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Generally favorable reviews- based on 362 Ratings

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  1. Jun 17, 2014
    another great album from a great band,this album is heavy compared to their last few albums,guilty all the same is an awesome song,a must have album for all those who loved their first two albums "hbd" and "meteora"..
  2. Jul 2, 2014
    This is a fantastic album, one of the best of the year. Very heavy, very genuine music! I think this is better than Minutes to midnight, a thousand suns and living things! Go LP!!!
  3. Jun 17, 2014
    Initially I was skeptical that Linkin Park could return to their roots and they haven't. If you're looking for another Meteora then you will be disappointed. HOWEVER, this is something else. It's not an album that mashes together a couple of cool sounding tunes and some vocals; it's much more than that. It feels passionate in comparison to an orator who knows their stuff.

    Living Things
    Initially I was skeptical that Linkin Park could return to their roots and they haven't. If you're looking for another Meteora then you will be disappointed. HOWEVER, this is something else. It's not an album that mashes together a couple of cool sounding tunes and some vocals; it's much more than that. It feels passionate in comparison to an orator who knows their stuff.

    Living Things felt like LP was trying to go for a run after having their legs amputated. The Hunting Party sounds like they got a rocket propelled wheel chair.
  4. Jan 15, 2015
    A very good comeback from Living Things. Living Things were too pop, while the Hunting Party, comared to them, really remings me of the good old Hybrid Theory and Meteora.
  5. Jun 17, 2014
    it's like Drowned in Sound is mad at Linkin Park. Dont look at their review, and just listen to the album for yourself...

    Album needs to be listened to from Keys to the Kingdom to A Line in the Sand. It is just solid and well put together. Only song i dont like listening to but fits is Until Its Gone. They needed a song to slow the pace from the hard hitting first half of the album.
  6. Jun 18, 2014
    I Loved The hunting Party, Its so good, A fresh music, Lot better than A thousand Suns. The are Back!!!!!!!! loved the album, i watched them in Rock in Rio and i just Love it.... mY favorite Band
  7. Jul 10, 2014
    Linkin Park The Hunting Party is a great combination of sound's from diferent styles like Alternative rock,Metal,Trash,Punk and some soft stuff that make this album one of the complex intrumentation music they ever made! I hope Linkin Park will make another album like this with the next one in 2016!!!
  8. Jun 17, 2014
    At the time when the first two singles were out, I was unsure of what to anticipate from this album. All the reviews kept on increasing the hype, all the people who had been fortunate enough to attend the listening parties got their jaws dropped. By the time the iTunes stream was online and as soon as I pressed the Play button, I realized where this was heading towards. Not only did LinkinAt the time when the first two singles were out, I was unsure of what to anticipate from this album. All the reviews kept on increasing the hype, all the people who had been fortunate enough to attend the listening parties got their jaws dropped. By the time the iTunes stream was online and as soon as I pressed the Play button, I realized where this was heading towards. Not only did Linkin Park back every single statement they had made regarding the album prior to it's release, they nailed it! We got to see a lot of variety on this album. Rob was insane at the drumming, Brad certainly let his inner beast out, we got tons of screams from Chester, and Mike both rapped and sang on the album. Not to mention the fact that the guests on this album played their roles perfectly. To me, nothing seems absent concerning everything that they had promised us. I loved all of the songs, so I wouldn't skip any in the future while listening to this album. To be honest, the only 1 thing that I found odd about this album was the frequent repetition of some words in a couple of songs...but nonetheless, it completely fits and I'd still give this album a 10/10. Expand
  9. Jun 17, 2014
    The Hunting Party( THP ) is another win for Linkin Park ( LP ) discography. The record stands out as a well written and composed rock record. Here is my personal opinion about the tracks.

    Keys to the Kingdom: Serves as a perfect opener. Its loud. Its heavy. Its a reminder of why people fell for LP when they debuted. Chester is loud throughout the song and Mike's rap verse is very well
    The Hunting Party( THP ) is another win for Linkin Park ( LP ) discography. The record stands out as a well written and composed rock record. Here is my personal opinion about the tracks.

    Keys to the Kingdom: Serves as a perfect opener. Its loud. Its heavy. Its a reminder of why people fell for LP when they debuted. Chester is loud throughout the song and Mike's rap verse is very well written and fits perfectly into the song.

    All For Nothing( Feat. Paige Hamilton): with a punk vibe. This song is straight home run for LP. It has got an amazing hook which is hard to forget. One listen and you will humming the song. Paige does a great job on the vocals on this one and Mike has great rap part.

