The Night,Love You Long Time,Fashion Beats,Someday etc.
  5. Dec 24, 2010
    There's way too much Auto-Tune. The lyrics aren't smart. Fergie is missing in action most of the time. Standout tracks: "Someday", "Whenever"There's way too much Auto-Tune. The lyrics aren't smart. Fergie is missing in action most of the time. Standout tracks: "Someday", "Whenever"
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  6. Dec 15, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album its a deception for all BEP fans who have been following them for a long time, they just made this album to sell something new, its just the "The E.N.D" style but really repetitive, they didn't make a new style or beat like they always do when a new album came out, they are like 1-2 good songs, don't think so they are really proud of this CD. Expand
  7. TWB
    Dec 15, 2010
    Made my ear bleed. Too much auto-tune. Totally a waste of time and money. Not recommended at all.

See all 43 User Reviews