
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. The Big Deep shows that The Sleeping will not be pigeonholed into one genre, and the track that best sums this up is final track (and lead single) "Young Vibes...Don't Run Away From Me." Still full of the urgency you've come to expect from The Sleeping, but it also incorporates all the progress shown throughout the album, thus creating a nice balance between the old and new.
  2. The Big Deep is a very good album that is hard to pigeonhole. In a time when far too many bands are playing by the rules of one sub-sub-genre or another, true uniqueness is encouraging.
  3. Kerrang!
    Dec 14, 2010
    The Sleeping have finally shaken off the emo scene shackles and explored their personal sonic palettes. [02 Oct 2010, p.52]
  4. With The Big Deep they've taken a much more straightforward approach to things than ever before and ended up with a collection of solid, accessible rock songs.
  5. So no matter what audience The Big Deep finds, one must respect The Sleeping for this sincere and passionate performance... For this truly is now a band that feel comfortable in their own skin.

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