    Guilty all the same: In my opinion this should not have been the lead single for the album. The highlight here though is Rakim's part. He nails it!

    The summoning: Interlude

    War: Awesome. Highlight of this track is Chester screaming WAR and the crazy guitar work by Brad. Didn't expect something like this from LP ever. This one is a surprise which people will enjoy.

    Wastelands: Another great interplay between Mike and Chester. The song has a great hook.

    Until its gone: A radio friendly single. Softer compared to other songs on this record.

    Rebellion: featuring Daron from System of down this song has definitely has that vibe of SOD. Crazy guitar work and chester screaming "rebellion" is the highlight.

    Mark the graves: Very strong track lyrically. too many things happening in this one. LP have surely put in a lot of effort in making this song what it is. worth that effort. a deeply layered rock song.

    Drawbar: A lovely piece. But in my opinion they could have done a lot with a song which has Tom Morello in it.

    Final Masquerade: A softer track. Very well sung by Chester. Approaches the end of the album very smoothly.

    A line in the sand: First listen of this song and i thought the guitar was same as Guilty all the same. After listening to it quite a few times I realized that was done for a purpose of call back to the album and only it feels justified. The album ends on a high.

    LP have not only gone back to their rock roots but also have gone a step further. This is definitely the best rock record in this decade(2010-). And hopefully would bring back rock music back to mainstream.
  10. Jun 17, 2014
    I have been a LP fan for over a decade now, from the Hybrid Theory era and Im proud to say that this is their best album in terms of music and intensity since those early albums. LP seemed very eager to announce to the world that they are challenging rock music's decline of recent years, hoping to make the kind of Rock music that Is energetic and visceral. I was a bit skeptical on this andI have been a LP fan for over a decade now, from the Hybrid Theory era and Im proud to say that this is their best album in terms of music and intensity since those early albums. LP seemed very eager to announce to the world that they are challenging rock music's decline of recent years, hoping to make the kind of Rock music that Is energetic and visceral. I was a bit skeptical on this and was wondering to what extent they would be achieving this. But amazingly they have. Once I listened to the full album on iTunes I was awe struck by the musical power it presented. The riffs, the drumming, the solos, the vocals every little thing blends together to create a rock musical extravaganza.

    Its, heavy and wild at times, especially tracks like War and Rebellion. The guest appearances merge in to the band seamlessly creating a great sound. My fav tracks from the album are obviously not the radio friendly tunes that LP have envisaged but tracks which push their usual boundaries. Such as Mark the Graves and A line in the sand. The latter is a epic song which features a heavy metal vibe although it may seem its another genre of rock all together.
    Lyrically, LP have progressed immensely. Content wise, Final Masquerade, The line in the sand, Rebellion sand out. Although there are some weak elements to it such as Until its gone.
    On a negative note, Tom Morello's appearance on the album is half hearted which I was very disappointed in, specially cos he is one of the greatest guitarist of the modern age. The snippets in between songs could have been avoided.

    All in all, a great album. One of the best Rock records of the year.
  11. Jun 17, 2014
    I was pleasantly surprised that Linkin Park was able to return to their heavier rock roots. This album stands along with Hybrid Theory and just behind Meteora, easily surpassing A Thousand Suns, Living Things, and Minutes to Midnight.
  12. Jun 17, 2014
    Clearly still the best band in the genre they created, LP tears it up with their sixth album. It's loud, it's complex, it's raw, and most of all it's LP.
  13. Jun 18, 2014
    Awesome album, different, but very heavy! Every song brings in something different but I'd say my fav are - final masquerade, a line in the sand, guilty all the same, all for nothing & of course keys to the kingdom. No weak songs just two instrumentals that help slow the album down because of it's high energy. Overall a class come back especially when the last 3 albums were a bit low inAwesome album, different, but very heavy! Every song brings in something different but I'd say my fav are - final masquerade, a line in the sand, guilty all the same, all for nothing & of course keys to the kingdom. No weak songs just two instrumentals that help slow the album down because of it's high energy. Overall a class come back especially when the last 3 albums were a bit low in standard. This should have been linkin park's third album ! Welcome back LP Expand
  14. Jun 18, 2014
    Linkin park always try to make the best music and this album symbolizes their hard word and effort. The hunting party totally deserves 10/10. This guitar-driven album will be one of the best rock album of 2014. Chester's voice sounds like his very first days of Hybrid theory
  15. Jun 18, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Well, I've been following Linkin Park since Minutes to Midnight but I have all their albums and each one has had its unique style: Hybrid Theory was the wild rap and metal one that set the base; Meteora added some more electronic sounds to the previous sound and slowed paced versions around a similar beat in all songs; Minutes to Midnight was at the same time rawer and more mature than the previous two; A Thousand Suns deepened on the social messages of the previous album with very distinctive beats and theme; Living Things was a mix of electronic sounds and rockier ones in a nice way but not the most cohesive.
    I like them all but clearly for me the standouts have been Hybrid Theory and A Thousand Suns, followed by Minutes to Midnight, an album that didn't sound at the first listens but gets better once you hear it.

