• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Jan 29, 2013

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 32
  2. Negative: 1 out of 32
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  1. Jan 28, 2013
    The amount of growth is staggering, and moving from the hazy-headed territory of older Ducktails to songwriting this polished and still pulling it off speaks volumes for the purity of the project's development, as well as Mondanile's refreshed vision as an artist.
  2. Jan 17, 2013
    He has created a work of insidious beauty: creeping, pervasive and better for it.
  3. Jan 22, 2013
    While not breaking new sonic ground, the broad brush strokes of nostalgia rarely wilt.
  4. Jan 29, 2013
    The Flower Lane is a testament to Mondanile's growth as an artist that translates a prolonged history of potential into a complete and well-crafted work.
  5. Feb 12, 2013
    Every song, for better or worse, is constructed with its own identity in mind, and if nothing else, Mondanile commits to each and every one of these attempts at distinction.
  6. Jan 31, 2013
    The Flower Lane is an honest-to-god pop record.
  7. Jan 29, 2013
    The Flower Lane is arguably not as essential, nor quite as oddly memorable as previous collected Ducktails instalments, but it does appear to be a new phase of the band.
  8. Jan 29, 2013
    The Flower Lane provides width for Mondanile to freely explore bluesier, spacier frontiers, and the fresh air to achieve a cohesive clarity that builds on the successful points of his previous efforts.
  9. Magnet
    Feb 11, 2013
    This is particularly adept record-collector rock for the rest of us. [No. 95, p.54]
  10. Mojo
    Feb 6, 2013
    Crisp drum figures add punctuation, and a noodling sax help evoke a mood of traveling the city at night. [Mar 2013, p.91]
  11. Feb 1, 2013
    It is a surprisingly refreshing listen.
  12. Jan 29, 2013
    The relatively sumptuous presentation of The Flower Lane successfully separates it from the rest of Ducktails' discography. Unfortunately, a familiar emptiness remains.
  13. Q Magazine
    Feb 8, 2013
    The Flower Lane is a collection of hazy but beautifully constructed songs. [Mar 2013, p.98]
  14. Jan 25, 2013
    The Flower Lane succeeds mostly because of Mondanile's dedication to purity.
  15. Jan 29, 2013
    On The Flower Lane, Mondanile mostly sticks to what's familiar, but injects a healthy dose of finesse.
  16. Jan 23, 2013
    It's not as challenging as previous Ducktails recordings, but a pleasant pop record nonetheless, and the band's most universally accessible yet.
  17. There's a modicum of standard Teenage-Fanclub-meets-Mekons indie jangle. Far more interesting, however, are the dreamy, dazed disco tunes.
  18. 65
    For the most part, then, The Flower Lane is a glowing ember of a record that shares much of the spark of Mondanile’s “day job” band, but also a little of their occasional tendency toward stylistic appropriation over dedication to content and originality.
  19. Uncut
    Jan 17, 2013
    It's all well-crafted, but the end result can often sound like a slightly disjointed compilation album. [Feb 2013, p.70]
  20. Feb 13, 2013
    Sure, it's no masterpiece, but The Flower Lane represents Matthew Mondanile's most consistent record to date.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Jan 29, 2013
    A great, surprising album. I've listened to Ducktails in the past and have always been pleased with the songs that Matt from Real Estate couldA great, surprising album. I've listened to Ducktails in the past and have always been pleased with the songs that Matt from Real Estate could crank out. This album however is completely different than any other album that he has released in the past. Mondale proves his skills as a song craft as he uses all of the guest spots on here perfectly. This album has a few gems on here like "Under Cover" and "Assistant Director" while tracks like "Ivy Covered House", "Letter of Intent" and "The Flower Lane" are also stand outs. Seriously though, almost every track on here can stand alone by itself. I'm really impressed by this album. I recommend this album to Real Estate and non-Real Estate fans alike. Full Review »