    So we got this new one, "The Hunting Party" which was promised to be heavier and a rock comeback.
    My first listen left me positively surprised and pleased about this comeback at equal parts ^^.

    1. Keys To The Kingdom is a punch-in-the-face intro to what's to come in this album, Chester distorted voice slams you before a succession of epic drumming and guitar sounds comes. A more relaxed verse and fast badass rhymes from Mike, along with the said before, make this the be(a)st first song of a Linkin Park album. 10/10

    2. All For Nothing has amazing guitar work and Mike verses adapt so well to the beat. The great collab is shown in the anthemic chorus of this song. 9'5/10

    3. Guilty All The Same is a well-chosen first single that shows how hard Linkin Park is going in this album, with amazing guitar solos, drumming, and the nice slowdown but deep collaboration of a legend. 10/10

    4. The Summoning acts as the calm before the storm, the opening before the War.

    5. War is short but intense, a war-themed punk song that "unleashes" Chester. I don't usually listen to punk rock but this hits so hard, there is that sense of war in the song. 10/10

    6. Wastelands has a slow but smooth rapping over a postwar scenario and a very nice beat; this song is like a little rest from the previous one, and the post-2-hooks part gets so epic. 9'5/10

    7. Until It's Gone is a little softer and like some Linkin Park's previous singles it has the few of the electronic sounds in the album, but also Chester screaming in a more "emo-like love song". However it fits well at this point of the album. 9/10

    8. Rebellion has definitely the touch of SOAD guitar collaborator and again that heavy revolutionary sound that songs like War have. 10/10

    9. Mark The Graves has a special mix between slow and calm lyrics and amazing hard guitar and drum parts and by the end it gets specially anthemic and hard. 10/10

    10. Drawbar is an unexpected pause with an unexpected guest that still does really well as an amazing, beautiful piano interlude. 9'5/10

    11. Final Masquerade makes it feel that the end of the album is near with a very emotive sound and almost poetic lyrics that lead into a heavier, anthemic and full of feelings chorus. 10/10

    12. A Line In The Sand seems similar to Mark The Graves but is even more layered and perfect as the ending track. Relaxing verses lead to the most unexpected epic combinations of drums and guitars and a heavy chorus. As epic as unexpected. At the moment it ends it returns to the perfect slow ending of a great CD. 10/10 for me.

    So for me, this album is all in all: A great advance in Linkin Park and a cohesive but unexpected and thrilling mix of rock styles that show a big development in all sides of the band: Drums, Guitars, Rap and Choruses. It's not a Hybrid Theory (its songs were also epic but more of the same type/genre) and has little in common with Meteora, and although it shares some of the Minutes to Midnight rawness it isn't so similar.
    Linkin Park have gone on to a hard and fresh path which i really like. Another LP CD that is different to the others and that I love. 10/10 definitely.
  16. Jun 18, 2014
    This is the album that Linkin Park make inspired in the bands who inspired form Linkin Park, its the Prequel of Hybrid Theory, If you play one song in a rock radio of an current rock band and then you play a song from this album the people will say "Wow!! This is real rock!!" is worse say that the current indie-pop is radio rock
  17. Jun 18, 2014
    Awesome sound, awesome band, awesome outcome. Good job Linkin Park it is a pride to be a fan through thick and thin. This is a very inspiring album with a lot of great songs and you can truly hear the Linkin Park-genre.
  18. Jun 20, 2014
    The album is mixed with energy and a attempt to give rock lovers a record that gives you a force whenever you play it.
    LP changed their direction, evolved and delivered a record that kicks the **** out of EDM turned alternative and rock band in this modern era.
    That's why they are the best and will be always. They love their fans and make records what they love.
  19. Jun 26, 2014
    Just when we thought we knew where Linkin Park's style was heading, they pulled the rug out from under us with this incredible, heavy, old style Linkin Park album. In fact, in terms of stylistic progression, not only does this album not sit behind Living Things, it actually seems to fit in front of Hybrid Theory; Mike Shinoda even referred to The Hunting Party as Hybrid Theory's "prequel."Just when we thought we knew where Linkin Park's style was heading, they pulled the rug out from under us with this incredible, heavy, old style Linkin Park album. In fact, in terms of stylistic progression, not only does this album not sit behind Living Things, it actually seems to fit in front of Hybrid Theory; Mike Shinoda even referred to The Hunting Party as Hybrid Theory's "prequel."
    When Mike first said Linkin Park's sixth album would be dropping the new style, I was a bit disappointed; Living Things had been (and still is) my favorite Linkin Park work. But this hard rock album is refreshing—exactly what the genre needed. The Hunting Party is truly a work of art, and will sit nicely with the rest of Linkin Park's outstanding albums on my shelf.
  20. Jul 17, 2014
    A spectacular album with a lot of amazing instrumentals that can blow you away at first listen! Definitely a good addition to Linkin Park's discography!
  21. Dec 7, 2014
    Thank god LP dropped that new style and came back to their roots. This album proves that LP is still alive to kick some ass!
    This is a must-buy for all LP fans.
  22. Jun 6, 2015
    I know it took quite awhile for me to review the album, but that gave me enough time to like it even more. “Keys to the Kingdom” opens the album, letting the band’s intention to hit it heavy felt. Also, drummer Rob Bourdon and guitarist Brad Delson remain the unsung heroes of the album. “All for Nothing” , with Helmet’s Page Hamilton, is a tirade for all else normal and static. Lead singleI know it took quite awhile for me to review the album, but that gave me enough time to like it even more. “Keys to the Kingdom” opens the album, letting the band’s intention to hit it heavy felt. Also, drummer Rob Bourdon and guitarist Brad Delson remain the unsung heroes of the album. “All for Nothing” , with Helmet’s Page Hamilton, is a tirade for all else normal and static. Lead single “Guilty all the Same” succeeds in continuing the clear anti-establishment mood of “All for Nothing”, and is given a pause with the “The Summoning”. “War” is perhaps Chester Bennington’s crown and is quite the straightforward punk song of the album, while “Wastelands” brings the older flavor of rock and hip hop, Shinoda-style. “Until It’s Gone” is reminiscent of Meteora’s “Numb”, though on a more powerful state. “Rebellion”, with System of a Down’s Daron Malakian, traps you in an SOAD vibe, making you forget this is a Linkin Park song. “Mark the Graves” is chock-full of breakdowns, making it one of two songs in the album to remind you of the band’s style on Minutes to Midnight. “Drawbar” with Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello is another way to get you out of the controlled chaos of the album, which is a lead to the compelling “Final Masquerade”; which is the second track from the album that emulates Minute’s diversity. The album closes with the epic “A Line in the Sand” with Shinoda singing, A Thousand Suns style. Putting all the songs in retrospect, the album warrants you to listen and digest the band’s need for change, and to escape mediocrity. Hybrid Theory purists need not apply. Expand
  23. Jul 27, 2015
    The Hunting Party is, in my opinion, Linkin Park's second best album (I prefer a thousand suns) it really have some fantastic songs, like Wastelands, and it also have a metal touch to many musics.
  24. May 26, 2017
    Awesome, and at the same time, a very underrated album. Maybe it was released in the wrong time, but we have some of the best Linkin Park songs, featuring all the styles the band are used to create. "A Line in the Sand" is a truly masterpiece
  25. Mar 10, 2018
    Linkin Park's best album. Has so many fantastic tracks including All for Nothing, A Line in the Sand, Rebellion, War, Until It's Gone and pretty much the rest of the album. Do not skip this release, it is definitely worth checking out and giving a fair chance.
  26. Sep 16, 2018
    Omg this album is amazing. What better way to start the album than keys to the kingdom. This album packs a punch with its raw guitars, vocals, drums and lyrics. The best LP album In my opinion.

    Favourite tracks: Keys to the kingdom, all for nothing, guilty all the same, Until it's gone, drawbar, a line in the sand

    Least: The summoning
  27. Jan 10, 2021
    Un gran disco , más que volver al sonido viejo,lo que hace es volver con la energía hardcore y punk de los 90 que lo hizo exitoso,pero sumándose lo progresivo de temas como Mark the Graves ,un rap rock sin imitar lo hecho previamente como All for Nothing junto al gran Page Hamilton, podríamos decir en resumen que es la versión metal de A Thousand Suns.Lo mejor del disco y destacable queUn gran disco , más que volver al sonido viejo,lo que hace es volver con la energía hardcore y punk de los 90 que lo hizo exitoso,pero sumándose lo progresivo de temas como Mark the Graves ,un rap rock sin imitar lo hecho previamente como All for Nothing junto al gran Page Hamilton, podríamos decir en resumen que es la versión metal de A Thousand Suns.Lo mejor del disco y destacable que puede haber junto a lo anterior es que es algo nuevo sin imitar el Nu metal de los dos primeros discos, a algunos no le gustará por eso,pero son gente que vive en el pasado,como todos que quieren que vuelvan al nu metal,pero eso nunca pasará. Expand
  28. Nov 30, 2022
    Such an underrated album it’s absolutely breathtaking just the way they evolved there music from the beginning
  29. Sep 24, 2015
    Definitely not a return to their nu-metal roots, but a return to something even better. Simple hard rock that just destroys. Here we see Linkin Park in their natural habitat; but mind you - their experimentation in A Thousand Suns and Living Things are just as natural.
  30. Jun 17, 2014
    linkin park show that can make new-metal or alternative, again. music's like Keys To The Kingdom,Guilty all The Same,War,Wastelands and Rebelion travel you to a fast and metal music ,the music's until it's gone,and final masquerde its a good stop in the album,but ,drawbar it's the most deception of the album the bad utilization of Tom Morello is frustrating
    The Best Musics is:
    Keys To
    linkin park show that can make new-metal or alternative, again. music's like Keys To The Kingdom,Guilty all The Same,War,Wastelands and Rebelion travel you to a fast and metal music ,the music's until it's gone,and final masquerde its a good stop in the album,but ,drawbar it's the most deception of the album the bad utilization of Tom Morello is frustrating
    The Best Musics is:
    Keys To The Kingdom
    Until it's Gone
    Guilty All The Same
  31. Aug 10, 2014
    Back to the roots. If you liked Hybrid Theory and Meteora this is the Linkin Park album you have been waiting for. It is an Linkin Park album without a weak song.
  32. Mar 3, 2015
    Once again, Linkin Park manages to produce another successful, different album. Some songs might be too long for their own good like Guilty All the Same and A Line in the Sand, but the other tracks are a great length. The mix of angry, heavy songs with lighter, melodic songs is great and I can't wait to see how they make their next album different.
  33. Dec 15, 2016
    This album is a major improvement over Linkin Park previous album, Living Things, which although i like it, it feels lousy sometimes. However, this album, is better than Meteora although Hybrid Theory is still better in my opinion. This album fix some Linkin Park song problems, add more catchy feel to their song, and more tension.
  34. YDG
    Aug 25, 2015
    It was about time that Linkin Park really showed what experience they've gained over the years as their previous three albums have divided the fan base and lead them to become really hit and miss. The Hunting Party shows how the band have matured, returning to their classic heavy style but not sounding like angry teenagers. The lyrics are very well done in each of the songs and the guitarIt was about time that Linkin Park really showed what experience they've gained over the years as their previous three albums have divided the fan base and lead them to become really hit and miss. The Hunting Party shows how the band have matured, returning to their classic heavy style but not sounding like angry teenagers. The lyrics are very well done in each of the songs and the guitar and drums just form a tasty sound throughout the entire album. Mike's rapping is just top notch and Chester still delivers a powerful scream while also showing off his amazing vocal range and dynamic voice. You have your metal, hard rock, rap and pop all mixed into the bag here and it basically gives us the best of everything they've given us before and then some. Nothing in this album sounds like the band has done it before giving it a very fresh feel. A couple of the songs, I feel, could've had some more work done on them (namely Wastelands and Until It's Gone), but ultimately, the album was very satisfying and leaves the door open for a very bright future for Linkin Park. If this album hasn't brought back any fans that they've lost along the way, then I doubt any of their future work will, but I say good riddance to them, it's their loss.

    I'm really excited to hear what they've got in store for their next album and it seems like Linkin Park have finally found their place after all their previous, experimental sounds.

    Album Favourites: Keys To The Kingdom, Guilty All The Same, Mark The Graves.
    Album Low Points: Wastelands, Until It's Gone.
  35. Apr 19, 2016
    While some of the vocals SOUND a bit weak in some areas, overall the album is an explosion of force with heavy riffs, fast beats, and a frenetic energy that is guaranteed to rock the boat.
  36. May 19, 2016
    the sound is raw. it's slightly reminiscent of the old sound of linkin park with a twist of a sort of rage. I LOVE IT. Mike's raps are on point. Chester brings his amazing voice as usual and the entire album in my eyes was a success. one of the only bands from the early 2000s able to hold themselves in the NU-metal genre.
  37. May 20, 2017
    What a fantastic album, Linkin Park simply made one of the greatest "alternative metal" album of the last five years, a great comeback from their worst album ever, Living Things.
    Songs like Keys To The Kingdom, All For Nothing, War, Rebellion and A Line In The Sand made people understand the huge potential of this band, nice one guys!
  38. Sep 13, 2019
    Such a great album and an incredible comeback. Way better than Living Things (2012)
  39. Aug 1, 2023
    Absolutely amazing, every song is aggressive and fast, a love letter to the fans.
  40. Jun 18, 2014
    The critics are wrong, and they have always been about Linkin Park. Thankfully they give JACK about them. THP can sound needlessly heavy at times but its a refreshing blend nonetheless. The candy sweet choruses are there (who doesn't like them? Everyone except album reviewers!). This is the same group of pretentious bigots who let a GREAT album like A Thousand Suns slip by without givingThe critics are wrong, and they have always been about Linkin Park. Thankfully they give JACK about them. THP can sound needlessly heavy at times but its a refreshing blend nonetheless. The candy sweet choruses are there (who doesn't like them? Everyone except album reviewers!). This is the same group of pretentious bigots who let a GREAT album like A Thousand Suns slip by without giving it due respect. They changed gears again to make super-melodic Living Things and that was thrashed too. I am approaching 40 and I don't find anything shallow about LP. Their lyrics haven't been great (and aren't now) but Shinoda's rapping has always been, and their themes are certainly not about teenage angst for YEARS. The Hunting PArty is another feather in LP's cap and I urge all the fans to listen to the music rather than read the reviews. On a side note: see the disparity between critics' reviews of LP albums and the user scores. That is all the information any LP fan needs. Expand
  41. Jul 31, 2014
    Even though I've consistently really enjoyed Linkin Park's various experimentation into more electronic stuff over the years, their choice to go for a more straightforward hard rock/metal sound is a very refreshing & rewarding one. The aggression & energy work wonders, and the lyrics take a much more mature & politically charged direction than on the first few albums. There are a coupleEven though I've consistently really enjoyed Linkin Park's various experimentation into more electronic stuff over the years, their choice to go for a more straightforward hard rock/metal sound is a very refreshing & rewarding one. The aggression & energy work wonders, and the lyrics take a much more mature & politically charged direction than on the first few albums. There are a couple weak points (namely "Until It's Gone" & the Tom Morello-featuring "Drawbar" which was a major letdown) but I wouldn't have a problem in calling it my favorite from them.

    (For a more in-depth review with a brief sketch making fun of people who hate any kind of change from LP, look up "Spin It! Reviews" on YouTube.)
  42. Jun 17, 2014
    Linkin Park is back! After a fairly bland effort with Living Things LP have managed to return to their hard rock/alternative metal roots and come out with a great album. Although not perfect, Until It's Gone being a bit cliche and too radio friendly while Tom Morrello's contribution was a bit underwhelming, it is still a very enjoyable album and has gotten me excited about Linkin Park again.
  43. Jun 17, 2014
    Even though I was never a Linkin Park fan I must admit this record is great. It's a delight from start to finish. The album also features 4 all-star musicians: Page Hamilton (Helmet) who sings and plays the guitar on "All for Nothing", Daron Malakian (System of a Down) who plays the guitar on "Rebellion" , Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine) who plays the guitar on "Drawbar" andEven though I was never a Linkin Park fan I must admit this record is great. It's a delight from start to finish. The album also features 4 all-star musicians: Page Hamilton (Helmet) who sings and plays the guitar on "All for Nothing", Daron Malakian (System of a Down) who plays the guitar on "Rebellion" , Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine) who plays the guitar on "Drawbar" and Rakim (Eric B. & Rakim) who sings on "Guilty All the Same".

    Favorite track: War
    Least favorite track: Drawbar
  44. Jun 17, 2014
    Every Linkin Park album can clearly be paired up with another one of their albums. Meteora is frequently said to be a continuation of Hybrid Theory, and Living Things and A Thousand Suns go well together. That just leaves Minutes to Midnight, and after seven years it finally has found its other half in The Hunting Party. Leaving behind the electronic ultra pop sound of their last twoEvery Linkin Park album can clearly be paired up with another one of their albums. Meteora is frequently said to be a continuation of Hybrid Theory, and Living Things and A Thousand Suns go well together. That just leaves Minutes to Midnight, and after seven years it finally has found its other half in The Hunting Party. Leaving behind the electronic ultra pop sound of their last two albums The Hunting Party brings back the instrumental heavy sound of Minutes to Midnight with a little extra angst sprinkled on top. The result is a loud and visceral, (if at times a little too much) return to form for the the band. Who have delivered there best effort in over ten years. Expand
  45. Jun 17, 2014
    Firstly for the guys who don't think its heavy remember that this band has a DJ and a Rapper.The Hunting Party is a album where it actually felt that "Linkin Park" was playing cause gone are the days where Mike and Chester overshadowed Rob,Dave and Brad(The Core of their Rock Sound),Rob was at his best since Meteora with his Rapid and Energetic Drumming Skills and as for Brad and Dave theyFirstly for the guys who don't think its heavy remember that this band has a DJ and a Rapper.The Hunting Party is a album where it actually felt that "Linkin Park" was playing cause gone are the days where Mike and Chester overshadowed Rob,Dave and Brad(The Core of their Rock Sound),Rob was at his best since Meteora with his Rapid and Energetic Drumming Skills and as for Brad and Dave they made sure that the Riffs were Sharp as Solid as this is their Best Performance of All Time.

    Another thing is this album has a subtle story to tell..Keys To The Kingdom is where the chorus is about the King of the Kingdom.He knows that because his poor handling towards the Kingdom the people of Kingdom are getting angry and there's gonna be no control over them and its no surprise to him and the Key to the Kingdom is the post he is at "KING" and well his Soldiers.While the people are getting pissed off here(Mike's first verse) but they still suppress it cause they "they aren't allowed to say certain things".In GATS they people can't hold it anymore and start voicing their opinion check Rakim's verse and after that the people and the Kingdom know that a "War" is about to start.Summoning is where all are summoned for "The Hunting Party" which is gonna take place."War" is where it all the Hunting begins.In "Wastelands" the situation about "War" is spoken because the people have "nothing left to lose".Moving On in UIG the people have lost some men in it and they realize that "they didn't know what they got Until its gone" that is a New Generation(baby) who will be orphans.In Rebellion with new Spirit for revenge the people again go after them after seeing the "blood and the broken" but even there "one by one they fall apart".Mark The Graves is where the War has Ended and the left ones remember the sacrifice "Lyrics-If we can't let go whenever, say goodbye,No trace of what remains,No stones to mark the graves"."Final Masquerade" is Chester's personal song rather than a story related song like how "Wake me up...." in American Idiot was.A Line in the sand is an after war scenario where they have taken control and remember the past.
    This Album does not have a Obvious Story going on like American Idiot but A Subtle one.This Album has A Song for every kind of LP Fan that is for HT & Meteora-All for Nothing,Wastelands.For MTM fans Final Masquerade and GATS.For ATS and LT fans Until its Gone.
    The Flaws of this album are The obvious Tom Morello featured Drawbar which is a good instrumental but still fails to harness the talent of featuring artist. .Another is the length of the songs,some songs seem too short because they would have been even better if they lasted long for ex."War".The editing makes them seem Cut for the Radio.They also could have sung in the Guitar/Drums section of Rebellion(Best way to get Daron singing) and Wastelands(For a Short Rap by Mike) as both used almost similar riffs with different drumbeats.
    The reason for 8/10 score(8.5 if this had a decimal system) is that this is a Rap Rock Band which is trying to bring change in the Rock Genre in the Times where Green Day are going Power Pop/Punk and same goes for other bands.I think they succeeded in it if not excelled.This album is a good step in the right direction for Linkin Park and we'll see later what follows through it
    Recommended:Keys To The Kingdom,All For Nothing,War,Final Masquerade and A Line In The Sand. Collapse
  46. Jul 25, 2018
    Linkin Park is back! It's not a 'full on' comeback, but it's definitely better than their 3 previous albums combined! We get a little rock, a little nu-metal here and there, this album is full of energy! Tracks like Rebellion, War, Keys To The Kingdom, Mark The Graves and A Line In The Sand are what LP should be always about! I'm not a fan of all the tracks here though... I think the albumLinkin Park is back! It's not a 'full on' comeback, but it's definitely better than their 3 previous albums combined! We get a little rock, a little nu-metal here and there, this album is full of energy! Tracks like Rebellion, War, Keys To The Kingdom, Mark The Graves and A Line In The Sand are what LP should be always about! I'm not a fan of all the tracks here though... I think the album would be better if they had removed Final Masquerade and the pointless The Summoning. The rest is great! Pick this up if you haven't heard it yet. Pickens approves! Expand
  47. Feb 20, 2019
    Linkin Park is back! It's not a 'full on' comeback, but it's definitely better than their 3 previous albums combined! We get a little rock, a little nu-metal here and there, this album is full of energy! Tracks like Rebellion, War, Keys To The Kingdom, Mark The Graves and A Line In The Sand are what LP should be always about! I'm not a fan of all the tracks here though... I think the albumLinkin Park is back! It's not a 'full on' comeback, but it's definitely better than their 3 previous albums combined! We get a little rock, a little nu-metal here and there, this album is full of energy! Tracks like Rebellion, War, Keys To The Kingdom, Mark The Graves and A Line In The Sand are what LP should be always about! I'm not a fan of all the tracks here though... I think the album would be better if they had removed Final Masquerade and the pointless The Summoning. The rest is great! Pick this up if you haven't heard it yet. Pickens approves! Expand
  48. Jun 23, 2014
    With the air still stinking from the lackluster teeny bopper production on Living Things, Linkin Park pull out a well above average rock album which takes cues from a host sub-genres the band haven't touched before.

    Although the band have replaced their sound palette with something anti-radio for the most part, the lyrics can pander a little too much to the masses at times "You don't
    With the air still stinking from the lackluster teeny bopper production on Living Things, Linkin Park pull out a well above average rock album which takes cues from a host sub-genres the band haven't touched before.

    Although the band have replaced their sound palette with something anti-radio for the most part, the lyrics can pander a little too much to the masses at times "You don't know what you've got! No you don't know what you've got! Until It's Gone.." but Mike Shinoda's rapping had improved significantly over their last release.

    Guilty All The Same, Rebellion and A Line In The Sand are all welcome additions to the band's discography, but it's a shame that the album couldn't be longer.
  49. Jun 18, 2014
    This album is Linkin Park's heaviest. While most of the songs are good, none of them stand out. Despite that, the songs have powerful lyrics and vocals.
  50. Jul 12, 2014
    Linkin Parks new album is a return to the harder side of music that they did early on. personally i think the album is good and has alot of great heavy guitar and drum beats to it. the song writing is good as usual from LP. the only thing i found disappointing was i wish the vocals were just a little better and the choruses were better done but overall im pleased with the album that throwsLinkin Parks new album is a return to the harder side of music that they did early on. personally i think the album is good and has alot of great heavy guitar and drum beats to it. the song writing is good as usual from LP. the only thing i found disappointing was i wish the vocals were just a little better and the choruses were better done but overall im pleased with the album that throws down some sick beats. Expand
  51. Nov 19, 2014
    Often heavy handed but powerful nonetheless, Linkin Park's The Hunting Party oozes with energy and strong riffs despite some songs being inconsistent in quality.
  52. May 30, 2016
    The Hunting Party showcases Linkin Park at their heaviest since Minutes to Midnight, but it's by no means a return to their Hybrid Theory-era sound; the band are far from abandoning the electronics heard on the previous two releases and are still exploring their musical capabilities and trying to expand upon their palette as opposed to restricting themselves to a tried and tested formulaThe Hunting Party showcases Linkin Park at their heaviest since Minutes to Midnight, but it's by no means a return to their Hybrid Theory-era sound; the band are far from abandoning the electronics heard on the previous two releases and are still exploring their musical capabilities and trying to expand upon their palette as opposed to restricting themselves to a tried and tested formula just to appease fans, which is to be respected. Expand
  53. Jun 4, 2018
    .Mr. Chester proves he can even scream. This album will go quite well, but it seems to have slower start

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 18, 2014
    Straining a little too hard for intellectual depth and emotional intensity, The Hunting Party is ultimately let down by its lack of focus and poor quality control. [Summer 2014, p.93]
  2. Q Magazine
    Jul 2, 2014
    Excitingly, War's chaotic punk and the frantic Guilty All The Same are as raw as they've ever been, but The Hunting Party is the sound of Linkin Park coming in from the cold. [Aug 2014, p.109]
  3. Jul 2, 2014
    All in all, The Hunting Party is a solid record on its own, but it feels too repetitive, uninspired, and generic to equal its immediate predecessors.